Where There Is No Dentist 2012 89
Sterilizing with heat is not necessary for instruments that do not touch
blood. For example, after you examine a person or place a temporary filling,
you can clean your instruments and then soak them in a solution of alcohol
or bleach.
Alcohol solution
1. Mix in a large container each week:
7 parts alcohol (95%) with 3 parts
clean water. Keep the container
tightly covered to prevent
tight fitting
2. Keep a covered pan half filled with
this mixture. You will have to add
some more of the mixture from the
large container to the pan each day.
3. Leave your clean instruments in the
pan, completely covered with the
liquid, for 30 minutes.
Bleach solution (sodium hypocholorite)
Find the cheapest brand name in your area for bleach.
Examples are Javex, Clorox, Purex, and Cidex. Make
1 liter of solution with a mixture of ½ cup
(125 ml) of bleach and 3½ cups (875 ml)
of clean water.
Unfortunately, bleach rusts metal
instruments. To reduce rust,
add 1 large spoonful of baking
soda (sodium bicarbonate) to
the solution, and leave your
instruments in the solution for only
30 minutes.
Wipe each instrument with alcohol
to remove the film of bleach. Then
store it dry inside a clean cloth or in
another covered pan.
3 + ½ CUPS
Change the solution each week.