Doesn’t it feel great when you can work together easily with your colleagues on a project? Developing an open and trusting team may take a little while to get used to, but it’ll make any project you work on a lot easier to manage. If you want a more open and engaged team, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know, from setting goals to managing multiple people for the most productivity!


Set an overall goal for the team to achieve.

  1. Teams are more effective when they know what they’re working toward. When you get your team together, let every member know exactly what you’re expecting from the end result. That way, everyone stays on the same page and can focus on what needs to be done to complete it fully. Make sure you can explain why what you’re working on is important and why the members should care about it so they feel motivated.[1]
    • For example, you could pull a team together to develop a new marketing campaign that’s targeted toward teens so you can find new customers.
    • You may want to determine your overall goal before putting a team together so you can think of a few people who would fit the project really well.
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Set clear standards and expectations for the group.

  1. Keep everyone in the loop to prevent them from going in different directions. Try to avoid letting your team members loose without any guidance towards how to complete your overall goal. Instead, thoroughly cover what you expect at the end of the project and some guidelines for your colleagues to follow. Give clear direction about the steps that need to get done, set deadlines for when tasks should be completed, and discuss the work ethic you want from the group.[2]
    • Some questions you can pose to your team include “How do you envision this project if we do it successfully?” or “What actions can we take to meet our standards?” This helps the group feel more involved right from the start.
    • It’s okay for you to set some of the expectations yourself without consulting the group. For example, you may set a strict deadline for each of the actions you decide on.

Delegate responsibilities based on strengths.

  1. People are more successful doing something they’re proficient in. Go around to each team member and ask them about which areas they have the most proficiency in. When someone’s skill set lines up with any of the tasks, have them work on it so you can get the best results. Try to break down all of the things you need to do to reach your overall goal and give each team member a good balance of things to do.[3]
    • For example, if you’re working on an ad campaign, you may have a graphic designer mockup some example advertisements, a writer work on the copy, and a social media manager find the audience and determine what will provide the most engagement.
    • Look for ways to pair people up in your group so you can get multiple perspectives on a task.
    • If the people you’re with don’t slot well into any of the tasks you need to complete, try to find the one that they’re most interested in so they feel engaged.
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Use collaborative online tools.

  1. Many programs let you work on the same files, even if you’re remote. Look for a project management app to use so everyone can see what tasks need to be done and what’s already been completed. If you need to work on the same things, sign up for a cloud storage service to share files or work on web documents that multiple people can edit simultaneously, like Google Docs. That way, you can all see what you and your other team members should be working on.[4]
    • Some good project management apps include Microsoft Project, Basecamp, Trello, or Teamwork.
    • Cloud storage options include Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and iCloud.

Share new information and news openly.

  1. Your team is more likely to open up if they see you do the same thing first. At least once a day, share any updates or news about what you’re working on so they stay in the know. This could be at an in-person meeting, over a remote video call, or just through a messaging app. Be fully open and honest with your team members, especially if you make a mistake, since it shows your colleagues that it’s safe to open up.[6]
    • If there is an issue, try to troubleshoot it right away so team members recognize that it’s okay to make a mistake and you’ll be able to work through it.

Let team members share their thoughts.

  1. Your team will appreciate feeling heard and offering their opinions. Open the discussion up to everyone on your team and ask them if they have any recommendations or concerns. As someone is speaking, give them your full attention and avoid cutting them off. Use the topic they mentioned as a jumping-off point for the next part of the conversation.[7]
    • Be open and receptive to everyone’s suggestions, or else your team won’t feel like they can speak their mind. If someone hasn’t had a chance to say something, ask them for their input.
    • Give each team member the same amount of time to speak to make sure everyone feels heard. If you only have time for a short meeting, set a strict time limit for each person so everyone has a chance to chime in.[8]
    • Give your team the opportunity to approach you outside of meetings too so they can talk to you whenever they feel the need to.
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Ask questions to get clarifications.

  1. Show you’re interested in what your team has to say by following up. If you’re having trouble understanding someone’s point, try to delve deeper into what they’re thinking so they can explain it better. Keep asking questions until you fully grasp what the person is saying so you can consider it for the project.[9]
    • Pose questions like, “Can you help me understand your thinking behind this?” or “How does this relate to your other concerns?” Both of these questions are non-aggressive and only help you get more clarity.
    • Try your best to avoid judging someone for what they’ve said. You never know if it’s a good idea until you talk it out or try it.

Work on giving constructive criticism.

  1. Positive reinforcement works better than saying what’s wrong. Rather than telling someone they had a bad idea, say something positive before expressing your concerns. If it’s something you really disagree with, frame your thoughts as your personal opinion rather than an attack on the person so it doesn’t come across as negatively.[10]
    • For example, you could say, “I love the color choices that you made for this ad, but I wonder if we can explore other layouts to really make them stand out more.”
    • You could also say something like, “Here’s what I believe about the subject,” before stating your opinion.
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Split your focus between team relationships and the goal.

  1. Stay aware of deadlines, but don’t forget about your team’s needs. It can be really easy to have a one-track mind as you try to complete your goal, but try to balance your attention. Keep open communication so you can bond and feel comfortable discussing issues that come up. If your team needs a break, look for ways to ease their workload, such as delegating part of their task to someone else or taking over a portion of it. However, always keep the task at hand on your mind to make sure you’re still making progress toward the end goal you want to achieve.[11]

Remain open to new suggestions and ideas.

  1. Show that you’re willing to make changes so your team feels heard. Even though your team has a set goal, listen to what the other members have to say. Allow them to bounce ideas around and consider everything they say if it helps out with the project. Explore all the options you can so your team feels heard, and incorporate their thoughts into the final result.[12]
    • You don’t have to use every idea that someone comes up with, but you should at least discuss it to see if it would be beneficial.
    • Avoid shooting down recommendations right away. Instead, ask for further explanation if you’re confused.
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Follow through with promises and requests.


Model the behavior you want to see.

  1. Your team will learn how to act by your example. Follow the exact same expectations you have for the rest of your team to help them get more involved. Make sure you open up to them with ideas, ask how you can help, and put in the work you say you’re going to do so your team can rely on you. Since your team’s looking up to you, they’re more likely to mimic what they see you doing.[14]
    • For example, if your teammates see you aren’t engaged when someone else is talking, they may think it’s okay to ignore someone’s ideas too. Instead, give people your full attention so they know you’re listening.
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Mentor your team members to help them improve.

  1. Pass on your knowledge to help pay it forward. As you’re working with your colleagues, give them helpful advice that you wish you would have known in their position. Integrate coaching and mentoring into your everyday activities by offering advice, connecting your teammates with other people you work with, and training them in new, applicable skills.[17]
    • Mentoring can help your team feel involved and make them more eager to work every day.
    • You can also encourage more experienced team members to mentor newer team members by having them work together on a task.
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About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 13,884 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: September 9, 2021
Views: 13,884
Categories: Featured Articles | Teamwork