While you’d like to think everyone knows how to act in a library, any librarian will tell you that isn’t the case. Maintaining discipline is part of the job when you work at a library, and we’ve listed several useful suggestions for handling rule breakers in a helpful, equitable, and effective manner. And don’t worry—you don’t have to act like a drill sergeant to get the job done!


Make a positive first impression.

  1. Gain respect for your authority with enthusiasm and helpfulness. Smile and greet patrons kindly (but in an appropriate “library voice”) when they walk in, then ask if there is anything you can help them with. While enforcing the library rules is an important part of your job, make it clear that your primary responsibility is to help every visitor have a positive library experience. And let them see that you enjoy what you do![1]
    • Make it clear that you’re approachable and not intimidating. That way, patrons may seek you out before problems arise.
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Post the rules for all to see.

  1. Make the code of conduct easy to find so it’s easier to follow. Prevent anyone from being able to legitimately say “But I didn’t know that was against the rules!” Post the rules prominently in the library and make them easy to find on the website. If it’s a school library, go over the rules the first time you meet with each class or group of students.[2]
    • For example, after greeting a visitor and asking if they need any assistance, you might say: “Are you a first-timer at our library? If so, please take a look at the library rules posted right here and please feel free to ask me any questions.”
    • Never just assume that patrons know not to eat in the library, talk too loud, write in the books, and so on.

Change outdated rules if you can.

  1. Do your part to update rules so they make sense to follow today. Libraries can’t be stuck in the past and need to change with the times—without, that is, losing what makes them special. For example, a blanket “no cell phone” policy may have made sense 20 years ago, but it may be better replaced with a “no loud talking on your phone” rule today. Go over the code of conduct regularly and make reasonable changes (if you have that power) or suggest changes to those with rule-making power.[3]
    • While you can and should work to make the rules as fair, timely, and reasonable as possible, it’s still important that you enforce the rules that currently exist. Don’t just ignore a clearly-posted rule because you think it’s outdated or silly.
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Accept and express your authority.

  1. Take your responsibilities seriously without being an authoritarian. Establishing your authority doesn’t mean walking around with your arms crossed and a scowl on your face, or aggressively “shhh”ing like you might see in a movie. Instead, use your words and actions to demonstrate that you accept the responsibility of your position as a librarian. Once you make sure everyone knows the rules, make it equally clear that you’ll ensure they’re followed.[4]
    • For instance, you might tell a group of students the following: “Librarians are helpers, and my job is to help every library visitor get the most out of their experience here. That means I have to stop any disruptive behavior that bothers other library visitors.”

Enforce the rules fairly.

  1. Treat patrons equitably so you can maintain your authority. You can’t hope to have your authority respected if you enforce the library’s code of conduct unevenly. Make it clear that the rules are the rules and that everyone has to follow them. While it’s true that no two situations are ever the same, do your best to approach disruptions and rule-breaking in a consistent manner and to dole out equitable consequences.[6]
    • If your library has a “three strikes and you’re out” policy for disruptions, don’t give one patron more leeway than another when the circumstances are similar. For instance, you might approach disruptions by a 5-year old and a 15-year old somewhat differently, but don’t treat two teenagers who are causing similar disruptions differently.

Give clear warnings.

  1. Offer a chance for improvement and state the consequences. Respond calmly, positively, and immediately when you see a violation of the library’s rules happening. Engage with the person causing the problem, identify what they’re doing that’s against the rules, offer a positive solution, and warn them what will have to happen if the problem continues. Be a helper and a problem-solver.[7]
    • For example, you might say the following: “I’m sorry, but food and drink is not allowed in this area because we’re worried about possible damage and distractions. I’ll reserve this computer so you can have your snack on the patio and then come right back to it. Otherwise you’ll have to put the snack away.”
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Follow up on your warnings.

  1. Enforce the consequences you stated if the problem continues. It’s usually pretty easy to tell a disruptive patron what the consequences will be, but often much more difficult to actually follow through on them. Nobody likes to be the “bad guy,” but remember that your job is to ensure that all the other library visitors can have a positive experience. You’ll also lose any authority and respect you’ve earned if you don’t follow through.[9]
    • If you told a patron they’d have to leave if they continued to talk loudly on their phone and bother other patrons, do exactly that: “I’m sorry, sir, but you’ve been clearly warned twice about this and told that you’d have to leave if it continued. For the sake of the other people in the library I must tell you to leave the library and stay away for the rest of the day.”
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How should you behave in a library?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Most libraries will have rules or a code of conduct posted somewhere easy to find if you're unsure. However, many libraries have similar rules including no loud talking, no eating or drinking, and no music. Some libraries may have policies about what you can use the computers for or if you can take a phone call, but in general, try to keep the space as calm and quiet as you can so others can read and work in peace. If you need to make a call or talk to someone, just head outside or to a common space where it's okay.
  • Question
    How do you keep a library quiet?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    One of the best ways to keep a library from becoming a noisy or rowdy space is to catch and stop problems before they get a chance to get out of hand. Try to act proactively. If you see a group of kids starting to play around, try talking to them in a friendly manner and simply remind them that they need to try to be quiet while inside the library but they can talk and play all they want outside. If you're a librarian, you could hold an impromptu story time for a group of kids if it seems like they'll be a disruption. For adults, you can simply remind them of the library's rules. Save an aggressive "SHHH" as a last resort!
  • Question
    How do you manage a library?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    For starters, make sure the rules are posted somewhere super easy to see so everyone is aware of what they are. If it’s a school library, go over the rules the first time you meet with each class or group of students. As a librarian, you've got to try to be authoritative without being bossy or mean. You don't have to walk around with your arms crossed and a scowl. Instead, try to gently remind people of the rules and try to catch problems before they start. For instance, if a few patrons are starting to have a loud conversation, you can ask them to go outside if they need to talk. If you have an aggressive or potentially violent patron, immediately contact security or the police, depending on what your library's policy. Don't take any chances when it comes to your own or other patron's safety.

About This Article

Christopher M. Osborne, PhD
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Christopher Osborne has been a wikiHow Content Creator since 2015. He is also a historian who holds a PhD from The University of Notre Dame and has taught at universities in and around Pittsburgh, PA. His scholarly publications and presentations focus on his research interests in early American history, but Chris also enjoys the challenges and rewards of writing wikiHow articles on a wide range of subjects. This article has been viewed 8,625 times.
5 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: January 21, 2022
Views: 8,625
Categories: Libraries