The only thing worse than extreme heat: extreme heat with a side of high humidity. Hot, muggy air makes you sweaty and uncomfortable and can even be dangerous, increasing risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. By using a few strategies to keep your body temperature down and your home cool, you can stay safe, fresh, and comfortable on the warmest and most humid days.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Keeping Your Body Heat Down

  1. 1
    Drink lots of water. The amount of water you need to drink every day varies by person, but a good rule of thumb is to drink water with each meal and between each meal.[1] Hot, humid weather makes you sweat more, which means you’ll need to increase your hydration even more to replace those fluids.[2]
    • You know you’re drinking enough fluids if you don’t feel thirsty and your urine is colorless or very light yellow.
    • If you’re moving around outdoors and sweating a lot, supplement your water intake with a sports drink with electrolytes. This can help replace the minerals in your blood that are lost through sweat.
    • Drinking lots of water also helps you keep your body temperature down, which keeps you more comfortable overall.
  2. 2
    Eat cool foods like salads and fresh fruit. Eating hot foods when it’s hot and humid will raise your body temperature and, if you’re doing the cooking, make your house hotter too. Instead, wash fresh vegetables and make a salad, snack on fresh fruit, go out for sushi, or pair cold meats and cheeses in a sandwich or a wrap.[3]
    • For dessert, indulge in sweet treats like popsicles and ice cream. For a healthier alternative, go with fresh fruit, plain or paired with yogurt.
  3. 3
    Take a cool shower or splash water on your pulse points. Jumping in a cold shower or bath is a fast, effective way to cool yourself down. If you’re not at home, you can achieve a similar effect by splashing cold water on your neck, forehead, and armpits.[4]
    • You can also use ice packs or cool, wet towels for more sustained relief.
  4. 4
    Wear loose, light-colored, moisture-wicking clothing. Hot, humid days call for loose, cotton clothing in light colors. Avoid tight jeans and clinging, synthetic fabrics like Rayon or spandex, and go with sandals or canvas shoes to keep your feet cool.[5]
  5. 5
    Sleep with cotton sheets. Make sure your sheets are made of light fabric, like cotton, rather than flannels or fleece. Cotton sheets will breathe easier and stay cooler at night, making for a more comfortable night’s sleep in hot and humid weather.[6]
    • For added relief, dampen a sheet or towel in cool water and use it as a blanket. Lay it on top of a dry towel so you don’t soak the mattress.
  6. 6
    Acclimate to heat and humidity if it’s normal for your area. If you know you’ll be dealing with hot, humid weather for a while—anywhere from a week to the whole summer—working to get used to it can help you feel more comfortable. Your body will adapt to the heat if you let it, but it’ll take a bit of discomfort at the start. Young and elderly people in particular should take extreme care and go very slowly. To acclimate, try:[7]
    • Starting with light outdoor exercise, like a brisk walk or yard work. Increase the time and then the intensity every day.
    • Turning down your air conditioner by 1-2 degrees every day. Aim to be comfortable when it’s more than 10 degrees cooler than the outside temperature.
    • Continue drinking plenty of water and make sure not to go past your physical limits. If you feel yourself breathing heavier than you should or getting light-headed, stop exercising and sit down out of the heat.
  7. 7
    Watch out for heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Hot, humid weather can put you at risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, particularly if you’re exercising strenuously. You can prevent heat-related illnesses like these by drinking plenty of water, wearing loose clothing, and protecting against sunburn, but keep an eye out for the symptoms just to be safe. Warning signs include:[8]
    • For heat exhaustion: cool, moist skin with goosebumps when you’re in the heat; heavy sweating; feeling faint, dizzy, or fatigued; weak, rapid pulse; low blood pressure when you stand; muscle cramps; headache; and nausea.
    • For heatstroke: body temperature above 104 °F (40 °C); altered behavior or mental state, like confusion, slurred speech, irritability, or delirium; nausea or vomiting; flushed skin; rapid breathing; high heart rate; and headache.[9]
    • If you start experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion, lay down in the shade and elevate your legs. Drink cool water and drop your body temperature with a damp cloth and a fan. For heatstroke, immerse yourself in a cold bath or pack ice and cooling blankets around yourself. If symptoms for either condition don’t improve within half an hour, call emergency services.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cooling Down Your House

