If you're thinking about adopting a baby from China, you're not alone. In 2018, 1,475 Chinese children were adopted by American parents.[1] The US is one of 17 countries that has an intercountry-adoption agreement with China. Adopting a baby from China may take more than a year and cost between $30,000 and $50,000 US, but any parent would tell you the result was well worth the time, effort, and expense.[2]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Applying to Adopt

  1. 1
    Confirm your eligibility to adopt a Chinese baby. All Chinese adoptions are handled through the Chinese Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA). The CCCWA has strict requirements on who can adopt Chinese infants and children. Requirements include the following:[3]
    • Both parents must be over the age of 30. If both parents are over the age of 50, there can be no more than a 50-year age difference between the parents and the adopted child.
    • Couples must be married for at least 2 years. Neither can have more than 2 divorces.
    • You can have no more than 5 children. Your youngest child must be at least 3 years old.
    • You must make at least $30,000 a year, plus an additional $10,000 for every child you have.
    • Neither parent can have any major criminal history within the past 10 years, and no history of drug or alcohol abuse.
    • Both parents must have a high school diploma or the equivalent.
    • Both parents must be healthy and have a BMI under 40. A couple with one disabled spouse may be permitted to adopt as long as one of the spouses is healthy.

    Tip: You can also adopt a baby from China as a single adult. However, there may be additional eligibility requirements. Talk to your caseworker about it after you choose an adoption agency.

  2. 2
    Choose an adoption agency to handle your adoption. If you want to adopt a baby from China, you are required to go through an adoption agency. The CCCWA does not accept applications directly from prospective adoptive parents. Your agency must be approved and accredited by the US and authorized by China's Central Authority to operate in China.[4]

    Tip: A great way to find a good adoption agency is to frequent online discussion forums for parents who have adopted babies from China and ask for recommendations.

  3. 3
    Complete your adoption application. Each adoption agency has its own application for you to fill out if you want the agency to facilitate your adoption. The application requires you to provide information about your identity, your citizenship, your education, employment, and medical history, your financial and criminal background, and your family life.[5]
    • Some of these forms are extensive and may take several hours to complete.Read through the application before you start filling it out, so you'll have an idea of the types of information you need.
    • You may also be asked to include information about the types of children you're open to adopting. For example, you might indicate if you have a preference for a girl over a boy, or if you're willing to adopt children with special needs.
  4. 4
    Gather documentation to support the information on your application. You'll need documents to prove any factual statements you made in your adoption application. These documents will be included in your application package to be sent to China. Documents must be original, authenticated by the issuing government authority, and notarized at the nearest Chinese embassy or consulate. Your caseworker will let you know what specific documents you need.
    • Documents you might need include birth certificates; marriage certificates; divorce decrees; passports; proof of education, income, and financial status; physical exam certificates; and background check reports.
    • You also must take at least 2 passport-style photos of each spouse and provide at least 6 family photos.
  5. 5
    Participate in your home study. A caseworker with your adoption agency will work with you to complete a home study that evaluates your suitability as adoptive parents. The home study typically involves several interviews with everyone in your household, as well as close family members. Expect the caseworker to make several visits to your home over the course of the home study, which can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months.
    • If your caseworker needs any additional information or documentation, they'll let you know. Do what you can to get them what they need as soon as possible to prevent any additional delays.

    Tip: It's natural to feel stressed out about the home study process. However, keep in mind that the caseworker wants to approve you as adoptive parents. Follow any suggestions or recommendations they have for improving your report.

