Sometimes, older sisters can be annoying if you don't get along or your personalities clash. They make it their personal mission to tease younger siblings. You don't have to play their game. While it is tempting to retaliate, try your best to resolve the conflict with your big sister.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Dealing With a Conflict

  1. 1
    Try to resolve the issue with your sister. Even when you and your sister have set strict boundaries, you both will test each other’s baseline limits from time to time. When this happens, try your best to resolve the conflict before either of you reaches your breaking point.
    • Let your sister know what the problem is, using “I statements.” For example, “I feel belittled when you talk to me like a little kid” or “I feel angry when you choose not to respect my clothing.”
    • Avoid the word “but.” This negates everything you’ve said before. For example, instead of saying “I see where you are coming from but I think you’re wrong” try “We can’t seem to agree on this.”
  2. 2
    Seek a compromise. If you can't resolve the issue, try to reach a compromise. Offer to change one thing about your behavior and urge her to do the same. Over time, these small concessions will have a big impact on your relationship.
    • For example, you could offer to knock every time you want to enter her room and she could offer to say "Hi" to you at school.
  3. 3
    Walk away from the situation, if needed. If the conflict escalates out of control, remove yourself from the situation. This is a great way to control your anger. Walk away from your big sister and cool off. When both of you are calm, you can try talking again.
  4. 4
    Ask your parents to get involved. If you’ve failed to resolve the issue on your own, ask your parents to step in as mediators. Once you’ve both shared your side of the story, let them help the two of you reach an agreement.
    • Take responsibility for your role in the conflict. This will show your parents that you are mature.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Changing Your Behavior

  1. 1
    Examine your own behavior. Before you address your big sister’s annoying habits and mean words, take time to review your own actions. Whether you would like to admit it or not, you may not be completely blameless. Your sister may have started the fight, but your response might have prolonged the fight. Consider the following:
    • Did you do or say anything to provoke your sister?
    • Did you react out of anger?
    • Were your actions and words intentional or unintentional?[1]
    • As tough as it is, ask yourself what your sister might be thinking or feeling after the fight.[2]
  2. 2
    Control your reactions. While it is tempting to “get even” with your sister, this often makes the situation worse. Instead of hurling insults back at your sister, put an end to the incident with a sincere response. If she continues to bother you, get up and walk away instead of resorting to physical violence.
    • Don’t let her words affect you. For example, you could say “Maggie, what a funny story. I’d forgotten about that. Thanks for sharing.”
    • Being the “bigger” person is always the best option. It will keep you out of trouble.[3]
  3. 3
    Be honest with your sister. When your sister hurts your feelings, don't react in anger. Instead, let her know how her actions hurt you. This is a great way to start a serious conversation with your sister about your relationship.
    • For example, you could say “Maggie, please don’t tease me in front of my friends. It really hurts me and makes me uncomfortable.”
  4. 4
    Control your interactions. No matter how hard they try, some siblings just can’t get along. If this describes you and your big sister, limit the amount of time you spend together. Not only with this reduce the number of fights you have, but the distance might make you two appreciate each other more.
    • Spend your free time in separate parts of the house.
    • If you share a bathroom, pack your items into a tote and get ready in a different room.
    • If you share a bedroom, ask your parents if you can sleep somewhere else.[4]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Setting Ground Rules and Boundaries

  1. 1
    Identify your limits. Look back over the conflicts you’ve had with your sister. Identify the source of the issue and take time to think about how these conflicts could have been avoided altogether. Try to pinpoint the times that she has pushed you over the edge and consider how you could you have prevented the fight from escalating to that point. This information will help you identify your limits—the baseline and peak of your tolerance for your sister.
    • Instead of manipulating you into doing something, you would like her to ask you for help or a favor.
    • For example, when she starts to yell at you, will you walk away from the conversation? Or, if she bullies you, will you tell your parents?
  2. 2
    Share your limits with your sister. If you feel comfortable approaching your big sister, you may find it helpful to talk to her about your boundaries. Make sure she understands that you are setting these boundaries because you want to have a healthy relationship with her. After you share your limits with her, ask if she can respect your boundaries.
    • For example, you could say, "Linda, I want to establish some boundaries with you. I will not tolerate you bullying me any more. When this happens, I will let mom and dad or another adult know right away."
  3. 3
    Respect your sister’s limits. Like you, your big sister will also have boundaries. Ask her if there is anything you can do to avoid conflict in the future. Remember, if you expect her to respect your boundaries, you must respect hers.
    • For example, you could say, "Linda, do you have any boundaries for our relationship?"
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I control my anger?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    When you sense that you are loosing control, remove yourself from the situation. Don't wait until you've blown up at your big sister to walk away.
  • Question
    How can I ignore my older sister if I have anger issues?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    When possible, try to avoid your sister. If you have to spend time with her, concentrate on something else, like a video game or movie, instead of interacting with her.
  • Question
    What if you can't retaliate?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    While it is tempting to retaliate, it is always better to take the high road. Be the bigger person and walk away from the situation. This will keep you out of trouble.

About This Article

Rebecca Kason, PsyD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Rebecca Kason, PsyD. Dr. Rebecca Kason is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist licensed in both New York and New Jersey. She specializes in adolescent mental health, dialectical behavior therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Dr. Kason treats clients struggling with emotional dysregulation, behavioral disorders, interpersonal difficulty, family conflict, anxiety, depression, and phobias. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from The University of Delaware and a Master's degree in Applied Psychology and a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University. Dr. Kason completed an APA accredited internship at Mount Sinai Services. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy. This article has been viewed 133,790 times.
221 votes - 49%
Co-authors: 46
Updated: March 3, 2023
Views: 133,790
Categories: Siblings
Article SummaryX

Big sisters can be kind of annoying sometimes, but learning how to deal with conflict maturely can help a lot. When you have an argument with your sister, walk away from the situation if you need some time out. Go to your room or head outside to clear your head, and only go back to talk to your sister when you feel calm. If you can’t sort out the issue, try to find a compromise that works for both of you. Choose one thing that you can each change about your own behavior to help you get along better. Setting some ground rules can also help you to avoid conflict in the first place. Talk about your boundaries with your big sister so that she understands what your limits are. Ask your sister what her boundaries are too so that you can practice respecting each other and get along better. For example, you and your sister could decide that you need to ask before you go into each other's rooms. For more tips on dealing with an annoying big sister, like how to examine your own behavior, read on!

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