  1. 1
    Turn on air conditioning if you have it. Air conditioning is the best way to keep your house cool, but using it too often or setting it too low can make your utility bill shoot up. To conserve energy, try to keep the temperature no lower than 78 °F (26 °C). If that’s too uncomfortable, lower it a degree at a time to find your sweet spot. You can also use these general guidelines:[10]
    • Set your AC to 78 °F (26 °C) when you’re at home and awake.
    • Go to 85 °F (29 °C) when you’re away from home or at work.
    • Set it to 82 °F (28 °C) for sleep.
  2. 2
    Use fans to keep the air moving. Fans are a cheaper, more energy-friendly alternative to AC, and setting them strategically around your house can lower the temperature noticeably.[11] Try these setups to keep your house cool and comfortable:
    • Turn ceiling fans to counter-clockwise. This creates a cooling, wind-chill effect when you’re standing right beneath the fan.[12]
    • Place a box fan or a small fan behind a bowl filled with ice or an ice pack, so that the fan blows the cool air around the ice into the room.
    • Point fans at yourself when you’re sitting or sleeping so that the warm, stagnant air doesn’t make you sweat.
  3. 3
    Keep the windows closed to keep the heat and humidity out. You might be tempted to open your windows to encourage air flow, particularly if you don’t have air conditioning, but this will only let the hot air in and make your home more uncomfortable. When it’s humid, you also risk letting in moisture, which can cause mildew or mold issues.
    • Keep your blinds closed as well to prevent sunshine from heating up your house.
    • If you’re worried about your house getting stuffy, using fans will help to keep air moving.
    • If the heat and humidity drop at night, you can crack the windows a bit before going to bed. Remember to close them in the morning before it gets hot and muggy.[13]
  4. 4
    Turn off the lights and unplug unnecessary electronics. Flick off any incandescent lights, which generate heat, or even replace them with CFLs, or compact fluorescent bulbs. Unplug other electronics or appliances that you’re not actively using, like charging cords, lamps, and toasters. The flow of electricity through the cords creates small amounts of heat that can add up fast.[14]
  5. 5
    Close off unused rooms during the day. Shut the doors to any rooms that you’re not using during daylight hours so the cool air you create with fans or AC stays concentrated in the areas you’re in. At night, open up the rooms to let air flow naturally and cool your home.[15]
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Staying Cool Outdoors

  1. 1
    Go out in the morning or evening to avoid the worst heat. If you can, stay inside during the hottest hours of the day, which are typically from mid-morning to early afternoon. Try to schedule errands and outdoor work during the evening or early morning when it’s cooler and less humid.
  2. 2
    Stay in the shade and rest frequently. Stick to the shade as much as possible when you’re outside, especially during the hotter parts of the day. Make sure to take frequent breaks, especially if you’re exercising, and drink lots of water.[16]
    • Follow general guidelines to keeping cool, like wearing sun protection and light, loose clothing.
    • To cool yourself down when you’re outside, take a break and splash cold water on your skin.
  3. 3
    Use sunscreen and hats to prevent sunburn. Sunburn isn’t just painful— it can actually impede your body’s ability to cool itself down. To protect yourself, wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, plus a wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.[17]
    • Humid heat can cause you to sweat, so make sure to wear a waterproof and sweat proof brand and reapply every hour or so.
    • Apply lip balm with an SPF as well.
  4. 4
    Avoid strenuous outdoor exercise. Intense exercise in hot, humid weather is not only uncomfortable, but also potentially dangerous. You get dehydrated faster, might experience painful muscle cramps, and are at an increased risk of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. If at all possible, avoid vigorous exercise like running or playing sports in high heat and humidity.[18]
    • If exercise is unavoidable, make sure to stop frequently to drink water and rest out of the sun. Watch carefully for any signs of heat exhaustion.
  5. 5
    Head to air-conditioned buildings like theaters or museums. Getting out of your house means braving the hot, muggy weather, but it could be worth it if you’re heading to a cooler destination. If your house is just too hot, head to air-conditioned buildings like the library, an indoor mall, the movie theater, or a museum to keep yourself entertained while staying cool.
  6. 6
    Try activities that will keep you cool, like swimming or ice skating. To get active while still beating the heat, go swimming at your local pool or get a refreshing taste of winter at an indoor ice skating rink. To have fun while cooling down at home, run through the sprinklers in your yard for a few minutes or invite friends over for a water balloon fight.
    • These are especially great activities if you’re trying to entertain kids while keeping them—and yourself—cool.
  7. Advertisement

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  • Question
    How do I stay cool if I don't have air conditioning in my home?
    Victor Belavus
    Victor Belavus
    Air Conditioning Specialist
    Victor Belavus is an Air Conditioning Specialist and the Owner of 212 HVAC, an air condition repair and installation company based in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to HVAC and air conditioning units, Victor also specializes in furnace repair and air duct cleaning. He has over 10 years of experience working with HVAC systems.
    Victor Belavus
    Air Conditioning Specialist
    Expert Answer

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    Turn on any fans in your home to keep the air circulating and drink plenty of water. Open the windows in the morning and after the sun goes down when the air is cooler. Take a cool shower before you go to bed and leave a dehumidifier running in your room at night.


  • If possible, avoid strenuous exercise in high heat and humidity to protect yourself from heat-related illnesses.
  • If you or someone else is showing symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke that don’t improve within half an hour, contact emergency services as soon as possible.

About This Article

Victor Belavus
Co-authored by:
Air Conditioning Specialist
This article was co-authored by Victor Belavus. Victor Belavus is an Air Conditioning Specialist and the Owner of 212 HVAC, an air condition repair and installation company based in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to HVAC and air conditioning units, Victor also specializes in furnace repair and air duct cleaning. He has over 10 years of experience working with HVAC systems. This article has been viewed 68,593 times.
23 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 7, 2020
Views: 68,593
Categories: Weather Safety

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

To deal with hot, humid weather, wear loose, light-colored cotton clothing and drink plenty of water with and between each meal. To cool yourself down quickly, place ice packs or splash cool water on your neck, forehead, and armpits. To cool down your house, turn on the AC and place bowls of ice in front of fans to circulate cold air. Keep out the heat and humidity by closing windows, blinds, and the doors to unused rooms. For tips on acclimating to the heat and staying cool outdoors, read on!

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