Scale models come in various different shapes and sizes, but sometimes, the scale may not be clearly written out for you. You have to make sure that you know what scale the model is; otherwise you may find yourself wanting a tiny model and getting a huge one, or vice versa.


  1. 1
    Find the length and wingspan/width of the scale model which you are constructing. This can be done by simply searching up the type of model, and finding it's dimensions. For example, if you're making an Airbus A380 plane model, you would search up the dimensions of the plane, as this is the first step to finding the plane's scale.
  2. 2
    Find the dimensions of your model with a ruler. It doesn't need to be millimeter perfect, but use a ruler for fairly accurate results.
  3. 3
    Divide the real life dimension of either length or width by that of the model. So, say the real life object had a length of 55m, and the model had a length of 50 cm, or 0.5m, then do 55/0.5. This is equal to 110.[1]
  4. 4
    Take the reciprocal of the number you just had. So, after your division of 55/0.5, the answer is 110.
    • Taking the reciprocal basically means putting 1 over it as a fraction. So, the reciprocal is 1/110. Now, instead of this being a fraction, just make it into a ratio, so, it is not 1/110 but 1:110.
  5. 5
    You have found out the scale of your model! You now know that in this example, 110 of your scale model will make 1 of the real life model.[2]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If the height of the house is 21 feet, how can I determine the height of the scale model?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It would depend on the scale of your model. For example, if the scale you are using is 1:2, you would divide 21 by 2, which is 10.5. Therefore, the height of the model house would be 10.5 feet. If you are using any other scale, just divide 21 by the second number in the ratio. (Which in the example would be 2.)
  • Question
    How do I determine a model's scale if I know the dimensions?
    Gakawamu Gabriel
    Gakawamu Gabriel
    Community Answer
    You have to divide your real measurement to the model. For example, if your real measurement is 5m and your model is 20cm, divide 5/20 =1/4 and that means the ratio would be 1:4.
  • Question
    I am having trouble calculating the size of the Viking's stadium. The scale provided says 1cm=55 ft. If the field is 6 CMA, then how long is the field in real life?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it says that 1cm is equal to 55 ft, then just do 6 times 55. This gives you a total of 330 ft. Online, it says the length is 328. So the scale is accurate.

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: August 9, 2019
Views: 96,478