Orioles and tanagers are incredible birds that live all over the world. They are beautiful and enjoyed by many bird-lovers. Want to know how to attract them in your own backyard? Read this article to find out how.


  1. 1
    Research orioles and tanagers. Using the internet or an up-to-date bird book, find out which types of orioles and/or tanagers live in your area and when they come to visit. These birds may be present in your area year round, only during breeding season, or only in the winter for migration.
    • There are eleven species of North American orioles. The most well-known oriole, the Baltimore oriole, has a large breeding range across the midwest and eastern United States. Other species, like the hooded oriole or Bullock's oriole, are only found on the west coast. [1]
    • There are also six species of tanagers you could attract. Like orioles, these species have a wide range and can be spotted across the United States during breeding season. On the east coast, you might be able to attract scarlet tanagers to your backyard, while on the west coast you'll find western and hepatic tanagers. [2]
  2. 2
    Prepare early. If you want a better shot at attracting these birds to your yard, it's best to prepare before they arrive in your region. By making your backyard more appealing to them, they will be more likely to see it as a proper nesting location to spend their summer months. [3]
  3. 3
    Plant flowers and berry bushes. Besides oranges, these birds also enjoy other fruits and even flower nectar. Orioles and tanagers will be more attracted to your yard if they see a steady source of food growing in the area. Introduce a variety of bushes and nectar producing flowers to your garden, preferably ones that are native to your region.
    • Any nectar producing flowers will be appealing for these birds, but they seem to be more attracted to brightly colored flowers. If you're on the west coast, orioles enjoy agave and ocotillos.
    • These birds aren't picky about their berries either. Plants like mulberries, wild cherries, serviceberries, grapes, raspberries, and blackberries will all be greatly appreciated by orioles and tanagers.
  4. 4
    Know what trees they prefer. Planting trees to attract birds isn't an effective short-term solution, but knowing what trees these birds like can help you know how likely they are to nest in your yard.[4]
    • Orioles like trees that attract insects and have branches they can use to build their nests. Trees like cottonwoods, maples, elms, sycamores, and willows are all favorites.
    • Tanagers especially enjoy fruit trees, like plums or cherries, for the sweet fruits they bear and insects they attract. Tanagers will nest in a variety of different trees, though western tanagers tend to prefer pine trees and other evergreens.
  5. 5
    Place bird feeders in your yard. An average bird feeder might not be enough to attract these unique birds. Orioles and tanagers don't enjoy seeds or nuts, so your typical birdseed mix won't be very appealing to them. Orioles are also attracted to bright orange feeders, much like how hummingbirds only visit red feeders.
    • Consider buying or making bird feeders specifically designed for holding fruit. [5] Some might have spikes to stick orange halves on or flat dishes to place cut fruits.
    • Try to place these feeders out in the open and not obscured by any trees or buildings. If the birds can't see any potential food sources when flying overhead, they might avoid your yard entirely.
  6. 6
    Offer sliced oranges and grape jelly. Orioles are best known for their love of oranges and other fruits. One of the best methods for attracting them, and tanagers, is to simply put out sliced oranges for them to snack on. You might also know that orioles have a particular love for grape jelly.[6] The jelly can be placed on a separate dish, on top of the oranges, or just off to the side.
    • Cut just the base of the orange off so there is a flat surface for the orange half to rest on. Make sure you cut enough so that the base is flat, but not enough to cut through the fruit itself.
    • Be sure to change out the fruit and clean the feeders every couple of days to keep everything fresh. Birds won't be very interested in spoiled fruit, but bugs certainly will.
  7. 7
    Provide other food sources for them. Despite their love of fruit, the diet of these birds mainly consists of insects.[7] Orioles also enjoy flower nectar, but will also feed from sugar water if it is provided. This is similar to hummingbird food, but orioles often have trouble eating from hummingbird specific feeders.
    • Avoid using pesticides around your yard to ensure that there are plenty of insects for these birds to feast on. Insecticide can also be harmful for birds if they eat too many bugs that have been sprayed.
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Co-authors: 13
Updated: December 5, 2022
Views: 388
Categories: Attracting Birds