This article was co-authored by Stina Garbis and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit. Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
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If you happen to hurt your Virgo girlfriend, you might find that earning her forgiveness can feel like a tough, uphill battle. In truth though, all she needs to know is that you won’t hurt her again and that your relationship is worth taking a chance on. Below, we’ve outlined some effective tips to help you get a Virgo woman to forgive you. That way, you can get back to enjoying the relationship![1] X Research source
Understand your mistake.
For her to forgive, she needs to know that you won't hurt her again. Because of this, she'll be looking for signs that you really understand your mistake. No blanket apologies will do the trick with this sign. She’s going to be super practical and analytical about whether or not she chooses to forgive you, so do your best to prove your worth her gamble.[2] X Research source [3] X Research source
- First, clearly explain what you did to hurt her. The more detailed you can be the better, because she'll be paying close attention, trying to decide whether or not she can truly trust that you understand your mistake.
- This next part can be tough, but you should admit that you were in the wrong. Take full responsibility for your actions and for the way you made her feel.
A Virgo will need to see you put in some effort before she forgives.[4] X Expert Source
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer Expert Interview. 10 December 2021. To her, the effort you put in signals how much you care. Pulling together a thoughtful, mature apology will be a super effective way to show her that you're willing to do the work to earn forgiveness.[5] X Research source [6] X Research source- Explain that you regret what you did and you’re sorry that you hurt her. Definitely avoid caveats or adding anything that might water down your apology.[7]
Expert Source
Patti Novak Williams
Professional Matchmaker & Dating Coach Expert Interview. 12 January 2021. - Ask her to forgive you. Tell her the relationship means a lot and you want to fix things.
- A full, heartfelt apology will be super important if you want her forgiveness!
- Explain that you regret what you did and you’re sorry that you hurt her. Definitely avoid caveats or adding anything that might water down your apology.[7]
Expert Source
Try to fix it.
Show her through your actions that you deserve forgiveness. To a Virgo woman, actions will always speak louder than words. If there’s something you broke that can be fixed, definitely put in the effort to do so. Some things will take longer to mend – if you broke her trust or hurt her feelings, for example. But for others, you can take steps to fix things right away![8] X Research source
- If you ruined something she loved, like a piece of clothing or a nice vase, you can find a way to replace it.
- Or, if you promised to come to an event and then didn't show, clear your schedule so you can be at the next one. Let her know you want to be someone she can count on and then stick to that.
- If your mistake doesn't have a simple fix, you can still promise to be better and then keep that promise. Acknowledge that you know you struggle with [anger, jealousy, loyalty – whatever it may be].
- Then, make sure she knows that you really want to improve and that you'll work hard to do so. This should go a long way with a Virgo woman, making her way more likely to forgive and forget![9] X Research source
Stick to the facts.
She’ll be frustrated if your apology isn’t grounded in facts. Women of this sign usually prefer to make their decisions without a big emphasis on emotions. Instead, they look at the cold, hard truths and make informed decisions from there. Of course, it can be so hard to keep your emotions in check when you're upset, but when apologizing to a Virgo, this will be important.[10] X Research source
- Centering your apology on how you feel will probably make it harder for you to prove that you understand your mistake – which is all she’ll care about.
- If you’re afraid you might let your emotions get the best of you, plan out exactly what you want to stay.
- Then, stick to the facts. State what you did wrong, why you think it happened, acknowledge that you hurt her, and finally, say you’re sorry.
- For example, avoid phrases like, "I'm so miserable because I hurt you." Instead, go for, "I know I hurt you and I really regret that. I regret it because you don't deserve to be treated poorly and our relationship is important to me."
Don't show up unannounced.
Virgo women feel rattled by surprises. You’ll want her to be as calm and focused as possible in order for her to forgive you. If she’s not speaking to you and you feel a bit helpless, showing up to her house with chocolates will probably be super tempting. But you should definitely avoid anything that gives her no warning. She'll be more likely to forgive if you offer her a clear apology, time to think, and lots of space.[11] X Research source
- If, either before or after your apology, she needs time to think, don't intrude on that. Instead, just let her know that you'll want to talk whenever she's ready.
- Then, wait for her to reach back out to you. If she's going to forgive you, she'll need to do so on her own terms.
Show her you’re committed.
