Judaism is among the seminal religions of the world, and is the first known monotheistic religion (in which only one god is worshipped). It preceded Islam in tracing its shared roots back to Abraham, a patriarch of the Torah, the holiest book in Judaism. It preceded Christianity by as much as two thousand years and; Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish according to Christian theology. What Christians refer to as the "Old Testament" is actually an edited version of the original Hebrew Tanach. If, after deep consideration, you decide to convert to Judaism, follow these steps.


  1. 1
    Understand that, like any religious conversion, converting to Judaism is a big step. Do you believe in and worship your god in some way, shape, or form? If so, you're part way there! If not, take the first step. It's okay, friend, take all the time you need — this article will be waiting for you when you get back.
  2. 2
    Research Jewish laws, history and customs, and talk to Jews about their religion. Figure out what you are getting into, and determine why you want to do it. Be aware that Judaism is a major commitment which will affect every part of your life, will last as long as you live, and will even transfer to your children. Judaism is based on the commandments (of which there are 613 in total, though many are not applicable today) and Maimonides' Thirteen Principles of Faith. They should be your first step and the foundation of your Jewish faith.
  3. 3
    Speak with your family about your intention to convert. This can often be a touchy subject among families, so be sure to explain your reasoning and desire to become Jewish. Make sure that you are comfortable with your decision to leave your former religion, if you had one. in order for your family to allow you to convert, you can start to drop subtle hints, bring up conversations about the Jewish religion, etc, to at least see their views on the Jewish religion and people.
    • Your family, friends, and people that you know could turn you down or have a negative attitude towards you if you convert. While this of course is no reason not to convert, you should be prepared for this outcome.
  4. 4
    If you are converting because of marriage, speak with your future husband/wife to determine the best course of action, including what denomination you will join. Not many rabbis will convert people just because of marriage; the potential convert must be sincere and want to convert because of spiritual feelings and not just because of marriage. There are three main branches, all with differing levels of observance and ritual. Generally speaking, from most to least traditional, these are: (a) Orthodox, (b) Conservative (called 'Reform' or 'Masorti' in Europe), and (c) Reform (called 'Progressive' or 'Liberal' in Europe).
  5. 5
    Once you feel that you have sufficient reason to convert, make an appointment with a rabbi to discuss the process. Be prepared for the rabbi to try to dissuade you, or turn you away, 3 times or more. Many rabbis consider this part of their job. The goal is not to prevent honest seekers from converting, but to test the individual's commitment, and to make sure that becoming a Jew is truly what he or she wants. If you are persistent, show that you know what you're getting into, and are still committed to doing it, the rabbi may eventually decide to start you on the path to conversion.
  6. 6
    Unlike in many religions, converting to Judaism is not fast or easy. You will need to spend at least a year (sometimes two or more) studying (many organizations offer night classes) and living a Jewish life before your conversion is finalized. Your studies will cover the basics of Jewish law, history and culture, and you will also receive some instruction in the Hebrew language. If you are a teen or child who would like to convert to Judaism, realize that very few rabbis will let you convert, and you also have the obstacle of family not allowing you to practice your faith. If you are in this position, it is recommended that you get Jewish books, study Judaism as much as you can, and maybe even try living Jewish traditions, such as not eating leavened bread during Passover. However it is forbidden for non Jews to keep the sabbath. When you are age 16-18, go to a rabbi and start talking to him or her about conversion. Remember that you don't need to officially convert to join a Jewish community, you can go to services anyway. However, certain aspects, such as reading from the Torah scroll or wearing a prayer shall and Tefillin, may only be done by a Jewish person.
  7. 7
    At the end of your studies, you will take a test to determine how much you've learned. You will also be questioned before a Jewish court (called a Beit Din, consisting of three authorities) about adherence to the Halacha (Jewish Law), as part of the conversion proceedings.
  8. 8
    If you have passed all these steps, a conversion ceremony will be scheduled. It will involve three things: acceptance of all The Commandments of the Torah and Rabbinic Enactments (at least for an Orthodox conversion), a ritual bath (full-body immersion in a Mikva), and if you're an uncircumcised male, you will also need to be circumcised. In the cases where the man has already been circumcised, creating a small drop of blood is sufficient.
  9. 9
    Children born prior to the end of conversion do not become Jews if their parent converts. Some authorities (often Orthodox and those of higher levels of observance) have stricter rules, considering a child conceived before her conversion as not being Halachically Jewish. If they want to be Jewish, they will have to go through conversion themselves after they reach the age of 13. Children born to a Jewish woman after her conversion are Jewish automatically, since Jewish lineage is passed through the mother.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Do I have to be a certain race to be a Jew?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, you do not. Judaism welcomes all races.
  • Question
    Can I still convert if I do not have any Hebrew heritage?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you have the desire, you can convert.
  • Question
    Can Judaism accept those who are disabled?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Of course! Judaism teaches that all people are made equal in God's eyes, regardless of any physical or mental disability.


  • If you intend to convert to Judaism, be aware that, unlike other religious groups, Jews do not actively seek converts, and you will be advised several times to live a moral life without being Jewish keeping only The 7 Noahide Laws. This may be the right path for you — consider it carefully.
  • If you decide not to convert Orthodox, keep in mind that: 1) An Orthodox conversion is accepted by all other groups (Reform, Conservative, etc.) while a Reform or Conservative conversion is not at all accepted by the Orthodox as valid. 2) If you are a woman and you convert non-Orthodox, any children you have before or after the conversion will not be considered Jewish by Orthodox Jews and may have difficulty getting into Orthodox Jewish schools. 3) If your spouse becomes more religious in the future (which is happening a lot these days), you may need to reconvert and/or remarry in accordance with Jewish law. All this is according to Orthodox practice, however. A Conservative conversion will be seen as legitimate (no different than if you were born Jewish) in every capacity by Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism. Reform conversion is often accepted along similar lines, but not always. And even if you convert via Orthodox routes, it is not guaranteed that all Orthodox authorities will accept your conversion as authentic (although usually they will). If you intend to convert Orthodox, you must intend to keep with the lifestyle it entails — if you do not intend to continue the lifestyle and just want to say you converted Orthodox, this is grounds for an illegitimate conversion under the Orthodox movement and, to a larger extent, halakhah (you should only convert if you have a full intention of staying in that denomination, or of becoming more religious). To Orthodox, it is a matter of protecting the Torah.
  • Be prepared for antisemitism, or anti-Jewish sentiment. Though the world has become more tolerant toward Jews, there are still many groups around the world with hatred towards those who follow the religion.

Things You'll Need

  • Torah (Jewish Bible)
  • Siddur (Jewish prayer book)
  • Jewish study books
  • Hebrew language study
  • Jewish objects for your home


  1. http://intro.aju.edu — The largest program in North America for those seeking conversion to Judaism
  2. http://aish.com — A well-established Orthodox Jewish organization, with info on many Jewish topics.
  3. http://www.askmoses.com — A handy Q&A website, with a rabbi's answers to questions sent in by readers.
  4. A reliable source for the basics of Judaism, Ten commandments and the Thirteen principles.
  5. Beware of information you find online about Jews and Judaism! Much of it is unreliable. When in doubt, ask a real rabbi.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 81 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 516,663 times.
788 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 81
Updated: May 12, 2022
Views: 516,663
Categories: Judaism