HTML DOM Track Object
Track Object 
The Track Object is new in HTML5.
The Track object represents an HTML <track> element.
Access a Track Object
You can access a <track> element by using getElementById():
var x = document.getElementById("myTrack");
Create a Track Object
You can create a <track> element by using the document.createElement() method:
var x = document.createElement("TRACK");
Track Object Properties
Property | Description |
default | Sets or returns the default state of the track |
kind | Sets or returns the value of the kind attribute of the track |
label | Sets or returns the value of the label attribute of the track |
readyState | Returns the current state of the track resource |
src | Sets or returns the value of the src attribute of the track |
srclang | Sets or returns the value of the srclang attribute of the track |
track | Returns a TextTrack object representing the track element's text track data |
Standard Properties and Events
The Track object also supports the standard properties and events.
Related Pages
HTML reference: HTML <track> tag