Nancy Grace is a famous television personality who is especially well-known for her commentary on legal cases and victims' rights issues. If you want to get in touch with her, consider calling her, writing to her, or sending a message via social media. Whilst a reply isn’t guaranteed, fan mail is always appreciated!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Calling and Writing to Nancy Grace

  1. 1
    Send Nancy Grace a letter via CNN or via Court TV. This is an easy way to send Nancy Grace fan mail and to ask her questions. If you are wanting help with a specific case, make sure to leave a detailed description of the case and give her your contact details so that she can respond. There are two separate mailing addresses you can use – one directs mail to her CNN show, and the other directs her mail to her show on Court TV.
    • Note that these are her professional mailing addresses. There are no private or personal mailing addresses available to the general public.
    • To contact Nancy Grace via CNN, send your letter to: The Nancy Grace Show, CNN, 1 Time Warner Center, New York, NY 10019.
    • To contact Nancy Grace via Court TV, send your mail to: Court TV, 600 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016.
  2. 2
    Call 1-212-973-2800 to speak to Nancy Grace’s staff. This number directs you to Nancy Grace’s staff at Court TV. This is a great option if you want to speak to someone directly about a specific case or if you want to give feedback on the show.
    • Understand that you will likely speak with staff members only. However, there is a chance that you could end up on Nancy Grace’s TV show if the staff proceed with your case.
  3. 3
    Write an e-mail to Nancy Grace via This is a great option if you want your message to reach Nancy Grace quickly. Write your message, attach any pictures or links, and then press send!
    • Note that this e-mail address is linked to Nancy Grace's show on CNN.
    • This is a professional e-mail address. There are no private e-mail addresses for Nancy Grace that are available to the general public. As a general rule, if you find a private e-mail address for a public figure like Nancy Grace online, that address will typically be a fraud.
  4. 4
    Use the contact forms on Nancy Grace’s website to write to her. Use this contact form to comment on her show, ask a question, or to simply say hi. Type in an appropriate subject line in the "Subject" field, write your note in the "Message" box, and when you’re finished, hit the "Send" button.[1]
    • You can find the form on Nancy Grace’s official website here:
    • In order to send the form, you will need to provide your first name, last name, e-mail address, and type in a security code to verify that you are a real person and not a robot.
    • Even though you have to provide your contact details for this form, a response is not guaranteed.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Social Media

  1. 1
    Write a tweet to Nancy Grace on Twitter. Nancy Grace has a notably active presence on Twitter. You can send her a quick Tweet with comments, questions, or information pertaining to the news she covers by typing out your comments and directing them to @NancyGrace at:[2]
    • To view her Twitter page, visit:
    • Even though she does have an active Twitter presence, Nancy Grace may not be able to reply to your comments or questions.
    • Due to the nature of Twitter, this option is best used if you have short comments, brief questions, or a link you would like to share.
    • You must have a Twitter account to use this option.
  2. 2
    Send a message to Nancy Grace on Facebook. Click the Send Message button at the top of Nancy Grace’s page and write your comment or question. This message is private and can’t be seen by other fans. To view her page visit:[3]
    • Interact with others on her page by commenting on the articles and pictures that she posts.
    • You will need to have your own Facebook account to make use of this option.
  3. 3
    Comment on Nancy Grace’s Instagram posts. This is a great option if you want to send Nancy a quick message or if you want to interact with other fans of Nancy Grace. This platform can also help you to stay up to date with what Nancy Grace has been doing. Find her Instagram page here:[4]
    • Nancy Grace doesn’t have private messages enabled on Instagram so there is no way to direct message her.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is a correct number and address for Nancy Grace?
    Emma Hall1
    Emma Hall1
    Community Answer
    To contact Nancy Grace via CNN, send your letter to: The Nancy Grace Show, CNN, 1 Time Warner Center, New York, NY 10019. To contact Nancy Grace via Court TV, send your mail to: Court TV, 600 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016.


  • Do not send threatening mail. All threats are taken seriously. Even if you do not intend to act on your threat, simply making one can still get you into a lot of legal trouble.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: April 23, 2020
Views: 79,809