On picture day, no girl wants to be remembered as the girl who had a bad hair day or wore too much makeup. Here is a guide that will teach you how to look great in your school photo!


  1. 1
    The night before picture day, go to bed early in order to ensure that you get enough of your beauty sleep. You want to avoid appearing tired or worn out. You also want to eliminate the possibility that you might wake up with dark rings or bags underneath your eyes. Not even makeup can fix that tired appearance!
  2. 2
    In the morning, wake up right away when the alarm clock sounds so that you'll have plenty of time to get ready. Don't lounge in the bed for a few more minutes or you may end up being late.
  3. 3
    Go light on the makeup. Opaque primary colors - such as red and blue - tend to appear horrible on film. Stick to sheer neutral shades, for they'll enhance your features without overpowering your face. Use non-liquid foundation to avoid oily looking skin. As for lipstick, avoid adult colors such as a brownish-red. Hot pink, light pink, or lip gloss would look nice.
    • Remember that makeup colors - especially lipstick - tend to look darker and more pronounced in photos, especially black-and-white photos!
    • For a great photo, apply a special cream to hide any pimples or unattractive spots on your face. Concealer also works, but it's best not to apply it to pimples.
  4. 4
    Practice smiling in the mirror to find out which type of smile looks best on you. Some people appear stunning when they show their teeth during their smile while others may look better by just curving their lips without showing their teeth. It's best if you ask for a friend's advice or a family member's advice.
    • When asking for a family member's advice, it's best to ask your mom. Even though the idea may not appeal to you, mothers can give great advice on your appearance, especially since they know you best!
  5. 5
    Choose an outfit that you'll appear cute and nice in, but also make sure that you're comfortable. Keep in mind that this outfit is what you'll be wearing for the whole school day so make sure that it looks and feels fantastic. However, make sure it remains within your school's dress code - if you have one - or you may end up getting in trouble.
    • Avoid wearing a plain T-shirt or the blouse you already outgrew because you won't look as good than if you wore something that fit you. Make your outfit a little more dressier than usual, but be careful about going overboard!
    • It's best to wear an outfit or a certain color that you've received many compliments for wearing before.
  6. 6
    Wearing the right pair of shoes is also important. Avoid grabbing any old pair on your way out the door. Instead, slip on or purchase a comfortable, pretty pair that is easy to match with your outfits and style.
    • Don't purchase shoes that you'll only wear one time or only with that certain outfit. Otherwise, your money will go to waste and so will the shoes!
    • Make sure that your shoes match your outfit. Don't wear a pair of running sneakers with a fashionable outfit.
  7. 7
    The finishing touch are the accessories! Be careful about wearing too many, however. Limit yourself to only one or two. Suggested accessories are:
    • Earrings
    • Bracelets
    • Necklaces
    • Hair decorations
    • Scarves
  8. 8
    When you and your class are preparing to take the class picture, it's suggested that you try extending your face slightly out from your neck, but not too much or it'll look awkward. Although it may feel a little uncomfortable, the picture will turn out beautiful. If you're not comfortable doing this or you don't have enough experience to do this properly, wait till next year to try it out or practice it in front of the mirror the night before picture day till you feel confident.
  9. 9
    Before the photographer takes the photo, think of a good memory or something funny that will make you smile naturally. As the photographer does the count down, close your eyes. When he/she says, "One" before snapping the photo, quickly open your eyes and let out your natural smile - while keeping the good memory in mind - before the picture is taken. This will make sure you don't blink and it'll give you a more natural appearance. However, make sure you have good timing or you might still have closed eyes or you'll be caught in the middle of opening your eyes!
  10. 10
    If you think it does not look good try again!
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  • And make sure you're not looking somewhere else right before he/she takes the picture.
  • Make sure that you aren't allergic to any of the makeup that you're wearing. An outbreak of anything will cause a picture day catastrophe.

Things You'll Need

  • Makeup
  • A good smile

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 47 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 113,284 times.
107 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 47
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 113,284
Categories: School Stuff