The best ways to contact Elton John by email, letter, social media, and more

Elton John is one of the most famous rock stars on the planet, and if you’re a huge fan, getting in touch with him would probably be a dream come true. You can write to him directly through his label or official website. You can also try to contact him through his social media accounts – Twitter and Instagram. If you’re interested in using his music, you’ll need to contact his record label.

Things You Should Know

  • Send fan mail to Elton John at or 1 Blythe Road London W14 0HG UK.
  • Reach out to Elton John on Instagram (@eltonjohn) or Twitter (@eltonofficial).
  • Join his fan club (The Rocket Club) for updates by emailing
  • Ask Elton John's label for permission to use or cover his music by emailing or inbox.licensing@UMusic, respectively.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Writing to Elton John

  1. 1
    Email Elton John at his label. Elton John’s record label – Rocket Music – accepts fan mail emails. You can send your fan mail via email to Keep in mind that this is the same email address used to request press bookings, so you’ll be competing with a lot of other communication.
    • Note in your subject line that your email is fan mail, not just a press request. You can write something like "For Elton, from a fan."
    • In your email, tell Elton why you're such a big fan. Write something like "I've been listening to your music since I was 10. I feel like your music is the soundtrack to my life - for every experience, every milestone, there's an Elton John song that describes it perfectly/"
  2. 2
    Write a letter to him directly. You can also write a letter to Elton John’s label. The address is 1 Blythe Road London W14 0HG UK. Make sure you write Elton John’s name on the first line of the address.
    • This can be a good way to get more attention than an email would get you.
    • You can write the same things in a letter that you would in an email. Share a time that his music really resonated with you. You can say something like "the first time I fell in love, one of your songs was playing." Then tell him what it meant to you.
  3. 3
    Use Elton John’s official website. You can also contact Elton John through his official website. Emails that are sent to might be forwarded directly to him.[1]
    • Make sure you say that the email is for Elton in your subject line. You can write something like “Fan Mail for Elton.”
  4. 4
    Make your email or letter stand out. Elton John gets a lot of fan mail every day. If you want yours to stand out, you'll have to put in a little more effort.
    • For an email, write a subject line that says something like "Email for Elton - from his biggest fan!" This will get the attention of whoever takes care of the email account and tell them it's fan mail and not a press request.
    • Try using a colored envelope for a hand-written letter. A colored envelope will stand out among the other mail the label gets.
    • You can also make your actual letter stand out. If you're a good artist, maybe draw some artwork on it. You can use different font colors to get more attention in an email.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Social Media

  1. 1
    Post comments on his Instagram pictures. Elton John’s Instagram account is @eltonjohn. He posts pretty frequently, which gives you lots of opportunities to write to him. You can comment on any one of his pictures. There’s a chance he might write back![2]
    • Try to write comments that are unique. Everyone will say "You look great Elton!" Instead, focus on something specific. Try something like "That jacket looks like it came from my favorite shop! You don't shop at Jackets'R'Us, do you?"
  2. 2
    Reply to a tweet. Elton John also has a Twitter account, and his handle is @eltonofficial. He tweets a little bit more than he posts on Instagram, so you’ll have more opportunities to communicate with him on Twitter than Instagram. Reply to any (or all) of his tweets and see if you get a response.[3]
    • You can tweet a direct response, saying something like "I love this new charity work!" You can also retweet his tweet, and make a comment on that.
    • Elton John has a lot of Twitter followers (635,000), so don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear from him right away.
  3. 3
    Tweet him directly. You don’t have to wait for Elton John to tweet to tweet him! Send your own tweet, tagging him in it by typing in his handle. This is basically the same as sending him a direct message.[4]
    • You can tweet at him when you're listening to one of your favorite songs of his. Say something like "Listening to the best - "Rocket Man." Is there anything better than Elton on a summer night?"
  4. 4
    Share yourself singing Elton's music. Social media is a great way to share videos of yourself singing out there. Artists usually love a good cover, especially if it's a different interpretation than theirs. Record yourself singing his music and share it on YouTube, or send it to him in a tweet.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Contacting His Label

  1. 1
    Join his fan club. Being part of his fan club is a good way to increase your chances of contacting Elton John. You can join his fan club – The Rocket Club – by emailing[5]
  2. 2
    Get permission for using his music. There is a specific email address to use if you want to ask contact Elton John (and his label) about using his music. Any recording rights requests should go to[6]
    • The cost of using his music will depend on the song, the size of your audience, and what you expect to make. You can find out more specific pricing by talking to his label.
  3. 3
    Ask to cover his music. If you want to cover Elton John’s music in your own band (or on your own), you’ll need permission for that, too. Email inbox.licensing@UMusic for permission. [7]
    • You only need to request permission if you’re planning on making money from covering Elton John’s music. If you’re just doing something like covering a song on YouTube, you don’t need formal permission.
    • The cost of covering his music will depend on a lot of factors. His label can give you a specific price.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Would Sir Elton help with a school project?
    Hayden Hansen
    Hayden Hansen
    Community Answer
    Elton is a nice guy, but you have to contact him. Sometimes he is busy though.
  • Question
    Can I make a parody using one of Elton's Songs?
    Hayden Hansen
    Hayden Hansen
    Community Answer
    Campbell v. Acuff-Rose made it legal to make a parody without permission. But that doesn't mean you can make money off it, so just do it for fun.

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Co-authors: 10
Updated: December 28, 2022
Views: 108,184
Categories: Fandom
Article SummaryX

The easiest way to contact Elton John is to send him an email via his record label, Rocket Music, at Specify that your message is for Elton from a fan in the subject line. For a more traditional touch, you can write a letter to him. In your email or letter, share a time that his music really resonated with you and why it means so much to you. If you want to get his attention quickly, comment on his Instagram account or send him a tweet. For more ways to get in touch with Elton John, like how to share yourself singing his music, keep reading!

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