A simple way to regrow lettuce

If you have ever bought a pack of romaine lettuce from the store, you probably threw away the stem at the end. However, the stems have the potential to regrow their lettuce leaves, using only water and sunlight. This simple project can be a fun way for children (and adults) to learn how to reduce kitchen waste by improving the yield of a single plant.


  1. 1
    Cut off the end of the lettuce stalk. Make sure you don’t cut the stump to an excessively small size. About 1-2 inches of leaf should be left.
  2. 2
    Place the stem in a small container of water. Ensure that the water level will cover the roots. Use approximately 1/2 inch of water.
  3. 3
    Put the stem and container near a window. A window that receives light for at least a few hours a day should suffice.
  4. 4
    Replace the water in the container each day. This is to prevent the water from becoming dirty and mouldy. Unclean water can cause the lettuce to rot.
  5. 5
    Observe your growing lettuce! Within 2 days you should see the first few leaves grow out of the center of your stem. You may find that some of the leaves leftover from the last stalk will start to turn brown and spotted.
  6. 6
    Plant your lettuce in potting soil. After about 1 week or when the leaves have reached about 3 inches above the cut stem, it should be ready for planting. Make sure the soil covers the roots but not the old leaves.
  7. 7
    Place your planted lettuce in the sun again. Water daily to keep the soil moist.
  8. 8
    Watch your lettuce continue to grow taller! There may be a period where you do not notice much upward growth. Check the center, and you may find smaller leaves are being produced instead!
  9. 9
    Harvest the leaves. Begin collecting leaves once they are big enough to make a small salad. Pluck or cut off the leaves and compost the stem. The average harvesting height is 8 inches.
  10. 10
    Create a delicious salad with your home-grown lettuce leaves!
  11. Advertisement


  • Only use Romaine lettuce. Iceberg lettuce will start to grow, but the leaves will quickly turn brown and die.
  • Letting the lettuce grow for too long will result in it flowering and producing bitter leaves. Harvest the leaves before this occurs.

Things You'll Need

  • Romaine lettuce
  • Sunny window
  • Small pot or shallow container
  • Water
  • Potting soil

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Co-authors: 8
Updated: June 16, 2022
Views: 63,317
Categories: Growing Vegetables