Wide shoulders are a desirable physical trait for many people. However, it can be difficult to get this kind of physique. If you are interested in building up your shoulder muscles with strength training exercises, then there are several great exercises that can help to target your shoulders. If you just want to get the look of wider shoulders without the work, then you can also try wearing certain types of clothing to make your shoulders appear wider. There are also some lifestyle changes that might help, such as improving your posture, losing weight, and building up your confidence.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Strength Training

  1. 1
    Try side laterals. One good exercise for building up your shoulder muscles is the side lateral raise. Start out with light weights and move up to heavier ones as you gain strength.[1]
    • To perform this exercise, hold some dumbbells in each of your hands and place your arms against the sides of your body.
    • Then, raise the dumbbells up to they are parallel with your shoulders.
    • Do three sets of 6 to 10 repetitions.
  2. 2
    Perform upright rows with a wide grip. Upright rows are also great for building wider shoulders.[2] By performing upright rows with a wide grip, you can work the muscles on the outer edges of your shoulders and this may make it easier to widen your shoulders.[3]
    • To perform upright rows, grasp a low cable bar. With an overhand grip, pull the bar straight up and back, leading with the shoulder, pulling the bar back.
    • Another option is to do rows using dumbbells.[4] Stand next to a bench and place one knee on the bench. Then, place the hand on the same side of your body on the bench and grasp the dumbbell with your other hand. Pull the weight upwards lifting your elbow into the air behind you as you do so.
    • Do three sets of 6 to 10 repetitions, or as many as you can do before you can’t do any more.
  3. 3
    Try some rear deltoid raises. You can also work your rear deltoids to increase the width of your shoulders.[5] These are similar to side deltoid raises, but you perform them while bent over.[6]
    • To do rear deltoid raises, bend over so that your back is parallel with the ground.
    • Get a dumbbell in each hand that is light to moderate. The weight should not be so heavy you can’t lift it more than a few times.
    • Then, begin raising the dumbbells out and away from your body until they are almost parallel with your back.
    • Do three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions on each side.
  4. 4
    Perform front deltoid raises. You also have deltoid muscles in the front of your shoulders, which you can work by performing front deltoid raises. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.[7]
    • Starting with your hand close to your body, begin lifting the dumbbell upwards and in front of your body.
    • When the dumbbell is about at shoulder height, begin to lower it slowly back to its starting position.
    • Do three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions on each side.
  5. 5
    Do overhead presses. Pressing weights overhead will also help you to add bulk to your shoulders and make them look wider. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a dumbbell in each of your hands.[8]
    • To do the exercise, press the dumbbells straight upwards above your head and then bring them back down slowly.
    • Do three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.
  6. 6
    Try wide-grip pull-ups. If you want to work with your own body weight, then doing pull-ups is a great option. Pull-ups will work your shoulder muscles along with your arm and back muscles at the same time. Using a wide grip will enhance the shoulder work as well.[9]
    • Grasp a pull-up bar with your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Then, pull your body weight upwards until your chin reaches the bar. Do as many pull-ups as you can.
    • If you can’t do regular pull-ups yet, then you can try doing assisted pull-ups with a machine. Most gyms have one of these machines. They use weights to counter your body weight and make the pull-up a little easier.
  7. 7
    Perform pike-style push-ups. Push-ups also use your body weight to work your upper body and core muscles. However, you can target your shoulder muscles more intensely if you do pike-style push-ups.[10]
    • To do pike-style push-ups you will need a weight lifting bench or a sturdy chair. Get into the push-up position in front of the bench or chair and then put your feet up on the chair.
    • Use your hands to walk your upper body back towards the chair until you are in the pike position, which is similar to a headstand, but with your feet on the bench or chair. Your body should be bent at the waist.
    • To do the exercise, lower your face down towards the ground by bending your arms. Then, when you are close to the ground, raise yourself back up.
    • Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times and do three sets.
    • Keep in mind that this type of exercise should be done with caution because losing your grip or positioning for even a second could result in serious harm to the neck and spine.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Dressing for Wider Shoulders

