Of all the Star Wars characters, Yoda is one of the easiest to draw. It just takes a few simple lines and shapes to make him look realistic! This article will walk you through a simple method to try.


Draw two curved triangles for Yoda's ears.

  1. Fill in the detail as shown. Draw Yoda's eyes, small nose, and mouth as shown, then add in his wrinkles and a few strands of hair.

Sketch in the body.

  1. Draw an oval for the torso. Then, draw each arm as a series of linked circles, as shown in the image. Add three fingers to the end of each hand. Put a walking stick in his right hand. Don't worry about creating precise details, since as many of the body features won't be seen.
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Add in Yoda's legs.

  1. As with the arms, draw them as interlinked circles. Finish each leg up with feet and large, round toes. His position is up to you, but if you want him to be sitting down or facing a different direction, then alter the remaining steps slightly.

Sketch in his robe and cloak as shown.

  1. To depict the flowing movement of the cloth, draw in the lines as indicated.
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Use permanent ink or dark pencil to outline.

  1. Outline the parts of Yoda shown in the image. Add shadows/highlighting if you wish. Erase all remaining guidelines.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make Yoda's light saber?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yoda has a glowing green light saber. You can look up pictures of his light saber and try to copy it. It is important to get the color correct.
  • Question
    How do I draw a simple star?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make a line from the bottom left corner to the top middle, then pull it to the bottom right corner. From there, take it to the middle left, then straight across to the middle right. Then bring it back to where you started, at the bottom left corner.

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Co-authors: 22
Updated: November 17, 2022
Views: 126,113
Categories: Featured Articles | Drawing