Babysitting can be an excellent way for teenagers and older kids to learn how to be responsible while earning some money. Before allowing your child to watch other people's children, however, you will want to make sure that they are up to the task.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gauging Your Child's Interest

  1. 1
    Ask your child if this is something they'd like to do. Interest is a prerequisite for babysitting. An interested babysitter is much more likely to be attentive. If your child is not excited by the prospect of babysitting, it might not be the right time.[1]
  2. 2
    See if your child approaches you about it. If your child comes to you to express their interest, this is a very good sign of readiness. You can then have a talk about what is expected of a babysitter and what the role entails. Your child can ask questions, and can get a sense of whether or not this is something they really want to do.
  3. 3
    Measure how proactive your child is. Has your child brought up training courses? Are they interested in getting their CPR certification? If your child has begun to discuss these steps with you, they are thinking about this role in a serious and mature way.
  4. 4
    See if your child takes to the role naturally. Does your child take an active role in looking after their siblings without even being asked? If so, your child may be ready to look after other people's children.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Assessing Your Child's Maturity

  1. 1
    Know the legal minimum age. Make sure you are aware of your state's minimum age requirement for children to be left alone with other children. Most of the time, it is 10 years old.[2]
  2. 2
    Evaluate how well your child can focus. If you give them a job to do, can they concentrate and get it done? Are they easily distracted? The ability to stay present to a task is a big part of maturity. You will want to be sure that you child is capable of carrying out all of the parents' instructions. The parents would not be pleased to come home and discover that their child has not had dinner and is up past his bedtime, and that the toys are all over the place.[3]
  3. 3
    Consider whether your child has been left home alone before. Your child needs to be able to be unsupervised in their own home before they can be left alone in someone else's home. If you have left your child home alone, ask yourself how well this has gone. The child should be able to do things like prepare simple meals. [4]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Determining If Your Child Is Prepared for the Responsibility

  1. 1
    Have your child be a mother's helper. A mother's helper is a “babysitter-in-training.” They watch children while the parents or guardians are home, but occupied. A mother's helper might entertain children and also perform light housework. If this goes well, your child may be ready to babysit on their own.[5]
    • You might also try having your child look after their younger brothers and sisters while you are completing household tasks.[6]
  2. 2
    Try leaving your child alone with younger siblings for brief periods of time. You can leave your child to watch younger siblings while you go out to run errands. They can call you to check in while you are out, and you can discuss the experience with them when you return. If this is successful, your child may be ready to look after other people's children.[7]
  3. 3
    Enroll your child in a babysitting, first aid, or CPR class. A qualified babysitter has knowledge of first aid and CPR.[8] Taking a class will help your child feel prepared and confident. It can also increase your child's chances of getting a job, as many parents would rather hire a sitter who has taken a course.[9]
    • Your child can take a course in first aid or CPR/AED with the Red Cross that includes a digital certificate, which is valid for two years.[10]
    • The Red Cross offers both in-person and online classes.[11]
  4. 4
    Assess whether your child is prepared for all scenarios. Does your child know what to do in case of an emergency? Do they know how to feed young children, change diapers, and deal with minor cuts and scrapes?[12] Try rehearsing situations by asking your child:
    • “What would you do if a stranger calls?”
    • "What would you do if the doorbell rings?”
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What ages of kids can a 10-year-old babysit?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on how mature the 10-year-old is, and of course the parents of the children will have the final say, but anywhere between 3-8 years old is probably a good range.
  • Question
    Can a 10 year old babysit?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as he or she is responsible, mature, and knows how to take care of smaller children.
  • Question
    Can a nine or ten year old stay alone at home?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on the kid and the parents. As long as you can trust your child and they understand what to do in emergency situations, they are most likely safe.

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91 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: May 7, 2021
Views: 95,113
Categories: Babysitting | Parenting
Article SummaryX

If your child has expressed an interest in babysitting, but you are not sure if they are old enough, evaluate if your child can responsibly accomplish assigned tasks. You can also consider how your child behaves when left home alone or with siblings. Start your child off easy by only allowing them to watch children whose parents are home but occupied. You could also encourage them to get CPR and first aid certified, so they're ready for any scenario. For tips on helping your child feel prepared and confident while babysitting, scroll down!

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