  1. 1
    Wear shoulder pads. Shoulder pads are a classic solution to narrow or small shoulders. Some clothes come with built in shoulder pads, such as blazers and coats.[11] You might also be able to get away with putting shoulder pads on under a thick sweater.
    • Be careful not to overstuff with shoulder pads or they will look too obvious.
  2. 2
    Choose clothing that fits well. Baggy clothing can actually make your shoulders look narrower, so it is best to avoid it. Instead, choose clothing that fits you well, such as fitted jeans and shirts.[12]
    • It is especially important to choose clothing that is fitted around your waist because this can help to create the V-shape that makes your shoulders look wider.
  3. 3
    Try some horizontal stripes. Wearing horizontal stripes across your chest and shoulders can also make your shoulders look wider. Try wearing a sweater that has a stripe or two going across the chest and/or shoulder area.[13]
  4. 4
    Opt for white shirts. White can make you seem like you have wider shoulders as well by making the top half of your body appear larger.[14] Try wearing white dress shirts and t-shirts to see if this enhances the size of your shoulders.
  5. 5
    Dress in layers. You can take advantage of the effects of layering your clothes in the winter to give the look of wider shoulders. Try wearing a sweater over a long sleeved shirt, or layer a t-shirt over a waffle shirt.[15]
    • You can also try wearing two or three t-shirts in warmer weather to create this effect. However, make sure that the collars or sleeves of the other shirts don’t peak out or it may look odd. Wear a larger shirt over the others to hide the edges.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1
    Lose weight if you are overweight. Carrying extra weight around your waist can make your shoulders look smaller in comparison. Along with sculpting your shoulder muscles, try to lose weight to decrease the circumference of your waist. This will help to create a V-effect and make your shoulders look wider.[16]
    • To lose weight, you will need to reduce your overall caloric intake so that you are eating fewer calories than you burn. Try keeping a log of everything you eat to determine how many calories you consume and cut down as needed.
    • Fill up on non-starchy vegetables, such as green beans, cauliflower, peppers, and zucchini to help reduce your overall caloric intake. You can also replace fatty proteins with lean proteins, such as skinless chicken, turkey burgers, tofu, and eggs.
  2. 2
    Stand up straight. Good posture can make you seem thinner and enhance your shoulders at the same time.[17] Stand up straight with your chest out and shoulders back to make them look wider.
    • Throughout the day remind yourself to correct your posture, such as by placing a note on your desk or by setting an alarm on your phone.
  3. 3
    Work on your confidence. Exuding confidence can affect the way that people see you. Being confident is also helpful for feeling good about yourself. If your confidence is low, then work on building it up so that you can look and feel your best.
    • Try writing yourself a letter from the perspective of someone who cares about you and wants to boost your confidence. What would that person say? Which of your strengths might he/she point out? After you write this letter, try reading over it once a day to help boost your confidence.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    What exercises widen shoulders?
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Julian Arana is a Personal Trainer and the Founder of B-Fit Training Studios, a personal training and wellness set of studios based in Miami, Florida. Julian has over 12 years of personal training and coaching experience. He is a certified personal trainer (CPT) by the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF). He has a BS in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University and an MS in Exercise Physiology specializing in strength and conditioning from the University of Miami.
    Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer

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    Work on your lats and rear shoulder muscles to make your shoulder's appear wider. You can try dumbbell rows, barbell rows, pullup rows, reverse flys, and face pulls.
  • Question
    How can I increase my shoulder width?
    Michele Dolan
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer

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    Try weight lifting, including the exercises listed here as well as pushups and chin-ups. Aim for resistance training three times per week to build a strong and strong- looking upper body. You need to feel the burn in your muscles to achieve results, but work up gradually. The shoulder is easy to injure.
  • Question
    Do push-ups widen your shoulders?
    Michele Dolan
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer

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    Push ups cannot change your bone structure. However, since push-ups work the front of the shoulder as well as the chest muscles, yes, building these muscles through doing push-ups will make the shoulders bigger.



About This Article

Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT
Co-authored by:
Certified Personal Trainer
This article was co-authored by Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT. Julian Arana is a Personal Trainer and the Founder of B-Fit Training Studios, a personal training and wellness set of studios based in Miami, Florida. Julian has over 12 years of personal training and coaching experience. He is a certified personal trainer (CPT) by the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF). He has a BS in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University and an MS in Exercise Physiology specializing in strength and conditioning from the University of Miami. This article has been viewed 1,982,365 times.
23 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 70
Updated: May 27, 2021
Views: 1,982,365
Article SummaryX

To get wider shoulders, focus on standing up straight with your chest out, since good posture will make your shoulders look wider. When you exercise, do push-ups with your hands on the ground and your feet raised on a chair or bench to target your shoulder muscles more intensely. Additionally, try exercises like side laterals or upright rows, which work the muscles on the outer edges of your shoulders. You can also do front and rear deltoid raises, starting with smaller weights and working your way up to heavier ones to build up your shoulder muscles. For tips from our Fitness reviewer on how to change your diet to help your shoulders look wider, read on!

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