Starting high school can be scary, and it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. Stay positive, and remember that your new classmates feel nervous, too. Before your first day, try to learn about your new school by checking out its website and social media pages. Go to orientation, where you’ll receive your schedule, maps, and other info. Start conversations with new people, and do your best not to be intimidated by upperclassmen and teachers. By the end of the day, your workload might seem overwhelming, but you'll get used to having a little more homework. Once you get settled, you'll wonder why you were ever nervous!

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Easing Your Nerves

  1. 1
    Stay positive and encourage yourself. It’s normal to feel nervous about your first day of high school. However, try to open yourself up to new experiences, meeting people, learning, and other exciting opportunities that high school offers.[1]
    • Focus on the exciting new steps ahead of you: you could meet a lifelong friend or discover a passion that leads to a career you love. High school might feel like a roller coaster sometimes, but there will be plenty of amazing moments and important life lessons.
  2. 2
    Remind yourself that your new classmates are nervous, too. New situations can be stressful, but you’re not alone! Your new classmates feel the same jitters as you. Even if someone seems like they’re cool as a cucumber, they’re probably feeling pretty nervous on the inside.[2]
  3. 3
    Try not to dwell on nervous questions. Your mind might be spinning with questions like, “Will I make friends?” or “Will my teachers like me?” When you feel anxious and start second-guessing yourself, take a deep breath. Tell your mind to stop dwelling on nervous questions, and try to think about something you find relaxing.[3]
    • Say to yourself, “You have nothing to worry about. You’ve had lots of ‘firsts’ before, and you’ve gotten this far. You’ll get used to your new school and these feelings of nervousness will go away.”
    • Remember, it’s not the end of the world if you get lost or show up to the wrong class. Even if something goes wrong, you’ll eventually just think of it as a funny first day of school story.[4]
  4. 4
    Talk to a parent, older sibling, or friend about being nervous. Your parents and other relatives have been through high school and plenty of other life events. They understand how you feel and can help you focus on the positive aspects of high school.[5]
    • If you’re in touch with friends who were a grade above you in middle school, you could talk to them about your nerves, too.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Learning about Your New School

  1. 1
    Check out your school online. Your school’s website and social media pages can help you get a feel for your new surroundings. Look for maps of the grounds and buildings, information about extracurricular activities, and pictures of your new classmates and teachers.
  2. 2
    Go to orientation. Chances are, your school will offer a freshman orientation before the first day of school. Don’t skip it! You’ll receive plenty of helpful information, like your schedule and maps, and you'll get the chance to meet your new classmates.[6]
  3. 3
    Study your school’s map. When you get your school’s map, mark the locations of your homeroom, locker, classes, and other key spots. Try to get a feel for how far you’ll walk to get from one class to the next.[7]
    • For instance, if 2 classes are on opposite sides of the grounds, you can plan on bringing your books for both classes with you. Then, you can head back to your locker and swap those books for the materials you’ll need in your next class.
  4. 4
    Ask older friends who go to your new high school for advice. Find out if any older friends from middle school go to your new high school. If you have any friends who started at your new school last year, get in touch with them. Ask them what your new school is like, what you should expect, and if they have any tips for getting used to high school.
    • If you have older siblings who go to your new high school, you could ask them for advice, too.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Meeting New People

  1. 1
    Talk to people who didn’t go to your middle school. There might be lots of people from your middle school in your freshman class. However, try to make new friends instead of only talking to people you already know. Do your best to relax and take advantage of opportunities to meet new people.[8]
    • You and your friends from middle school might drift apart, but that's perfectly normal. People and friendships change over time, so don’t worry if you start to get closer to new friends.
  2. 2
    Be yourself instead of putting on an act to impress people. Don’t think of a new high school as an opportunity to drastically change who you are. It’s one thing to get a haircut or switch up your wardrobe, but don’t put on an act when you introduce yourself to new people.[9]
    • For instance, don’t give up an interest, like a music genre or hobby, because you think it would make other people like you. You don’t need to change the way you talk or make decisions that make you uncomfortable just to look cool.
  3. 3
    Start conversations with small talk or by complimenting someone. It can be difficult to talk to new people, especially if you’re naturally shy. Try paying a genuine compliment to the person who sits next to you in homeroom or math class.[10]
    • You could say something like, “Hey, I really like your sweater! Where did you get it?” or “Cool sneakers! I’ve wanted a pair like that for so long!”
    • You could also ask them where they went to middle school or break the ice by saying, “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty anxious about starting high school!”
  4. 4
    Try not to be intimidated by upperclassmen. People in your class are in the same boat as you, but upperclassmen might seem unapproachable and scary. They’re not out to get you! Remember, they were once freshmen, so they understand what you’re going through.[11]
    • Don’t hesitate to ask an upperclassman for help finding a classroom, advice about what to get at lunch, or how to make it on time to your next class across the grounds.
  5. 5
    Look into joining a club or activity. You might start hearing about extracurricular activities during orientation or in your first few days of school. Joining a club, sport, or other activity is a great way to meet new people with similar interests.[12]
    • Try looking on the school's website or social media pages for activities that spark your interest before the first day of school. Once school starts, look for flyers and announcements for signups, tryouts, or meet and greets.
  6. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Going to Your First Classes