  6. 6
    Fill out and submit Form 1-800A to USCIS. After you've chosen your adoption agency, apply with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to be found suitable and eligible to adopt a child from China. Form 1-800A requires you to provide personal information as well as complete a background check. Make a copy of your completed form for your records before you send it.[6]
    • Download a copy of Form 1-800A at https://www.uscis.gov/i-800a.
    • Along with your completed form, send your home study report and any other documents listed on the form. Typically, you'll fill out the form and take it to your adoption agency. The agency will then submit your form to USCIS along with the fee and required documents.[7] As of 2019, the required fee for Form 1-800A is $775, plus an additional $85 biometric fee for each prospective adoptive parent.[8]
  7. 7
    Have your adoption agency submit your application package. Once USCIS has approved you as suitable adoptive parents, you're ready to begin the actual adoption process. Your adoption agency will send all of your documents and information to the CCCWA, which will start processing your application.
    • It may take a few months for USCIS to approve you as adoptive parents. Once you're approved and your agency sends your application package to the CCCWA, it may take anywhere from 4 to 6 months for you to get information about a possible match.
  8. 8
    Review information about a possible adoption match. The CCCWA will look over your application package and home study report to find the best available child for you. You will only get information about one child at a time. Your adoption agency will receive a package with information about the child, including their background and medical condition.
    • You don't have to accept the first child (or any child) you're matched with. However, if you don't have a legitimate reason for refusing a child, it may be a while before the CCCWA matches you with another one.
    • If you have any questions about the child, let your adoption agency know. They may be able to ask CCCWA and find out the information you want to know.
  9. 9
    Let your adoption agency know your decision on the matched child. Once you and your spouse have thoroughly evaluated the information about the child, contact your caseworker. Although you're allowed to take your time making this decision, the CCCWA does require a response within 3 months.[9]
    • If you've decided to accept that child, you'll be ready to proceed with the adoption. You'll likely be bringing your new child home within 6 to 8 months.
    • If you refuse the child, you do have to provide a reason. You likely won't be penalized if you have a legitimate reason, such as not being confident you can care for that child's medical conditions.
  10. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Traveling to China

  1. 1
    Sign the acceptance letter to adopt the matched child. Signing the acceptance letter officially puts you on the road to adoption. Your adoption agency will submit your signed acceptance letter to the CCCWA, which will issue a "Notice of Traveling to China for Adoption." This document allows you to travel to China to pick up your child.
    • Ask your adoption agency for a copy of the signed acceptance letter for your records.
  2. 2
    Fill out and submit Form 1-800 for your matched child. After you've accepted your matched child, include the child's information on this form and submit it to USCIS. Your adoption agency will likely submit the form on your behalf.[10]
    • It may take anywhere from 2 to 4 months to process your Form-1-800. This form must be approved before you will be able to get a visa for your child to bring them back to the US.

    Tip: Depending on the amount of time that has passed since your Form 1-800A was approved, you may need to have an additional home study.

  3. 3
    Get your visa to enter China. Go to the nearest Chinese embassy or consulate to complete a visa application. If you're traveling to adopt a child, you'll need a Private Visit (S) Visa. Include a copy of your "Notice of Traveling to China for Adoption" along with your visa application. Your adoption agency will typically take care of this for you.[11]
    • Make sure your passport has at least 6 months' validity on it from the date you plan to travel to China.
    • As of 2019, it takes approximately 4 working days to process an S Visa application. If you need your visa sooner, you can pay an extra $20 to get it in 2 or 3 days, or $30 to get it processed on the same day.
  4. 4
    Book your travel to and from China. Even though you may be excited, don't book your travel until you have your visa, your Form I-1800 has been approved, and appointments have been set in China to complete the adoption. If anything falls through, you may have difficulty rebooking flights or canceling accommodations.[12]
    • Expect to spend at least 15 days in China. You will most likely fly to a major city
    • China prefers that both parents travel to China to meet the child for the first time. However, if only one of you can travel that should be fine., such as Hong Kong, Beijing, or Guangzhou, then travel to the province where the child is located. To finalize travel documents before returning home, you'll need to stop at the US embassy in Guangzhou.
    • Don't forget that you'll have an extra person with you on your return trip!
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Bringing Home Your Child

  1. 1
    Register your adoption in the province where your child lives. Once you arrive in China, you'll travel to the province where your child is located. Complete a Registration Application Letter of Foreigners Coming to China for Adoption. Submit it to the provincial department for civil affairs along with your original Notice of Traveling to China for Adoption, your signed adoption agreement, your passports, and additional passport-size photos.
    • Provided your documents are in order, the provisional department of civil affairs will issue your Adoption Registration Certificate and Certificate of Conformity of Intercountry Adoption.

    Tip: You are considered your adopted child's legal parents from the date on your Registration Certificate, even if you haven't officially met your child yet.

