Getting into a fight at school can often lead to trouble, but knowing how to properly defend yourself can keep you from also being injured. Defending yourself is both a mental and physical activity, and there are some steps you can do to prepare for a fight just in case you ever need to use defensive skills. It's also important to remember that violence is not the answer to almost any conflict and that you should only defend yourself instead of going out and starting fights.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Protecting Yourself from Harm

  1. 1
    Let your opponent start the fight. If someone else started the fight, you will get in less trouble with friends, family, and the law. Nobody will look down on you for defending yourself from a bully, but if you are instigating fights then you should expect consequences for your actions.[1]
  2. 2
    Defend yourself verbally. The best way to end a fight before it even starts is to talk the bully down. Try to make them feel cowardly for wanting to fight you. Shame them for resorting to such immaturity and weakness or simply try to reason with them. Never show them that you are afraid; stand tall and maintain eye contact.
    • Consider challenging them to an intellectual battle instead.
    • Remember that you are strong and capable.
  3. 3
    Observe their moves, attacks, and dodges. If you can find a pattern, try to fight back, but use the pattern to help you advance. Paying close attention to the way they move can help you to predict their next move, and can give you an advantage in the fight. Stay alert!
  4. 4
    Try not to let them hit you. Dodge their punches to make yourself look like an expert fighter. If they do make contact, a kick to their shins, groin, or stomach could prevent another strike from occurring. Hitting them with a powerful elbow to the ribs can also end the fight.
    • Guard your face, as your head is the most sensitive part of you. Bend your arms and hold them in front of your face. Keep your hands clenched into fists so that you can be ready to punch if necessary.
  5. 5
    Punch correctly to avoid self-injury. Punch with your fist held straight, and keep your wrist sturdy or else your wrist could break. Don't put your thumb inside your fist, or it'll break, too. If you're anticipating a possible fight, practice fighting beforehand. It is best to punch the body and use palm strikes to the head if necessary. Watch videos on YouTube or pick up boxing to polish your skills.[2]
  6. 6
    Headlock them as best you can. However, if the fight is happening on school grounds, you should let go almost instantly. In any case, let them go quickly so that they don't pass out and pin the blame on you. After letting go of them, try to make sure they fall to the ground and pin them down when they do.[3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Avoiding Conflicts

  1. 1
    Avoid insulting them. Do not say anything to egg them on (including threats, racist words, or sarcastic comments). This could escalate the fight, and your goal is to end the fight altogether. If their friends are there, they could end up using your words against you. Or, if the fight persists, the opponent could end up winning, and then those words would come back to haunt you.[4]
  2. 2
    Run away if you are outnumbered. If their friends or allies join the fight and they are outnumbered, try to run and defend yourself while sprinting off. Keep a careful watch on the body language of everyone there, so that you can be ready to react with fast reflexes. Dodge any objects that they may try to throw at you. Call for help if needed.[5]
  3. 3
    Avoid specific people who wish to cause you harm. Certain people are just plain cruel, and avoiding them altogether could be the best plan. Steer clear of areas where a bully usually hangs out, and instead find a new route to get where you need to go. You are not cowardly for wanting to avoid confrontation and maintain peace in your life.
  4. 4
    Refrain from causing permanent damage. Do not get carried away in the fight, and never try to cause permanent physical harm to another person. Do not aim for their face, for instance. Do not use objects to fight; simply use your hands to defend yourself. Once you have protected yourself from harm, retreat from the fight.[6]
    • You can certainly use objects as a shield, such as holding up a book to block blows. However, you will lose the respect of your peers if you use such objects against your opponent and the odds become uneven and unfair.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Seeking Help

  1. 1
    Talk to a counselor. If you are in an altercation, reaching out to an authority figure can keep you out of trouble. Schedule an appointment with your counselor and ask them for advice. You can explain your situation using fake names if that helps you feel more comfortable about opening up. You can reveal as much or as little as you choose. Overall, your counselor will just want to make sure that you are safe.[7]
  2. 2
    Ask a friend for assistance. There is no shame in asking your peers for help if you are in trouble. Call a friend that you trust. A friend can also have your back if you need them during the fight. Come up with a signal word between the two of you so that your friend will know right away if you're in trouble.[8]
  3. 3
    Travel in groups or with a friend. If you are anticipating a fight and hope to avoid it, walk around with a large group of people or with a trustworthy friend. If you outnumber the bully or if there is a large audience, he or she will feel less emboldened to threaten or intimidate you.
  4. 4
    Talk to parents, a coach, or a mentor. Trusted adults can give you helpful advice on how to handle a bully or how to evade a fight. Ask an adult you trust if they have ever gotten into a fight, and ask how they would handle the situation if they were in your shoes. Coaches, parents, and other mentors can give you tips on the best ways to defend yourself and won't judge you if you admit to feeling scared. Keep your life stress-free and get help from an adult who cares about your wellbeing.[9]
    • Remember that it takes strength and bravery to try to avoid a fight altogether.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is a Chinese burn?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It’s the same thing as an Indian burn. It involves gripping the top of somebody's forearm with both hands, then rotating the hands in opposite directions, causing immediate burning and irritation.
  • Question
    What if a small person in my school is a brute and loves to fight, but I'm bigger than him?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    So what? If he is trying to fight you, you should be able to defend yourself. Size doesn't matter. Skill matters.
  • Question
    This guy in my class is always punching people at random. He punched my friend! If he tries to punch me, how do I defend myself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try NOT to fight him. Defend yourself by holding your fists under your eyes, but if necessary, fight him. Remember not to throw the first punch, as that will make you get in more trouble.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 148 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 523,060 times.
621 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 148
Updated: October 10, 2022
Views: 523,060
Categories: Self Defense
Article SummaryX

Although you should try to avoid getting into a fight at school, you should know how to defend yourself in case you have no other option. Although you might be angry, try to avoid insulting the other person, since this could make them more aggressive. Hold your fists in front of your face to protect it from strikes. If they swing at you, try to duck or dodge out of the way. If you can’t dodge all of their strikes, punch their body with a closed fist to create some distance. Once they’ve backed off, don’t hit them again and let them calm down. If they keep coming at you, try getting them in a headlock or pinning them to the ground so they can't strike you. Let go as soon as you can and get away from the person. For more tips, including how to avoid fights at school, read on!

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