What is a definitive list of operating systems that work with the Raspberry Pi?

I know of the distributions listed on their sites of course, but it could be beneficial to have a complete list of everything known to work (broken down by OS, and then distribution).

Peter Mortensen
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Matt Lacey
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    We might want to define what "work" means. I'm taking "work" to mean "it boots". It may eventually be useful to differentiate operating systems that have full hardware support from those that boot, but remain rough around the edges. – Zoot Jul 11 '12 at 13:23
  • Maybe we should split the list below into several, representing different stages of 'working'? – Matt Lacey Jul 11 '12 at 23:12
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    I’ve made a list of Raspberry distributions, there are 80 distro circa plus discontinued ones. https://fabiololix.blogspot.it/2016/05/raspberry-pi-distribution-list.html – Lolix Jul 23 '16 at 15:10

9 Answers9


The OS distributions that are available as an SD card image are marked with SD.

Beware not everything on this list will work on all models of Pi; non pi-specific GNU/Linux distros are usually for ARMv7+ and therefore only viable on the Pi 2/3. Some pi-specific images are also model 2/3 only, but this should be clearly indicated on the homepage if not here.

There are also (non pi-specific) ARMv8 64-bit ("aarch64") GNU/Linux distros that should be viable on the Pi 3 but this is largely untested.

Non pi-specific images (not having a dedicated SD card image is a clue to this) will probably at a minimum require you install the Raspberry Pi kernel; a generic ARM kernel will not work. See here for an example methodology regarding this.


This is a comprehensive list of OS available for the Raspberry Pi. The official site links to this eLinux wiki, so I presume this might be the most complete list at the moment.

  1. Distribution List on eLinux Wiki
  2. Official Downloads
  3. Raspberry Pi on Wikipedia - includes an extensive list
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Slackware also has an ARM version, with special Raspberry Pi instructions. Additional information is also available in Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi.

Peter Mortensen
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we just release Linutop OS for Raspberry, a distribution dedicated to professionals that need to deploy public internet kiosks and digital signage solutions using raspberries

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Kali Linux also has an ARM version of itself.


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I'm surprised Windows IoT isn't on this list at this time.

Also, there's Ubuntu Mate and Core.

OSMC and LibreElec also exist if you consider these as OSes.

Refer to https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/

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Daylight linux is available for Raspberry pi 3. You can test it here : Daylight Linux

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There is an another OS: Parrot Sec similar to Linux TAILS OS with lots of internet security applications including tor browser
Download at https://www.parrotsec.org/download.fx

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• Slackware ARM also known as SARPi, a Slackware ARM Linux for the Raspberry Pi 1, 2, or 3.

Slackware ARM is NOT also known as SARPi!

SARPi is just the Slackware ARM installer for the Raspberry Pis, which incudes the kernel, kernel_modules, and boot-firmware (.txz) packages. SARPi is not an operating system. Nor a clone, or a modification, or a hack, of Slackware ARM.

You do not install 'SARPi'. You do not run 'SARPi'. You install and run Slackware ARM!

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There is also Kano [at http://developers.kano.me/downloads/]. Very user friendly especially to get children coding(although I still prefer Raspian stretch for its programming ability)

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