  2. 2
    Meet your child for the first time. Either during the registration process or shortly after, you'll be able to meet your child and spend some time with them. Depending on your child's circumstances, you may also take a tour of the orphanage where they lived prior to the adoption.[13]
    • You'll typically have the opportunity to ask someone who was responsible for your child's care before the adoption any questions you may have. Typically, you would speak through an interpreter. This can be a good opportunity to understand more about your new child's needs.
    • Once you meet your child, you're likely going to be ready to get back home and get started on the rest of your life. However, plan on being in China for at least another 6 to 10 days while you get the right travel documents in place for your new child.
  3. 3
    Get new Chinese travel documents for your child. At this point, you'll likely travel to Guangzhou to complete the adoption process. Using your Adoption Registration Certificate, apply for a new birth certificate for your child and get them a Chinese passport.[14]
    • The new birth certificate will list you and your spouse as your child's parents. It may also provide the name you've chosen for your child if it differs from the name the child was given at birth.
  4. 4
    Apply for an immigrant visa for your child. Once your child has a Chinese passport, you can go to the US Consulate in Guangzhou to complete the application for your child's immigrant visa. Your adoption agency may help you out with this.[15]
    • Before your child's immigrant visa will be approved, you must take them for a medical examination with an approved panel physician. The US State Department recommends that you use the Guangzhou Health and Quarantine Service, which is located close to the US Consulate's main office in Guangzhou.
  5. 5
    Pick up your child's immigrant visa. It may take anywhere from 4 to 6 business days for the consulate to process your child's visa application and issue their visa. When it's ready, a consular officer will contact you to come to pick it up.[16]
    • When you pick up your child's visa, you'll also be given a sealed packet of documents. Do not open this package. When you reach the port of entry in the US, you must give this package to a customs agent sealed and intact.
  6. 6
    Return to the US with your child. When you travel back to the US, you'll have to take your new child through US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the port of entry. Provide the CBP officer with your child's Chinese passport, visa, and sealed Immigrant Data Summary package that was given to you with your child's visa.[17]
    • The CBP officer will keep the sealed package. Those documents will be forwarded to USCIS for inclusion in your child's official immigration record.
  7. 7
    Order a Certificate of Citizenship for your child. Because Chinese adoptions are legally completed in China, your child is automatically a citizen of the US. Typically, a Certificate of Citizenship will be automatically mailed to you. However, you can order one if you think you're going to need it sooner.[18]
    • If you want to order a Certificate of Citizenship, fill out Form N600 and submit it to the USCIS at the address listed on the form. As of 2019, you must pay $1170 for any certificates you order. You can download the required form at https://www.uscis.gov/n-600.

    Tip: The Certificate of Citizenship allows you to get a Social Security number and US passport for your child.

  8. 8
    Complete and send post-adoption reports. The CCWA requires adoptive parents to submit post-placement reports 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years after the adoption registration. The first 3 reports must be completed by the caseworker who originally prepared your home study report. You can write the last 3 reports yourself.[19]
    • The post-adoption report is similar to a home study in many ways, but it isn't as in-depth or time-consuming. Your adoption agency will have additional information on the requirements for post-adoption reports.
  9. Advertisement


  • This article discusses how to adopt a child from China if you live in the US. If you live in another country, the process will likely be similar. However, your country will have its own forms and legal processes for finalizing the adoption and citizenship for your child. Consult a local adoption attorney for more information.
  • You are typically only allowed to adopt one child from China, although exceptions may be made for twins. If you want to adopt a second child from China, you must wait at least one year after your first adoption and submit a new application.[20]

About This Article

Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 573,636 times.
10 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 73
Updated: December 28, 2022
Views: 573,636
Categories: Featured Articles | Adoption
Article SummaryX

If you want to adopt a baby from China, start by checking with the Chinese Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) for adoption requirements. If you meet the requirements, choose an adoption agency that is approved and accredited by the US and authorized by China's Central Authority to operate in China. Then, fill out the agency's paperwork and submit any additional documentation they ask for. After the CCCWA approves your application, they will send the adoption agency possible matches with information about each child, including their background and medical condition. For tips from our Civil Litigator co-author on reviewing matches and making your final decision, read on!

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