  1. 1
    Get ready and walk, drive, or take the bus to school. Wake up early enough so you can do your morning routine and have breakfast without having to rush. If a parent is driving you, have them drop you off where you'll start your day, such as homeroom or assembly.
    • If you're taking the bus, there's often an orientation where you can meet your driver and find out your stops. See if you have a friend taking the same bus and make a plan to sit together. If you don't know anyone on the bus, try sparking a conversation with someone new.[13]
  2. 2
    Start your day at homeroom or assembly. Chances are, you’ll start your day by reporting to homeroom or an assembly in the auditorium or gymnasium. Homeroom or assembly is where attendance is taken, announcements are made, and other early morning rituals happen. You’ll find out where your typical day starts at freshman orientation.[14]
  3. 3
    Track down your locker and work it into your schedule. If your school has lockers, you probably got your locker number and lock combination during orientation. Try to find spots in your schedule where you can head to your locker to swap books.[15]
    • For example, suppose you have back to back classes far away from your locker, then a third class down the hall from it. Bring all of your materials for the first classes, then stop by your locker on the way to the third.
    • If your locker doesn’t have a built-in combination lock, remember to bring a lock with you on the first day of school.
  4. 4
    Tag along with someone if they're going to the same class. You could ask someone sitting next to you what their next class is. If it's the same as yours, walk to class together, and have a conversation on the way.
    • You could ask them questions like where they went to middle school and what activities they want to join.
    • If you're not sure where your next class is, they might know where they're going. Even if you both get lost, at least you can laugh about it with each other!
  5. 5
    Ask for directions if you get lost. No one is going to judge you for being new, so ask for help if you need it. If you have no clue where to go and your head is spinning, just take a deep breath and try to relax. Look around for someone who looks like they know where they’re going, and ask for directions to your next class.[16]
    • Don’t be afraid to ask teachers and upperclassmen for help. Everyone has had a first day at a new school, even seniors and teachers who’ve been at the school for years.
  6. 6
    Remember that your teachers are there to help you. High school teachers might seem strict and intimidating, especially in comparison to middle school teachers. Sometimes, teachers will set the tone by acting stricter than they actually are. In any case, your teachers are there to help you learn, so try not to be afraid of them.[17]
    • If you do your homework, pay attention in class, and put an effort into your schoolwork, you’ll have no problem with your teachers.
  7. 7
    Try not to let the heavier workload overwhelm you. After your first day, you might look at your assignment book and feel overwhelmed. High school is more challenging than middle school, but you’ll adapt. In time, you’ll learn how to manage your time effectively and work to your full potential.[18]
    • Don’t freak out if you do run into trouble. Getting used to a high school workload can take time, and there are ways to get help. You can ask your teacher or a parent for help, talk to a guidance counselor, or see if your school has a peer tutoring program.
  8. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How should you act on the first day of high school?
    Ashley Pritchard, MA
    Ashley Pritchard, MA
    School Counselor
    Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine.
    Ashley Pritchard, MA
    School Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Be yourself. When it comes to interacting with others, be a good listener. Look people in the eye when they speak and try to not interrupt anyone. If there are any class discussions, try to participate. In the hallways and at lunch, chat with your classmates. So long as you're friendly and respectful, you'll be fine.
  • Question
    Hi. My name is Samuel. Please tell me what do I expect for the first day of high school because I am extremely nervous and I already have enough anxiety. Can anybody help me to not be nervous about it
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just remember everyone else in your class is nervous, too. Try to take deep breathes, imagine being in a relaxing place, and tell yourself that you nervous feelings will pass. If you feel like you can't stop feeling anxious, you can talk to your parents or your school guidance counselor.
  • Question
    How do you deal with bullies?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you feel unsafe or that you can't handle a bully on your own, talk to a parent, teacher, or other trusted adult. If possible, just ignore them. Don't let them make you feel like you're any less of a person. Remember that they're probably being mean because of their own insecurities or because they want to look cool.

About This Article

Ashley Pritchard, MA
Co-authored by:
School Counselor
This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA. Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine. This article has been viewed 175,257 times.
11 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: August 17, 2022
Views: 175,257
Categories: Back to School
Article SummaryX

To know what to expect for the first day of high school, visit your school’s website to get an idea of the buildings and grounds, and see pictures of your teachers and classmates. Additionally, attend your freshman orientation, where you'll meet your classmates and receive helpful information, such as your class schedule. You should also look at the school map before your first day so you know where your classes are. For tips on how to start talking to new people on your first day, keep reading!

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