There are few situations worse than being trapped in an elevator to elevate the pulse of anyone afraid of heights, confined spaces, or both. If you should ever find yourself lodged unfortunately between floors (or are currently reading this inside a stuck elevator), here is just about everything you should do to ensure a speedy escape. The thing to keep in mind is that, unless you find yourself in a life-or-death situation, the best thing to do is to call for help and wait for it. Many of your attempts to escape can actually lead you to more danger. To learn how to escape a stranded elevator as safely as you can, see Step 1 to get started.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Call for Help

  1. 1
    Stay calm. As soon as you realize you're stranded, you may feel a natural urge to panic. However, you have to tell yourself to put mind over matter, and to stay as calm as possible. If you start panicking, your body will start to feel the effects, and you'll only be making it more difficult for yourself to think clearly, and therefore making it harder for you to find a way to escape.[1]
  2. 2
    Find a light source if the lights are out. If the elevator is dark, you can create some light by using a key chain flashlight or opening your cell phone or PDA. Try your best not to keep the device on for so long that battery power is drained. Creating light will help you see the buttons and get a better sense of your situation. If you're not reading this while stranded in an elevator, then check out your cell phone to see if it has a special "flashlight" feature. If so, this can come in handy -- as long as you make sure it doesn't drain your battery!
  3. 3
    Press the call button. If it's dark, use the light source to find the call button. Then, press the call button to contact a technician to help you. This will alert maintenance personnel there is a problem with the elevator. This is the quickest and best way to get help -- much better and safer than trying to take the DIY approach.[2]
  4. 4
    If there's no answer, try calling for help. If there is no response to pressing the call button, check your cell phone for reception. If you have any reception, call your local emergency services number e.g., 911 for the United States, Canada, etc. 911 may unofficially work in other countries, but cannot be relied on where it isn't officially used. The EU has officially adopted 112 for emergencies, so that is the number to try first if you are in Europe.[3]
  5. 5
    Press the "door open" button. Sometimes, this button can just get jammed, and if you press it, it'll open the elevator right up. You may be laughing, but you'd be surprised by how many people call for help to escape a stranded elevator only to find that they just have to press the "door open" button again.
  6. 6
    If you can't call for help, try to get the attention of the people outside the elevator. If you've tried the call button or tried calling for help and have gotten no answer, then your next bet can be to try to shout or call for help. You can try to bang on the door of the elevator with shoes or other objects and yell to alert passersby. Depending on the sound transmittance of the door, tapping firmly with a key on the door may make a loud sound throughout the elevator shaft. Shouting can help alert people who are outside the elevator to your situation, but you should know that shouting or yelling excessively can also cause you to panic more, so make sure you try to stay reasonably calm when you are calling for help.
  7. 7
    Wait it out. If you are not in an extreme life-or-death situation, just wait it out. In a best-case scenario, people will notice the elevator is not working in minutes and you'll be out in no time. People frequently use the elevator and people in the building, especially building personnel, should quickly notice that something is off. Though shouting for help can also help, if it hasn't gotten you anywhere after a while, it's better to stop and wait than to use all of your energy.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:


Only attempt to escape if you can clearly see that the elevator is close to level with the floor and not stuck in an awkward position.

  1. 1
    Force the elevator car doors open. This should not be hard because only magnetic interlocks prevent the elevator car doors from opening.
  2. 2
    See where the elevator is positioned. Use the doors on the outside and see how far off the doors are from reach. If the elevator is at most two feet above the current floor, then proceed on.
  3. 3
    Pull the interlock holding the shaft door closed down, then open the door.
  4. 4
    Step (or jump) down onto the floor below you. Keep your balance when landing.
  5. 5
    Assist other passengers. Persons with disabilities may need assistance escaping the elevator.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Will there be air inside the elevator?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Just like in your car or house, there is air to breathe in a stranded elevator.
  • Question
    What if the elevator went to the top and the wires snapped?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It would likely use its safety brakes and stop within a matter of feet.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm having a baby and I'm stuck in an elevator?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Call the emergency services immediately and go to a doctor once you get out.


  • It is usually safer to remain in the elevator as you risk electrocution and being crushed while crawling around an elevator shaft. Unless you are in a crisis, stay put.
  • Do not attempt to escape the elevator unassisted (unless if there is obvious danger with staying in the elevator i.e., fire or smoke). Do not reenter the elevator upon leaving. Elevators have malfunctioned in the past resulting in falling down the shaft or getting trapped in the elevator doors.
  • Don't smoke or use matches, as you could set off an additional alarm; in the worst-case scenario completely disabling the lift and leaving you stranded for longer.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 60 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 332,530 times.
360 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 60
Updated: December 2, 2022
Views: 332,530
Article SummaryX

If you’re ever stranded in an elevator, try to stay calm so you can think more clearly. If the elevator is dark, create some light with your cell phone. Try pushing the “door open” and “door close” buttons, which may have gotten stuck. You can also find the call button to contact a technician to help you or press the alarm button a few times. If there’s no answer and you have reception, call your local emergency services number. You can also make as much noise as possible to catch the attention of people on other floors who may be waiting for the elevator. Then, they can go for help. To learn how to press a floor button to get out of a stuck elevator, keep reading!

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