Country clubs are private, membership-based clubs that offer a range of recreational activities. These clubs tend to be expensive and exclusive, so joining one is difficult for most people. You can improve your chances of getting into a country club by finding one that fits your financial situation and by carefully following the application process.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Choosing a Country Club

  1. 1
    Search for country clubs in your area. Before you can join a country club, you'll need to find one. The easiest way to find a club is to get a recommendation from someone who already belongs to one, but you can search for one on your own, too. If you don't know anyone who currently belongs to a country club, you can find a club by going online.[1]
    • Using search terms like "country clubs near (your zip code)" will turn up a decent number of results.

    Tip: Getting a recommendation can also help you with the application process since many country clubs expect you to come on the recommendation of at least one current club member.

  2. 2
    Check multiple clubs in your area to get the best price possible. It's best to do some shopping around to determine which club is the best fit for you and your family before committing to one. Make sure to pay attention to the main costs, like the initiation fee (if applicable) and annual membership dues.[2]
    • Most clubs will list their prices on their website, so you can get all of this information without contacting the clubs themselves. Reach out to the clubs if you want to clarify any specific costs.

    Did you know? The average annual cost of a golf club membership is about $6,240 per year, or $520 per month. However, many clubs are more expensive, and can cost between $100,000 - $300,000 per year.

  3. 3
    Research possible hidden fees. Some clubs expect you to spend a minimum amount of money on food and amenities each month. Others may also require or request additional money for various improvements to the club.
    • It's also be a good idea to ask a current member of a club how much the cost of membership has risen over the past 5 years.
  4. 4
    Find a club that offers activities and amenities that are important to you. Beyond cost, ask yourself what you want from your club membership. Make sure that the activities, amenities, and social opportunities you seek will be available to you at each club you check out. If you have young children, see if you can find a club with a playground or one that offers tennis and swimming lessons for your kids.
    • Other activities for kids include arts and crafts or cooking classes. Many clubs have enough to accommodate people of all ages.
  5. 5
    Look at working class country clubs for more affordable prices. Working class country clubs are less pricey than their posh counterparts. Most of the members have working-class jobs as opposed to holding executive positions. Additionally, more reasonably priced clubs can have activities for the whole family, not just golf.
    • Joining a working-class country club is almost always free, but you may need to pay yearly dues ranging between $1,200 and $5,000.
    • A pricier club will have more amenities, such as a spa or an Olympic-sized pool. These clubs also offer more in terms of dining options.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Joining a Country Club

  1. 1
    Inquire about the different membership levels. Many country clubs offer different levels of membership, and each level has different costs associated with it. Regular or full members will have unrestricted access to the country club's services and grounds, but this level of membership also carries the most expensive fees. House or social members have limited access to many of the grounds. Some parts of the club, like the restaurant and pool, might still be open without restriction, though.[3]
    • Nonresident members pay the least amount in fees, but the club only opens certain services to them. The amount of time you can use those services and grounds will also be restricted.
  2. 2
    Find a sponsor to give you a referral. Many posh and executive country clubs will only allow you to join on referral. In these instances, it is best to look for 1 or 2 sponsors before you fill out the application. In many cases, these referrals come from your friends or work associates. The sponsor and co-sponsor will usually need to submit a letter of recommendation in your favor.[4]
    • If you don’t know anyone who belongs to a country club, ask around at your work to see if someone is a member. Get to know that person and then, when you feel comfortable, ask them for a recommendation.

    Tip: Some clubs may list referrals as a membership requirement, but in many cases, these clubs are still willing to consider applications without referrals.

  3. 3
    Fill out the application. In most cases, applications can be obtained by contacting the Membership Director of whichever country club you’re looking to join. This application will ask for basic contact information, a photo ID, and the names of your sponsors. The application will also ask about your family and hobbies. Additionally, many country clubs will require you to agree to a credit and background check.
    • These checks are done to verify that you will be able and likely to pay your membership.
    • Some country clubs make the application available on their website.
    • A poor credit rating will decrease your odds of acceptance.
  4. 4
    Attend an interview with membership committee members. Once your application, background check, and credit check clear, you will be asked to schedule an interview. It takes about 2 weeks for the club to process your information and set up an in-person interview. You’ll speak with a few current members about a wide range of topics, such as your background and how you plan on using the club’s amenities.[5]
    • Once they’ve completed the interview, the membership committee members will speak with the Board of Directors and could potentially recommend you for admittance. This is why it’s incredibly important to give a good impression to the interviewers.
  5. 5
    Tour the grounds with the membership committee members. During or after your interview, you might be invited to tour the grounds and test the facilities. Touring the grounds will give you an opportunity to meet the members. Both you and the voting members will get a better idea of whether you'll fit in with the others at the club.[6]
    • If you already know one of the members, you might be able to tour the grounds before you have to submit the application or sit through an interview.
    • Once the interview process is done, you’ll have to wait about 30 days for a response.

    Tip: If you decide to withdraw your application during this waiting period, you should contact the country club and let them know as soon as you arrive at that decision. You will likely lose your application fee, but no other fines or consequences should follow the withdrawal of an application.

  6. 6
    Pay the initiation fee invoice if you’ve been accepted. If the voting board of the country club accepts you for membership, you'll get a call or letter with congratulations and an invoice. Initiation fees are a one-time payment that could range anywhere from $1,000 to $100,000 depending on which club you’re trying to join. If your application is rejected, you will need to start the process over with a different country club.[7]
    • Some clubs may give you a reason for rejecting your application, but not all country clubs will do so. One reason a club might reject you is because it didn't get a great impression of you from the interview.
    • Applying to the same club more than once is not recommended unless the circumstances you were rejected upon change. For example, the club could come under new management, in which case it would be okay to re-apply for admission.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I cancel the membership?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Go to the reception desk, and ask them to cancel your membership.
  • Question
    How do I write a letter of acceptance into a private club?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You don’t. The country club writes the “letter of acceptance,” if one is written at all.
  • Question
    Does it take 3/4 of the voting members to join a country club?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on the club and the club's bylaws. Usually the Board elects new members, not the "voting members", so you need to know the Board members and ensure they see you as a good future member.

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16 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: February 18, 2023
Views: 72,086
Categories: Clubs
Article SummaryX

If you want to join a country club, find one that fits your needs and carefully follow their application process. When looking at the prices of clubs, make sure to note the joining fee, monthly fees, and any hidden fees. Many clubs also offer different membership levels, which have different costs associated with them. While regular or full members will pay the most and have unrestricted access to the club’s services, house or social members will pay less but have more limited access to the grounds. Once you pick the club that’s right for you, fill out the application, which you can get from the Membership Director. This will ask for basic information, like your name and hobbies, as well as require a credit or background check. Once your application has been approved, you’ll likely need to attend an interview with the membership committee members. To learn how long you'll have to wait before you know if the country club has accepted your application, keep reading!

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