We’ve all been there: a teacher announces an upcoming test, and you start to worry about how you'll do. Maybe you feel unprepared, or maybe you just want to make sure you perform as well as you possibly can. Either way, the good news is that you're already on the path to an A -- you're here, looking for info on how to nail that test! Whether you have plenty of time left to study or you're down to wire, we can help you set yourself up for success.

Things You Should Know

  • Take notes in class and review the material, focusing on any subject you don’t know and rewriting key concepts in your own words.
  • Form a study group where you can take practice tests, and ask your teacher what to expect; psych yourself up with positive affirmations too.
  • Look over the whole test right away and start with the easiest questions, reading through everything carefully and checking your work after.

Take notes in class.

  1. Your instructor will usually cover test material during class time, so pay close attention to what they’re saying. Get a good notebook that you’ll only use for that class, and jot down important dates or facts your teacher mentions by hand. If your teacher repeats something, writes it on the board, or gives a subject special emphasis, be sure to put it in your notes since it’s going to be important to remember.[1]
    • Use bullet points and symbols to help take notes faster so you don’t miss any information, and write as neatly as you can. You don't want to struggle to read your own writing later on!
    • Try writing your notes in a flowchart or concept map so you can keep similar ideas and subjects together.[2]
    • If you miss something in your notes, ask another classmate or your instructor after class to go over what you missed.
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Ask your teacher what to expect.

  1. If you still aren’t sure what you the test covers, wait until after class and talk to your teacher. Let them know that you’re a little confused and ask what topics you should study. You can also ask what types of questions will be on the test so you can find similar practice questions. Your teacher wants to see you succeed in class, so they’ll point you in the right direction.[3]
    • Your teacher may even hand out study guides or practice exams so you can see questions that are similar to the ones on the actual test.

Focus on the subjects you don’t know.[4]

  1. Look through your notes and write down everything you’re still confused by on a different piece of paper. As you’re studying, skim through your textbook or lectures to find the information on the topics that you’re the least familiar with. As you find the topics, be sure to write down dates, names, and other important concepts that could appear on your test.
    • Write down all the exam topics on flashcards and go through them every day. When you get confused by a topic, put the cards on the top of the stack so you know you need to focus on those areas first.
    • As you get more familiar with a topic, try taking a 1- to 2-day break from reviewing it. When you come back to it, see if you still remember all of the information.

Take practice tests.[5]

  1. Your teacher may already give you practice tests, but if not, you’re bound to find some online. Treat the practice test as if it were the real thing. Don’t use your notes and set a timer so you can get used to answering the questions. After you finish the practice test, check your answers to see what you got incorrect. Review your notes for any topics or questions you struggled with.
    • Practice exams are a great way to eliminate stress from the actual test since you’ll get used to the time crunch and topics covered.
    • If you can’t find a practice exam, make one of your own. Check your textbook for questions at the end of the chapter and write your own questions based on your notes or class discussions.
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Write key concepts in your own words.[6]

  1. Rewriting helps you think critically and remember information better. Choose a topic from your notes or textbook and write it on the top of a new page. Take a few minutes writing down all of the information you remember about the topic so you can see how well you understand it. If you struggled coming up with anything, go back to your textbook, lectures, and notes to review the info.[7]
    • Be sure to check what you wrote for accuracy as well. Even if you think you remember something well, make sure it’s the right information.
    • Try writing the information as if you were teaching it to someone else. That way, you can get a better, more simplified understanding of it as well.

Form a study group.

  1. Studying in a group lets you compare notes, ask questions, and discuss confusing concepts so you can see what you should focus on. Pick somewhere quiet and free of distractions, such as the library or someone’s home, to host your study session. Talk about what subjects you all are struggling with and prioritize those first while you’re studying.[8]
    • Make a study guide for the group with sample questions from the book or online.
    • Try taking turns explaining topics to one another so you don’t need to read as much on your own.
    • Take a few 10-minute breaks while you’re studying so you have some time to relax and have fun with your classmates.
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Get a good night’s sleep before the test.

  1. Your brain needs rest before a big test, and sleep can even help you remember the concepts you just studied. Try to avoid eating or having caffeine right before you go to bed so you have an easier time falling asleep. Limit using your phone or other electronics since bright screens could keep you awake. Make your room as dark as possible before climbing into bed and getting some rest.[9]
    • If you still have a lot on your mind before you go to bed, try meditating or reading a book to help calm down and feel relaxed.

Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.[10]

  1. You may have heard it called the most important meal of the day, but it’s even more so when you have a test to focus on. Try having some oatmeal since it can help give you the mental energy to get through the morning. You can also try almonds, yogurt, and fruit to keep you energized. Even just an apple 30 minutes before your test can help you stay alert and ready for the exam.
    • Eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables since it can help you pay better attention while you’re taking the test.[11]
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Psych yourself up with positive affirmations.

  1. If you keep telling yourself that you won’t do well on the test, you can put yourself in a negative mindset. Instead, say things like “I prepared a lot for this test and I’m going to do well on it,” or, “I know I’m smart and I’ll be able to pass this.” By building yourself up, you’ll feel more confident and won’t be as nervous while you’re taking the test.[12]
    • Try to avoid talking negatively to other students as well. For example, don’t tell your classmates that you’re nervous or that you don’t think you studied enough.

Read through each question carefully before answering.


Start with the easiest questions.

  1. Look for keywords or terms in the questions and answers to see if you’re familiar with the concept. If you see any that you positively know, fill in the answer right away so you don’t have to come back to it later. If you get confused or you don’t know the answer, don’t worry. Just skip the question for now and come back to it at the end when you have more time to focus on it.
    • The right answers on a multiple-choice exam are usually grammatically correct or have similar words as the question.
    • Words like “no,” “never,” “always,” and “only” in true-or-false questions are usually false.
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Check your work when you finish.[15]

Community Q&A
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    What do I do if I dont understand? 😢😕
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    If you have trouble understanding a problem, ask your teacher to explain it or try asking another classmate.
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    How many days before the test should you start preparing?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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    You should start reviewing and studying material as soon as you find out about the test so you have time to prepare.
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    How do I raise my grade in a two week period?
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    Community Answer
    If you have a test, you could study really hard to get your grades up. But if that's not the case, make sure to bring in your homework every day because teachers can give you bad grades for not bringing homework. Behave well, as some teachers bring down your grades for misbehaving in class. Do everything you can to get on your teacher's good side and try hard in every class.



About This Article

Ted Dorsey, MA
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
This article was co-authored by Ted Dorsey, MA and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles. This article has been viewed 832,745 times.
39 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 293
Updated: January 4, 2023
Views: 832,745
Article SummaryX

To ace a test, even if you're not prepared, start by glancing over the test before you get started to get an idea of how long it is so you can manage your time better. Then, read through each question twice and try to answer it. If you can't answer a question, skip it and come back to it later if you can, which will save you from wasting all of your time on one question. If your test is multiple choice and you don't know the answer, eliminate 2 answers so you're left with just 2 options. Then, guess if necessary since you'll have a 50-percent chance of being right. To learn how to study effectively so you ace your test, scroll down!

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