becoming part of the community
How other children can help
Children can be cruel to a child who cannot see well. They may be cruel
by teasing, laughing, imitating, or even hurting her. But more often they
are cruel simply by leaving her out of their games or activities.
To help children understand what it is like to be blind
Often children act in a cruel way because they fear what they do not
understand. When they gain more understanding, children can become
another child’s helper or friend. Here are some games that may help
children understand blindness:
Game: Blurred vision
Children can find out what it is like not to see well if they:
put on somebody’s strong
eyeglasses or a pair of
scratched sun glasses
cover their eyes with a piece of
thin paper or other material
that allows them to see just a
To see these letters I have to
get this close.
And they’re still hard to see!
Then have the children try to see something
with small details, like the pattern on a leaf
or the letters on a tin can. Ask the children
what it feels like to try to see these things.
How close do they have to get to see well?
helping children who are blind