t h i n k i n g s k i l l s 65
Matching and sorting objects
Every child needs to learn how objects are similar to and different from
each other. Matching and sorting objects helps teach a child to pay
attention to important similarities and differences.
To help your child learn how to match objects
Put 2 different objects — like a spoon
and a pan — in front of your child
and let him explore them. Then give
him a third object that is like one of
the first 2 objects. Ask him to find the
2 objects that are shaped the same.
Javier, there’s
something on
the table just
like this. Can you
give it to me?
Ask your child to match objects that are the same size or color, or that
make the same sound, or have the same feel.
If you find the big
balls, Noah, we can
play with them.
Cut a hole in a box that is the same
shape as a simple toy. Then ask your
child to find the same shape to
put in the box.
helping children who are blind