Are you ever worried your nosy parents/siblings or friends will read your diary? Never fear! We're here to help. Read on for plenty of tips and tricks that'll keep your diary safe and secure from any nosy relatives.


Write in code.

  1. A code adds extra security to your diary. Use the second or third letter of someone's name instead of their whole name if you don't want a reader to know which person you're writing about.
    • Another option is to write your own stories as if they're rumors you heard. Instead of "I hate school", say "I hear that Alex hates school", for instance.
    • If you have a hobby that you fear a reader would disapprove of, record your achievements as if they were in a more acceptable hobby. Perhaps if you are playing board games when a reader wishes you would play sports, you could decide to always say football instead of Monopoly and tennis instead of Chess. So the memory "I beat Brook at chess" becomes the encoded message "I beat Brook at tennis".

Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I have a diary with a lock and it looks like a diary because it is and my parents have bought it for me, where do I hide it to stop my parents reading it? They are snoops.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Here is a good trick -- don't hide it but use it to write fake entries and make a poor effort to hide it. Then, write in another plain book for your real entries and hide that one well. That way, if your parents snoop, they'll assume they've found the right one.
  • Question
    My diary won't fit under my bed, where else could I put it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it looks like a notebook, just keep it where you leave school materials at home. Nobody would want to read a school notebook right? Do you have a room you don't really go into? If so, keep it in a cupboard or box there.
  • Question
    Is under my bed's mattress a good place to hide it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, especially if your mom changes/cleans the sheets. Keep in mind that you would have to remove the mattress or sheets each time you want to get to your diary, and you risk messing up your bed. While you are doing this, there are chances of people entering or looking into your room.


  • If someone does read your real diary, it may concern your parents, trigger a rumor, or worse things.
  • Fake diaries may lead to false rumours about you. So do NOT write things that will get you into trouble.
  • Whatever you write in your diary is completely up to you. No one else has control of it so therefore, don’t blame others if you get in trouble.

Things You'll Need

  • a subtle book that could be anything
  • a pen
  • a large, outstanding notebook

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 55,449 times.
225 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: June 9, 2022
Views: 55,449
Categories: Hiding Things