Silicone-based lube is one of the more popular varieties of lube, as it can be used with latex products, won’t come off in water, and will last a long time during sex. But, because of how resilient it is, that means it can also create some pretty tough stains if it gets onto your sheets. Luckily, there are a few different ways you can tackle these stains to clean your sheets with products you likely already have at home.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Pretreating Stains

  1. 1
    Treat your sheets as soon as possible after using silicone lube. In general, stains are easier to get out the sooner they are treated. Understandably, you may not be able to or want to jump right up and do a load of laundry right after having sex, but try to get to it as quickly as you can.[2]
    • Silicone lube is a popular choice for a sexual lubricant, but it’s water-resistant, meaning that it’s much harder to clean with just a regular wash-and-dry cycle.[3]
  2. 2
    Absorb excess oil with baking powder to help minimize the stains. If the lube hasn’t already dried and set into your sheets, you may be able to lift some of it out of the fibers before moving on to pretreating. Lay out the sheet so you can access the soiled areas, and sprinkle a thin layer of baking powder over them. Let the powder rest for 5-10 minutes, then gently brush it off.
    • If you don’t have baking powder, you could also use talcum powder, cornstarch, or baby powder.
    • You could also try absorbing the lube by blotting the sheets with paper towels.[4]
  3. 3
    Rub adult-toy cleaner into the stain to break down and pretreat the lube. These types of cleaners are made to thoroughly remove all lube while also disinfecting adult toys, meaning that it should work pretty well as a stain-fighting option. Generally, you’ll apply the cleaner directly to the stain and gently rub it into the fibers with your fingers or a small brush before putting it into the washing machine.[5]
    • Always read the instructions and follow any guidelines for safe usage.
  4. 4
    Spritz the stain with a degreaser and allow it to saturate the stain. What you choose to clean lube stains will depend a lot on what kind of cleaning products you have at home. You may have a degreasing product in a garage, shed, or even in the kitchen that you use to clean other types of grease and oil stains, and this can often also be used in the laundry. Apply some degreaser to the stained area so it covers it completely before putting it into the wash.[6]
    • As always, check the packaging to make sure you’re properly using the degreaser.
  5. 5
    Loosen and dissolve the lube by rubbing dishwashing detergent into it. Chances are that you have dish detergent at home, making this a great option if you don’t have special laundry products. Simply rub the detergent into the soiled sections to help break down the silicone, and then put the sheets into the wash.[7]
    • You could also rinse off the detergent beforehand to see how well it treated the stain and give it a second treatment if needed.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Washing and Drying Your Sheets

  1. 1
    Add fabric softener to the washing cycle to keep your sheets soft. Because you won’t be putting your sheets into the dryer, they may need a little extra assistance in the wash to make sure they stay as smooth and soft as possible. Follow the instructions to add the liquid fabric softener to the washing cycle.[8]
    • Fabric softener is sometimes marketed as fabric conditioner.[9]
    • Make sure the fabric softener doesn’t actually come into contact with your sheets, as it could add more stains.[10]
  2. 2
    Wash your sheets on the highest-heat setting possible. Hot water is going to work best at breaking down and removing the silicone lube, which is essentially a form of grease. Plus, hot water will help kill any germs or microbes that are on your sheets, getting them as clean as possible. Add in your laundry detergent and turn the machine on.[11]
    • You’ll often see that care labels say to wash sheets in cold water, and this is recommended to help preserve and lengthen the life of your sheets. Follow those care instructions when you normally wash your sheets but consider opting for a higher-heat setting when trying to get out lube stains.

    Tip: After you’ve pretreated the stain and are ready to wash to your sheets, just use whatever type of laundry detergent you prefer. There’s no need to add any extra to the load, so pour in as much as the directions say for the size load you’re washing.[12]

  3. 3
    Hang-dry your sheets to double-check that the stains are truly gone. If you were to put the sheets into the dryer, any remaining stains would essentially get baked into your sheets and become nearly impossible to get out. Air-drying them allows you to treat those stains again if they didn’t come out the first time.[13]
    • If possible, hang your sheets to dry outside. If that isn’t an option, you can hang them from a laundry line or even put them over a shower rod (just make sure to push the shower curtain out of the way first).
  4. 4
    Dry the sheets completely before putting them away or back on the bed. Putting damp sheets into the cupboard or back on your bed is going to invite bacteria and mildew to grow on them, and they might start to smell bad. They should be completely dry to the touch before you take them down from where they’re drying.[14]
    • If the stains are completely gone, you could finish drying your sheets in the dryer on low heat for 15-20 minutes, just to ensure they’re completely dry.
  5. Advertisement

Things You’ll Need

  • Baking powder
  • Paper towels
  • Adult toy cleaner
  • Small brush
  • Degreaser
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Liquid fabric softener

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11 votes - 98%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: July 29, 2022
Views: 73,461
Categories: Cleaning Bed Linen