Loyalty and commitment are extremely important to Virgo women. One of the best things you can do to get your Virgo to forgive your mistake is show her you're sticking with it. Whether or not you’re the type of person to hunker down and make things right will be crucial.[12] X Research source
- Explain to her that even though you know it's a tough situation, you're not going to give up on your relationship. Clearly tell her that you don't walk away when things get hard.
- If she brings up changes that she'd like you to make in order to earn back her trust, don't dismiss them. Instead, take her needs seriously by reflecting on whether or not you can do what she's asking and then, how you can do it.
Be patient.
A Virgo woman may take a while to decide if she forgives you. She’s evaluating all of the facts of your relationship and taking her decision super seriously – as you’d probably want her to. Be prepared to wait. Let her make her decision in peace, and she’ll be more likely to find a way to forgive you![13] X Research source [14] X Research source
- If she tells you she needs time to think, give that to her.
- If she tells you not to reach out, don’t call or text until she says she’s ready.
Be honest.
A Virgo woman won't stick with someone who isn’t honest with her.[15] X Expert Source
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer Expert Interview. 10 December 2021. To earn the forgiveness of this sign, it’s so crucial that you choose to tell her the truth. This means your apology should include the full story and you should only make promises that you really mean. If she finds out you haven’t been truthful with her, that will probably be impossible to come back from in her eyes. Ultimately, this will make it much harder to win her forgiveness.[16] X Research source
Don’t argue with her.
During your apology, show her you take her feelings seriously. It can be so hard when we’re already feeling insecure about mistakes we may have made, but it really is best to avoid turning the conversation into an argument. If she says things you disagree with, then there may be a better time down the line to address that. But for now, just focus on making amends and letting her vent. You'll help your case and be more likely to get forgiven if she knows you respect her enough to listen.[17] X Research source
Insist your mistake wasn’t about her.
Virgos can be insecure, so she'll need to be told that she's not to blame. She’ll probably have a deep fear that every problem in her life stems from the fact that she’s imperfect. Depending on how hurt she is, one of your biggest hurdles may be convincing her that your mistake wasn’t a reflection of her worth. Try to calmly include this in your apology.[18] X Research source
- For the two of you to move on in a healthy way, it’ll be crucial that your Virgo lady doesn’t internalize the issue. Once you’ve taken some time to really understand your role in her hurt, this should be a snap!
- Take full ownership of the mistake and explain why you think everything happened the way it did. The clearer you are, the less likely she'll be to believe it was actually about her shortcomings.
- Avoid pinning blame by saying something like, "I snapped at you because I was tired, and you started peppering me with questions that I didn't want to answer."
- Instead, you could try something that takes responsibility, like, "I snapped at you because I was tired and being really careless. It's my fault, and I'm sorry."
Prove your relationship is worth it.
She'll be more likely to forgive if she sees the relationship's value. In a Virgo woman’s eyes, it really will be black and white. You might’ve just given her reason not to trust you, so in order for her to forgive, she has to believe that taking the risk with you is worth it. So, be honest, be understanding, and put your best foot forward during the apology process.[19] X Research source
- This strategy will be a long-term solution. Showing her how valuable your relationship is won’t happen overnight.
- You probably know what things you can do to make your Virgo woman feel loved. Whether it’s listening when she needs an ear or taking her on romantic, well-planned dates, this will be key to really earning her trust back.
Speak her language.
The easiest way to connect with a Virgo is through her favorite things. This can mean showing her that you need her, giving her your precious free time, or staying loyal. You know your girlfriend better than anyone, but if you're feeling stuck, try some of these Virgo favorites below![20] X Research source
- If you have a house project to start, she'd love to be included in it. Women of this sign feel close to partners who really need them, so showing her you respect her opinion and abilities will be a huge.
- If she's upset with you, it may be tempting to just buy her a big gift that makes the problem go away. But a Virgo woman will be way more appreciative if you give your time to her, so instead, try planning a Saturday of activities that you know she'll love.
- Last, if you're trying to win a Virgo's forgiveness, loyalty will be important. Make sure she knows you can trust her in every way, and if you've done something to jeopardize that trust, your focus should definitely be on trying to get it back.
- Showing her that your relationship is full of love and support will make her way more likely to forgive.
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- ↑ Patti Novak Williams. Professional Matchmaker & Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 12 January 2021.
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