Creating hot anime or manga guys is no harder than trying to create any other anime or manga character. It simply requires a little tweaking of the features of the face and body.


  1. 1
    Sketch the shape of the head. Draw a head as you normally would - just create a longer face and a slightly pointier chin.
    • The chin shouldn't be sharp or V-shaped. Anime and manga guys have normal chins, just slightly elongated.
  2. 2
    Sketch the nose and mouth. The nose and mouth of guys are more towards the bottom of the face. Be careful not to make the nose and mouth too far down, though.
    • This is in contrast to the features of anime or manga girls, who tend to have their facial characteristics more centered on the face.
  3. 3
    Carefully determine the size and placement of the eyes. Oftentimes, the eyes of attractive anime guys are narrow and slanted, and the upper lids are heavily outlined (but don't have lashes the way anime girls do).
    • Bigger eyes tend to suggest youth and playfulness, while narrower eyes indicate an older look, like one of an authority figure.
    • If you're having trouble spacing out the eyes, remember that eyes are usually an eye's length apart - meaning that you can just measure the length of one eye and then keep about that much of a distance between the two eyes.
  4. 4
    Begin to draw the the hair. A hot guy can have either short or long hair, which can be either well-kept and groomed, or shaggy and messy. The hair can make them look mysterious or playful. Experiment to see what you like best.
  5. 5
    Draw the body and arms. The shoulders should be wide and strong. Your guy may or may not be muscular, but make everything proportional. Look up references if you're having trouble.
    • The physique of the guy is up to the artist, but generally, wide shoulders and a narrow waist are two features that make up guys that are commonly seen as attractive.
  6. 6
    Sketch the legs. The legs should be long within reason and should match the physique of your guy - meaning that you're not going to have a guy with super buff arms, but legs that look like sticks. Make it proportional.
  7. 7
    Add some clothes. Many attractive anime or manga guys wear clothes that show off their bodies. Common examples are button-up shirts and jeans. You may want to give your guy some accessories, such as a hat, a belt, or a tie.
  8. 8
    Erase extra lines and color. Once you've finished drawing your hot guy, you can erase any extra lines you may have added while sketching and color him in, if you want. You can also choose to add a background to the picture - it's totally up to you!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make my drawings less stiff?
    Natalie Venters
    Natalie Venters
    Community Answer
    You can draw them with smart poses and shade them with color. You can also smooth out the edges to make them more curved.

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Co-authors: 26
Updated: January 18, 2023
Views: 49,343