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The internet is quite an interesting place. You see slang, inside jokes, and fun facts that you may have never heard of. New information is constantly added to social media and the internet. While surfing on the internet or browsing social media, you may have seen some unfamiliar terms. What does "L" and "W" mean? Why do some people write "Fr" as replies to posts? If you're a parent wondering about what your child is saying on social media or a teen not understanding what your peers are saying, this article is for you! This article covers common slang abbreviations that are used on social media and on the internet.
This abbreviation means, "as f***". AF is used to really emphasize a statement or important point. [1] X Research source It doesn't have a specific meaning, and you could technically use it in any context. You usually don't pronounce the two words; you just pronounce the letters for this slang term. Some common ways to use it include:
- "That's crazy af!"
- "She's cool AF"
- "You're weird AF"
Bbg means, "better be going". This term is used to end an online conversation politely. If you have a meeting coming up or need to go to class, you can use this abbreviation to signal that you need to go. It can also mean "baby girl". This term is used when people (usually males) talk to a girlfriend either online or in person. You can use the term by itself or add other words to it. Common uses of this term include:
- "BBG"
- "Bbg, class is starting in a minute!"
- "Bbg- I have a doctor's appointment"
- "bbg since I need to do hw"
- "Bbg, you look so pretty!"
- "Bbg- I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I can't hang out."
- "Hey bbg, how are you?"
"Bc" may confuse your brain or remind of of "BCE" in social studies class, but the meaning is simple. The term is an abbreviation for "because". If you're typing on a phone, you're going to find it hard to type out words without making a bunch of typos. So, type "bc" to minimize your time and get your message across! Some ways to use it include:
- "I need to go bc I need to study for the math test"
- "I think I did terrible on that Spanish test bc I ran out of time so I had to guess 5 problems 😔"
- "Bc that guy threw the ball too hard to me in football, my finger got smashed!"
BS is the short way of saying "bullsh**". If you want to be more discreet in saying rude language/cursing, use this abbreviation. It means "nonsense". You can also use this to express that something is unbelievable or seems impossible. If you want to lash out in anger or vent, "BS" is one way to get all of your stored up anger and energy out. Some ways to use it in an online conversation include:
- "This restaurant's BS! Everything's terrible about it."
- "BS, that's not true at all!"
- "That's bs."
DM means "direct message". It's usually used in a group chat, where one person wants to talk to another person separately. If it's a secret or something related to only 2 people, they may want to talk about it in a separate chat, so they use "dm me" to get their point across. People usually say, "Dm me" or "DM me" instead of saying "DM" without context. Some ways to use it include:
- "Dm me."
- "dm me for help on #12 in geometry"
- "DM me and I'll tell u what happened during the party."
This slang term means, "for real". It means the same as, "Seriously?", "Really", or "Are you serious right now?" Sometimes, you can't tell whether or not someone's joking online due to the lack of facial expression or tone of their voice, so you type "fr" to make sure they're saying the truth and not joking or being sarcastic. There are numerous ways on how to use this, depending on context. These include:
- "Fr" in response to an unbelievable post (e.g. "Our team won 26 to 13 for the 1st time")
- "Fr! There's no way that you got that score!"
- "Fr did that actually happen?"
- "FR?! No way!"
GOAT may conjure up images of goats in your mind. But, this term has nothing to do with goats! It's an abbreviation of "Greatest of All Time". If you believe that someone or something's extremely amazing or awesome, use "GOAT" or "G.O.A.T." to describe it! Common ways to use this term include:
- "He's the GOAT player on our team!"
- "That restaurant's the G.O.A.T."
- "Mr. White is the GOAT teacher- he's chad!"
This is a short, simple way of writing, "got to go". This is used similarly with "Bbg". They are both used to end conversations politely online. If you have a meeting or have a class to attend, end an online conversation by writing, "GTG". You can write the term by itself or add other words for context on where you're going. Common ways to use it include:
- "GTG!"
- "Gtg, English class is starting! 👋"
- "gtg, bye!"
This is a simplified way of saying "laughing my a** off". If a meme or joke really tickles your funny bone, emphasize how funny it is by writing "LMAO", "LMFAO", "lmao" or "lmfao". You can write the term by itself or add other words for context. If the joke is extremely funny, write "LMFAO" instead of "LMAO". "LMFAO" means "laughing my fu***** a** off". Some people add extra o's in the end to exaggerate how funny or comical something is. Common ways to use it include:
- "LMAO" when reacting to a funny meme
- "lmao what just happened??"
- "Lmaoo- that teacher cracks the funniest jokes ever!"
- "Lmaoooooo 💀"
Ngl means "not gonna lie". If you want to express your true opinions about something, use "ngl". People occasionally use this when they express an unpopular opinion that may seem unbelievable at first (so they confirm that they aren't lying). [2] X Research source It is supposed to be used with other words for context, as if you want "ngl' by itself, people won't know what you are talking about. Common ways to use it include:
- "Ngl, that ramen restaurant was lit! 🔥"
- "NGL, I actually hate social studies class."
- "ngl, I actually like ur outfit"
If you're a gamer, you probably already know this term. In gaming and in casual slang, it means "non-playable character". In gaming, this refers to characters that players do not control in a game. These characters have predetermined actions that they perform without any interference from players. In slang, this refers to a person that acts like a non-playable character. In other words, an NPC is a person who cannot think for themselves and has no opinions on anything. [3] X Research source Ways to use it include:
- "That person's the literal definition of an NPC."
