38 Where There Is No Dentist 2012
Make a picture of a person who has
lost all of his teeth. He looks old.
Talk about how hard it is for him to
eat properly or speak clearly.
2. Have the students say words that use teeth to make sounds.
“v” and “f” — friend, fever — the lower
lip touches the top teeth.
“th” — the, teeth — the tongue touches
the top teeth.
“s” — sun — air goes between the teeth.
Now, try saying the same words again,
but do not let the tongue or lips touch the
3. Have students draw pictures of good foods we use our teeth to eat.
Then draw foods that we can eat if we lose our teeth.
Need Teeth
No Teeth Needed
many more!
but not
much more!
Talk about this together. Try to eat a mango or some maize without
using your teeth, or using only your front teeth.