This article was co-authored by Heather Isenberg. Heather Isenberg is a home cleaning expert and the Owner of The Tidy Maiden, a residential and commercial cleaning service company serving the San Jose and Los Angeles, California regions. Heather’s business The Tidy Maiden and Heather’s book The Automatic Bosslady were recently featured on CBS.
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Porcelain sinks, with their vintage looks and soft, durable surface, are a gorgeous addition to a bathroom or kitchen. But porcelain has a tendency to hold onto stains and it is easily scratched if you try and scrub the stains off. That said, it is easy to remove surface stains from porcelain, as it does not stain permanently unless it is very worn and scratched. With proper care, your porcelain sink can be sparkling for years to come.
Cleaning Porcelain Sinks
1Start with a gentle sponge and dish soap. Porcelain can pick up small scratches easily, so avoid using scouring pads or steel wool. For surface stains, simply start with a clean sponge and some grease-cutting dish soap. Wipe in circular motions, then rinse the soap away with a clean sponge or rag.
- Use the hottest water you can stand for the best results.[1]
EXPERT TIPRemember to remove any items from around the sink area before you clean your sink.
Heather Isenberg
House Cleaning ProfessionalHeather Isenberg
House Cleaning Professional -
2Wipe the sink down with baking soda. Use a damp cloth or sponge and coat the stained portions of the sink with baking soda. Baking soda is a mild abrasive, so it will pick up stains without scratching your sink. Scrub it on in a circular motion, then be sure to rinse it all off -- it will leave a residue if left to dry on the sink.
- Mix some ammonia or lemon juice in for further stain-fighting power.
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3Coat your sink with bleach, then cover it with paper towels overnight. The paper towels will keep the bleach close to the sink, allowing it to soak into the stains. The next morning, remove the towels. Rinse and wipe the sink for an easy, hassle-free clean.
- Make sure you do this in a well-ventilated area (or open a window) to prevent inhaling bleach fumes.
- Never do this on colored porcelain or antiques, as it can damage the color or any wood or metal fixtures attached to the porcelain.[2]
4Use vinegar to remove watermarks. Close the drain of the sink and fill it with hot water. Then add 1-2 cups of vinegar and let it sit for 3-4 hours. Once you've drained the water, any water stains will be gone or easily wiped away with a sponge.
- Rinse the vinegar out when you are done. It is acidic, which can damage the finish if you aren't careful.[3]
5Try other specific, non-abrasive cleaners. Products like Borax and ROG 1 can be used to remove tough stains, but you should know that not all cleaners are made the same. You want to avoid any abrasive cleaners (like Comet) and any acidic cleaners (Magic Eraser), as they can dull the polish on your porcelain sink.[4]EXPERT TIPHouse Cleaning ProfessionalHeather Isenberg
House Cleaning ProfessionalExpert Trick: If your cleaner isn't working on tough buildup, lay a razor blade flat against the surface of the sink and gently push the corners of the blade against it to scrape the gunk away. This method is safe for all surfaces except for plastic or stone.
6Use lemon juice and table salt to get rid of rust stains. This should only be a last resort, as the abrasion and acid can dull the finish over time. However, for serious stains you should apply a little salt, then squeeze some lemon juice over the stain. Then lightly scrub the mixture with a sponge. You can let it sit for 15-20 minutes as well to get rid of really nasty stains.[5]
Shining and Polishing Porcelain
1Purchase a re-glazing kit. Porcelain re-glazing is easily done at home, and is a great way to get the shine back in your sink with minimal effort. To use it, get the sink as clean as you can. Then rinse it and apply the glazing agent with a clean rag, lightly coating the entire sink. Follow the instructions provided with the glaze before using the sink again.
- Porcelain polish is sometimes sold as tile polishing and made for porcelain tiles.
2Use some lemon or baby oil to make your sink shine. Simply apply a few drops of oil to a clean rag and use it coat the sink. This will prevent stains from sticking to it as easily and make the sink smell great at all times.[6]
3Try using car wax to polish your sink and prevent scratches. You won't need much. Simply apply a little bit on a clean sponge and use it to coat the bowl of the sink. It will keep it clean and smelling great.
4Consider getting the porcelain re-glazed by a professional. Porcelain sinks are made by bonding porcelain to a cast-iron fixture, and they are incredibly durable when finished. As such, it is often worth the money to get a severely scratched or stained sink resurfaced, as this will protect it for many more years to come.[7]
Community Q&A
QuestionThe sink is pure white, but the next day it turns to a tea stain color. What should I do?Community AnswerConsider investing in a good whole-house water filter that filters out iron and other noxious particles.
QuestionHow should I clean porcelain tiles?Community AnswerUse warm or hot water and then polish with a dry towel or cloth. I have tried vinegar, but the warm or hot water is better. Sometime you will have to scrape with a razor knife to loosen hard dried food. Then vacuum, apply the warm water, mop lightly, let it dry, and polish with a dry cloth. Porcelain is like glass, the harder you polish, the better.
QuestionHow to remove cooking grease?Community AnswerIf you don't have a cleaning product that is designed specifically to cut grease, use soap and water and lots of scrubbing.
- Never use abrasives or rough sponges on porcelain, as you will scratch it.⧼thumbs_response⧽
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About This Article
To clean and shine a porcelain sink, first remove everything from your sink and wipe it down with soapy water. Then, rinse out the soapy residue and close the drain with a stopper. If your porcelain sink is white, pour some bleach into it. Then, use a clean sponge to scrub the bottom, sides, and rim of the porcelain. Let the bleach sit for 30-60 minutes, then drain your sink and rinse it out thoroughly. Take care when using bleach and make sure to work in a well-ventilated area. For colored porcelain, pour some hydrogen peroxide into your sink, and scrub it into the porcelain with a sponge. For stubborn stains, try scrubbing them with a soft brush and some white vinegar. You can also soak a towel in lemon juice and leave it on top of the stain for 5-10 minutes to get rid of it. If you really want your porcelain sink to shine, get a porcelain polish and work it into the sink with a dry, clean cloth. For more cleaning tips and information on re-glazing porcelain, keep reading!