- "why are there so many NPCs in this world?? I thought they only existed in video games!"
- "Why are you acting like an NPC?"
OG refers to someone original. It stands for "original gangster" even though it has nothing to do with gangsters. This term means that someone is old-school and knows about trends and other fads that happened in the past instead of following with completely new and updated trends. [4] X Research source For example, someone that acts like a person from the 1990s would be considered OG, as their ways of thinking and how they act is taken from 1990s culture instead of current culture. Ways to use it include:
- "Only OGs know these cartoons from the 2000s" (a common title of nostalgia-inducing YouTube videos)
- "He's so OG!"
- "That trend is so og"
OMG means "oh my god", "oh my gosh", or "oh my goodness". [5] X Research source [6] X Research source This slang term has been used since the 2000s and 1990s, so it is not a new term. This term is used to convey surprise or shock at something. OMFG means "oh my fu***** god/gosh/goodness". Common ways this term is used include:
- "OMG I just saw my crush- he's in my class!"
- "omg wtf just happened??"
- "OMFG" when reacting to something unbelievable
You may mistake "omg" with "ong", but "ong" has an "n" in it and "omg" doesn't. "ONG" or "ong" means "on god", which is another way of saying "I swear to God" or "I swear". [7] X Research source For example, "I swear that I didn't do that" or "I only like when we get to eat during a party- I swear!", "ong" could replace "I swear". Common uses of this term include:
- "ong I rlly didn't steal ur pen"
- "Only thing I like abt parties is the food- ong"
- "ong I didn't know the secret!!"
"Rlly" is an abbreviated form of "really". [8] X Research source It can be used the same way as "fr". If you want to make sure that someone's serious and not joking, use "rlly?" or "rlly". Otherwise, use it the same way as you would with the original word. Some ways to use this include:
- "That rlly happened? :O"
- "Rlly... seems pretty sus to me"
- "Im rlly worried rn, can someone help me?"
Rn is a short way of writing "right now". It conveys a sense of urgency; it tells people that something needs to be done immediately or right now. Some ways to use it include:
- "I need to do hw rn, so I gtg. "
- "I can't believe you eat dinner rn- it's only 5:15 PM?? I eat at like 6:30 PM.."
- "Rn? But I'm busy, so we'll need to schedule that project meeting at a different time."
"TTYL" means "talk to you later". [9] X Research source This is usually used in conjunction to other phrases that end a conversation online, such as "gtg" or "bbg". If you have something to do and end a conversation, add "TTYL" as an alternative to "goodbye", "bye" or "see you later". You can use this term alone or with other words for context. Common uses of the term include:
- "TTYL!"
- "Gtg since I have a piano recital, ttyl"
- "Ttyl- I need to go to science class."
"Smh" means "shaking my head". It is used to convey disappointment or unhappiness over something. [10] X Research source If you are annoyed, frustrated, sad, or angry, you may use "smh". [11] X Research source If something is really obvious and a person doesn't get it, you can use "smh" to express that you are annoyed with them. Common ways to use it include:
- "smh, you don't get it"
- "you don't know what a meme is? smh.."
- "SMH u srsly don't get it?"
"Srsly" is a short form of "seriously". It it used the same way as "seriously", "are u serious", and "fr". You can use it to ask if someone's telling the truth or telling a sarcastic joke. Common ways of using it include:
- "Srsly..."
- "U should srsly consider upgrading ur jokes.. They're not funny."
- "These chips are srsly gud!"
STFU means "shut the f*** up". If you are extremely annoyed or frustrated and want everyone in the chat to be silent, write "STFU" or "stfu". It is still quite rude to tell people to "shut up" especially with curse words, but at least you're not directly writing "SHUT UP!!" or "shut the f**** up". Common ways of using it include:
- "Stfu for once and for all! Stop arguing in our group server!"
- "Stfu! You're so annoying!!!!"
- "STFU alr ppl"
The word "sus" rose up in popularity when the game Among Us was made. "Sus" is short for "suspicious". [12] X Research source If you suspect that something is suspicious or fishy, use "sus". Among Us fans and other internet people started using Among Us-related terms such as "sus", "imposter", and "sussy baka". Common ways of using it include:
- "That's sus. ඞ"
- "Are you sure that that's what the teacher said? It sounds sus."
- "You sound sus... are you hiding a secret? 🧐🤨"
W and L
"W" is used to signify a win, whereas "L" is used to signify a loss. These letters are used in a ton of different contexts, so there are no strict rules on how you use these. [13] X Research source If someone comments "W" under a video, it probably means that they think the video is a win; in other words, that they like the video. If someone comments "L car", it probably signifies that the person does not like the car, meaning that the car is a loss. Some ways of using it include:
- "Rare Stacy W" (The name "Stacy" can be substituted for other names. People write W and L this way to signify who won a social media or internet argument. This person comments this because they think Stacy wins this internet argument.)
- "W song btw- check it out here!"
- "Common John L" (the opposite of "Common/Rare (someone's name) W")
- "L reply W post"
These abbreviations are very similar and their meanings are similar too. "WTF" means "What the f***" and "WTH" means "What the he**" or "What the heck". [14] X Research source "WTH" is a more polite way to express what you say without saying strong and vulgar curse words. If you have no idea what is happening or are confused, use "WTF" or "WTH". Common ways of using these terms include:
- "WTF Johnny???"
- "Wth did u just say..."
- "Wtf I never said that!"
- "WTH??"
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