Saints are people that Christians, particularly the Roman Catholics, believe were the holiest and virtuous servants of God and that they are now in Heaven. Saints are celebrated with prayers, days on the holy calendar, and in art and iconography in churches, and their lives are revered studied as examples for the rest of the faithful to follow. Though there are thousands of saints recognized, or "canonized," over the centuries, achieving this posthumous honour is still incredibly rare. The rigorous canonization procedure has been revised a number of times throughout the church's history. Here's what you need to know to navigate the process in the Catholic Church.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Living the Life of a Saint

  1. 1
    Become Catholic. Modern saints in Roman Catholicism are all Catholic themselves, so if you have not yet been baptized and confirmed into the church, get on that right away.
    • If you have been living a life of sin so far, don't worry: many saints were sinners who underwent radical, life-changes when they joined the church. It's tricky, but you can still make sainthood if you have a miraculous conversion and then turn away from your debasements to take up a life of virtue.
  2. 2
    Live an exemplary and pious life. There are lots of different ways to do this, from comforting the sick and dying to spread the word of God, from fighting against poverty and oppression to devoting your life to scholarly study. Whatever you do, it has to be virtuous, selfless and memorable. Don't try explicitly to become a saint—just focus on being the best, most compassionate Christian you can be. Be humble and work to serve God and make a positive difference in the lives of others.[1]
    • Joining the church as a priest or nun is a good start, but not required. The Vatican works hard to identify laypeople who are candidates for sainthood.
    • Think big! Some saints are honoured for extraordinary service to a small group of people or the local community, but your exemplary life is more likely to be recognized if you have a bigger, more globally noticeable impact.
  3. 3
    Perform at least two miracles. Miracles are extraordinary events not normally attainable through human works, and thus attributed to the intervention of a divine and supernatural power. Unexplainable healing of the incurably sick, wounded or dying is a classic, as is interceding to miraculously stop or rescue people from an impending disaster. Really, however, a miracle can be any inexplicable but benevolent phenomenon you can conjure up. Just remember, you aren't really performing these miracles: God is performing them through you.[2]
    • You don't technically have to perform these miracles while alive—you could intercede from Heaven to make your miracles happen instead. However, it isn't as guaranteed that you will be recognized for the miracles you perform after your death, so it doesn't hurt to get this requirement out of the way as soon as possible.
  4. 4
    Die. No getting around this one: sainthood is a posthumous title. In fact, the canonization process only begins a minimum of five years after the subject's death.[3]
    • If possible, try to be martyred for your faith. This happens less and less these days, but being killed because you refused to renounce your (Catholic) religious beliefs is sure to get you and your sainthood case noticed.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Navigating the Canonization Process

  1. 1
    Develop a local "devotion" of people who remember your holiness and pray to you. Hopefully, this should grow naturally out of your extraordinary life and works.
  2. 2
    Have your local bishop initiate a "cause" with the Vatican's Congregation for Sainthood Causes. This will get the ball rolling, but you have a long way to go before the canonization process is complete.
  3. 3
    Get investigated by the church. A postulate will pour over the details of your life, works and your writings. Any miracles attributed to you will also be thoroughly and sceptically investigated. Make sure everything is squeaky clean—nothing is off the table for this investigation, and a "devil's advocate" will be around arguing against your case.[4]
  4. 4
    Be recognized by the pope as "venerable." This is simply an acknowledgement that you lived an especially holy life or was martyred, but it is the first step on the canonization process.[5]
  5. 5
    Have your first miracle verified and be "beatified" by the pope. After that you will be called "blessed," and a feast day will be dedicated to you in your home diocese, your religious order, and in places significant to your life works.[6]
  6. 6
    Get that second miracle verified and become a saint. If the Vatican recognizes a second miracle attributed to you, the pope may then name you a Saint. You will be assigned a feast day that can be celebrated by Catholics everywhere, and churches can be named in your honour.
  7. 7
    Answer prayers. Now that Catholics are officially permitted to venerate you, they can ask you to speak with God on their behalf.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why would someone want to become a Saint? Saints aren't different than ordinary people, except that God used them in amazing ways. Our goal is to love God, not be saints.
    Haley Cope
    Haley Cope
    Top Answerer
    To be a saint is to love God with all our capacity and submit completely to His will in order to become the person He wants us to be. It’s a good thing to want to be a saint! It’s even good to want to be an example to others (a canonized saint); however, we must humbly submit to God’s wishes in this.
  • Question
    Who would I write to recommend that the Catholic church investigate a life for sainthood?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Contact your local bishop to get the process started.
  • Question
    Why do people become saints when they die?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Well, no one is sure about this, but it could be a reward from God for the exemplary and pious life of a person that has devoted himself/herself to the Lord granting him/her in that way entry to Heaven and the veneration they deserve for their sainthood and because some of them have martyred for Him.


  • Living a life worthy of sainthood is sometimes painful and harsh. Selflessness does not come to most people naturally. Do not ask God for anything that you won't endure.
  • Do not aim to be a saint, but to be a good Catholic Christian and faithful to God. A saint's goal is never to become a canonized saint, but simply to love God and His people with all their hearts and be willing to offer their lives for Christ's sake. Focus on how to love and please God selflessly without asking for reward from Heaven and follow the Catholic vows and rites. It is not the Vatican who approves someone to be a saint, the Vatican only recognizes them officially and honours them. It is God who truly approves the saints and the Virgin Mary. Take the case of St. Therese of Lisieux. She didn't perform miracles or heroic deeds during her life, she was just obedient and humbly loved God, entering a convent at the age of 15. But to her fellow nuns, she was a good example of how to live a pious life of dedicated service to God. That is the reason why she was well remembered after her untimely death at age 24 of tuberculosis. Your number one priority is to please God.
  • Do not try to manipulate the ecclesiastical population into canonizing you. This is not only immoral, but it will probably get you into deep trouble with both the church and God.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 41 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 173,788 times.
19 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 41
Updated: September 28, 2021
Views: 173,788
Categories: Catholicism
Article SummaryX

To become a saint, start by getting baptized and confirmed into the Catholic church, since all modern saints are Catholics. Once you’ve joined the church, dedicate your life to helping others in whichever way God shows you. You should also perform at least 2 miracles in your lifetime, such as healing the incurably sick or dying. Keep in mind that you can only be named a saint after you've died. If you’ve made a significant impact throughout your life and performed at least 2 miracles, the Pope should verify your sainthood and churches can be named in your honor. For more tips, including how to become a saint if you’ve lived a life of sin, read on!

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