Even in places where water isn’t scarce, recycling rainwater can save you money on your utilities, and it’s one more step towards a cleaner, more sustainable environment. We have all the tips you need to get started on this fun, thrifty project!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Selecting a Catchment Area

  1. 1
    Designate a section of your roof. If you’re looking for a simple water collection solution that will allow you to begin harvesting right away without making any costly updates to your home, just look up. The roof is the most commonly used catchment area. It’s also the most easily adapted, thanks to the expediency of gutters and other fixtures.[1]
    • For best results, designate a downspout directly beneath a steep part of the roof where water tends to accumulate.[2]
    • Pick an area behind or off to one side of your home to keep your water collection system hidden from view.
  2. 2
    Look for places where water collects naturally. Since rainwater can collect at the base of any sloped surface, you’re not limited to using your gutters. Following a heavy downpour, survey your property for areas where shallow pools, streams, and overflow begin to form. Any of these spots can serve as an effective catchment area.
    • Remember: water settles at low elevation. If you live on a hill, you may need to scope out the perimeter of your property to find a suitable open-air collection site.
  3. 3
    Pave open reservoirs to create a cistern. To minimize the amount of water lost through seepage, spread a thin layer of concrete or a mixture of tightly-packed gravel and sand over the bottom of an open-air pool or stream. Lining ground-level catchment areas will also keep mud from leaching into the fresh water and prevent it from being tainted by other surface contaminants.
    • Some cities have ordinances that heavily regulate the use of cisterns and other water collection systems. For this reason, this option may be better suited to those who live in rural areas.[3]
    • In hot, dry climates, there’s a chance that much of the water could be lost through evaporation before you’ve had the chance to make use of it.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Channeling the Runoff

  1. 1
    Use your home’s gutters. Most residences are already equipped with a means of channeling excess runoff—the gutters. This is the simplest way to set about harvesting rainwater, as all it requires you to do is set out a few containers to catch what drains off of the roof.[4]
    • Standard 5” gutters with 3” downspouts will be large enough for most average-sized homes. For roofs with significantly more surface area, you may need to replace smaller gutters with slightly larger 6” gutters with 4” downspouts to control the flow of water.[5]
    • In general, sheet metal roofing make the best surfaces for collecting rainwater. Wood shakes, asphalt shingles, and clay tiles are also acceptable, though these materials tend to be more hospitable to mold, moss, and algae.
  2. 2
    Direct the water through a secondary conveyance system. If you’ve chosen someplace other than your roof to serve as your catchment area, you’ll need a way to reroute the runoff to where it will eventually be stored. You can accomplish this by digging a shallow channel at the water’s source (for instance, the edge of a natural basin or along the stream). Then, lay a series of pipes within the recess. You can configure the pipes as needed to create a makeshift irrigation system and carry the water where it will be most useful.[6]
    • Durable materials like copper or aluminum pipes or PVC tubing make for long-lasting channels that won't introduce any other harmful compounds to the runoff water.
    • Keep in mind that the channel must have enough slope to keep the water moving. This may help determine the location you ultimately decide on.
  3. 3
    Keep the water close to its intended destination. If you’re planning on using your reserves to water flowers or grow fruits and vegetables, for example, set up your conveyance system so that it delivers the water to the side of the house nearest the garden. That way, you’ll always have a convenient supply on hand.[7]
    • Consider the placement of your storage system carefully. Once the water has filled the containers, it can be difficult to transport it elsewhere.[8]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Collecting the Water

  1. 1
    Set out one or more high-capacity containers. Plastic rain barrels are the most common method of harvesting rainwater. A single rain barrel is spacious enough to hold 50 gallons (190 L) of water or more. Specially-designed barrels feature built-in filtration screens and spigots for ease of application, and can be purchased at most gardening centers.[9]
    • If you’re unable to find premade rain barrels, a wooden barrel, or even a lidded plastic trash can will do.[10]
    • Connect multiple barrels with a short length of hose so that they’ll fill and drain at the same rate.
    • No matter what type of container you choose for your collection system, make sure the materials it’s made from are opaque. Blocking out the sunlight will prevent mold and algae from growing inside the barrels.[11]
  2. 2
    Elevate the barrels for better water pressure. Dig a shallow trough at your designated catchment area and fill it with tightly-packed gravel. Cover the gravel with cinder blocks or stacked wooden pallets and set the barrels on top. The added height will allow the water to flow from the spigot more easily.[12]
    • The gravel is there to absorb overflow and keep it from saturating the foundation of the house.
    • Raising your storage containers makes it easier to position a bucket or watering can beneath the spigot.[13]
  3. 3
    Install a dedicated cistern. If you’re serious about your conservation efforts, you might consider investing in a much larger above or below-ground storage system. This will make the project much involved, as you’ll have to find a suitable location for the tank or even excavate your yard to make room underground. Once it’s finished, however, you’ll be able to collected far greater quantities of water than is possible using conventional systems.[14]
    • Below-ground systems can get very expensive. These are recommended primarily for people who intend to use rainwater to replace running water for the majority of their daily needs.
  4. 4
    Filter the harvested water. As a basic filtration system, you can use a sheet of fine mesh screening cut to fit over the opening of the container. In-tank chemical filtration devices, first-flush diverters, and substances like activated charcoal are another option. These will help strain bacteria, heavy metals, and other undesirable substances from natural rainwater.[15]
    • To deter mosquitos and limit the water’s exposure to bacteria and other pollutants, be sure to keep the container covered at all times.[16]
    • Aim to drain and clean your storage containers every 3-5 years to keep them sanitary.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can central heating be run from rain water harvesting?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Of course! Harvest the water and store it in a large hot water heater unit you can find at any junk yard or scrap yard. Use this to run your central heating unit. The connection is easier than it looks. You only need an additional spigot and a tension regulator. Do not forget the back-up clasp! I set this up last year and it has worked out great.
  • Question
    What's an advanced method of rain water harvesting?
    Patrick O'Neill
    Patrick O'Neill
    Community Answer
    To start you must have an as big as possible collection surface, like a roof, and metal is preferred. A single plain is easier like a "shed roof" design. A gutter is typically used to collect the rain and re-direct it to a holding tank. From the gutter the water should be filtered of debris before entering the holding tank. When the captured water is drawn out of the tank, depending on its use it should be fine-filtered before animal or human consumption.
  • Question
    What do you do during the winter to keep the water from freezing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If your storage containers are properly covered and insulated, the water may be retain enough heat to prevent freezing. Otherwise, it may be a good idea to drain, clean, and put up your storage system during the colder season, especially if you live somewhere that experiences harsh winters.


  • Never drink rain water that hasn’t been properly filtered or treated. It may contain harmful bacteria, traces of toxic chemicals, or other contaminants.
  • In places where the collection and storage of water is regulated by law, a gutter system may be the only legal way to harvest rainwater.

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95 votes - 74%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: September 17, 2021
Views: 139,644
Categories: DIY
Article SummaryX

To harvest rainwater in your household, you’ll need a way to channel the runoff, a container to hold it, and a way to move it to where it’s needed most. For a simple, inexpensive system, designate a downspout directly beneath a steep part of your roof where water tends to accumulate. Set out 1 or more high-capacity containers to collect the water, like a plastic rain barrel. Some specially-designed barrels feature built-in filtration screens and spigots to make your collection even easier. If you need to filter the water yourself, cut a sheet of fine mesh screening to fit over the opening of the container to help strain bacteria, heavy metals, and other substances. To learn how to create a cistern to harvest rainwater, keep reading!

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