Stud Tail is a rare skin condition that afflicts cats. It results from excess oil buildup and manifests in growths similar to human acne. While Stud Tail is a somewhat mild condition and should not impact the cat’s longevity, it may cause the cat discomfort and lead to more serious problems. However, by looking for symptoms of the condition, consulting your vet, and getting treatment, you’ll be able help your cat overcome Stud Tail.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Watching for Signs of Stud Tail

  1. 1
    Touch the cat’s fur to see if it appears greasy. Since Stud Tail is caused by an accumulation of skin oil, you should be able to feel what appears to be greasy fur toward the cat’s back. If you feel greasy fur, the cat may have Stud Tail.
    • Greasy fur most often appears toward the back of the cat’s body or on its tail.
    • Verify there are no other reasons your cat’s fur may appear greasy, like if another caretaker has applied medicine, or the cat is excessively dirty.
  2. 2
    Factor in the age and gender of the cat. While all cats can develop Stud Tail, certain populations are much more prone to it. As a result, when you are trying to determine if a cat is afflicted by Stud Tail, you need to seriously consider the age and gender of the cat.
    • Young, unneutered cats are most susceptible to Stud Tail.
    • Neutered cats can sometimes develop Stud Tail.
    • Spayed and intact female cats can, in rare cases, develop Stud Tail.[1]
  3. 3
    Look to see if the cat’s hair is changing. The accumulation of skin oil may result in noticeable hair changes on the affected area. As a result, try to examine your cat’s hair to see if there is any change. Some symptoms might include:
    • A yellowing of fur on cats that have light-colored fur.
    • Hair loss on the tail or near the top back of the cat’s torso.[2]
  4. 4
    Observe skin problems. The most obvious sign of Stud Tail is changes in the skin of the cat around the tail or near the top back of the cat’s torso. Ultimately, these skin changes are a result of the accumulation of skin oil. They may irritate the cat and cause it to scratch itself around the affected area. Look for:
    • Reddish bumps around the tail or on it.
    • Red skin that appears raw or swollen.
    • Blackheads or other pimple-like growths around or on the tail.
    • The appearance of pus on or around the tail. This may only occur in the case of an infection.[3]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Consulting Your Veterinarian

  1. 1
    Answer any questions your vet may have. When you bring your cat to the veterinarian, they’ll ask you a variety of questions about your cat’s behavior, symptoms, and more. Make sure to answer these questions in detail.
    • Be specific. For example, let them know the first date you noticed skin problems on your cat and how quickly the problems progressed. Say, “I noticed what appeared to be some dry skin on Yoda’s tail last month, but early this month Yoda had lost hair and had some larger pimples or growths.”
    • Don’t hold anything back. While you may think that your cat licking their back or tail a lot over the course of the last month is unimportant, your vet might think it is important.[4]
  2. 2
    Allow your vet to examine the affected area. After asking you questions, your vet will physically examine your cat. By observing the affected area, they’ll be better able to arrive at a proper diagnosis.
    • Your veterinarian may touch the area affected by the Stud Tail to see if it is sensitive.
    • The veterinarian will look to see if the skin is infected.[5]
  3. 3
    Expect your vet to perform a tape test. The vet will use acetate tape to look for bacteria and parasites on your cat. The tape looks like scotch tape and is an easy way for the vet to find out more information about your cat's condition. The vet or a tech will press the tape into the cat's skin or fur to collect a sample.
    • The vet can examine the results in-office.
  4. 4
    Ask your vet to conduct a bacteria culture. Once your vet has concluded that the problem is Stud Tail, they may need to take a bacteria culture to determine if your cat has an infection. If so, they’ll be better able to prescribe antibiotics to target the bacteria.
    • Your vet will collect a skin sample or a sample of pus from the affected area.
    • They will introduce it to a sterile environment and allow it to grow.
    • Your vet will examine and identify the sample to determine if there is bacteria present and what kind of bacteria it is. This will allow them to prescribe the most effective antibiotic.[6]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Treating Stud Tail

  1. 1
    Clean the affected area. After successfully diagnosing a case of Stud Tail, you will need to clean the area. By cleaning the area, you’ll make it easier for the cat’s skin to heal.
    • Use a vet-prescribed disinfectant or soap to clean the area the first time.
    • Try to remove dirt, dead skin cells, detached hair, and other debris.
  2. 2
    Wash the tail regularly. Your vet will probably recommend that you wash the affected area regularly. This will remove debris, lessen the chance of infection and, depending on the product, moisturize the area.
    • Your vet may recommend or prescribe an antibacterial wash, like chlorhexidine. Your veterinarian may recommend using it two to three times daily.[7]
  3. 3
    Provide your cat with antibiotics. In cases of severe infection, your veterinarian may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is important, as a bad infection could spread from the tail or back of the cat.
    • Follow your veterinarian’s directions carefully.
    • Don’t skip any doses, if possible.
    • Finish the entire course of antibiotics even if the condition seems to have improved.
    • Some antibiotics your vet may prescribe include amoxicillin, tetracycline and ampicillin.[8]
  4. 4
    Apply topical medicines. In addition to cleaning and washing the affected area, you may also need to apply topical medications. These medications are designed to help fight infection and promote healing of the skin. Some medications might include:
    • Mupirocin
    • Retinoids[9]
  5. 5
    Prevent future occurrences by bathing your cat semi-regularly. Once you’ve started to see progress in the healing of your cat’s Stud Tail, you should take some steps to prevent future outbreaks. Ultimately, this is fairly easy to do and may be accomplished by washing your cat on a regular basis.
    • You may prevent future outbreaks by doing light washes of your cat’s tail or hind area. By focusing on the afflicted area, you’ll save your cat the dissatisfaction of a full bath.
    • You may be able to discontinue regular washes after your cat has aged. Consult your vet about this possibility.
    • Some cats may benefit from anti-seborrheal shampoo.[10]
  6. 6
    Neuter an intact male to prevent stud tail. This condition is caused by hormone fluctuations, which are more common in intact males. The best way to prevent the condition is to neuter the cat, which will eliminate the fluctuations.[11]
    • Ask your vet when it is appropriate to neuter the cat.
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About This Article

Deanne Pawlisch, CVT, MA
Co-authored by:
Certified Veterinary Technician
This article was co-authored by Deanne Pawlisch, CVT, MA. Deanne Pawlisch is a Certified Veterinary Technician, who does corporate training for veterinary practices and has taught at the NAVTA-approved Veterinary Assistant Program at the Harper College in Illinois and in 2011 was elected to the board of the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Foundation. Deanne has been a Board Member of the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Foundation in San Antonio, Texas since 2011. She holds a BS in Anthropology from Loyola University and an MA in Anthropology from Northern Illinois University. This article has been viewed 80,568 times.
53 votes - 98%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: May 26, 2021
Views: 80,568
Article SummaryX

To diagnose and treat stud tail in cats, examine its coat and skin closely for greasiness, irritation, and discoloration, all of which indicate the condition. Next, bring your kitty to the vet for a tape test and bacteria culture to confirm the diagnosis. Then, use a vet-prescribed disinfectant or soap to clean the area 2-3 times per day, followed by an application of a topical ointment like Mupirocin or retinoids. If the infection is severe, your vet may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. For tips on preventing future occurrences of stud tail, read on!

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