When it comes to a Nerf battle, you want to have as many weapons as possible. A Nerf grenade will help take your battle to the next level, and it’s super easy to make one. All you need is a bunch of darts and 2 rubber bands. In no time, you’ll be tossing grenades out there on the battlefield!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Putting the Grenade Together

  1. 1
    Gather about 10 darts to make your grenade. Use streamline, whistler, or micro Nerf darts to make a grenade. Get together at least 10 of the same type of darts and choose ones that aren’t bent or torn so you can form a tight bundle.[1]
    • Streamline Nerf darts are thin orange darts with orange rubber tips.
    • The whistler darts are the ones with the orange body and black rubber tip on the end.
    • Micro darts are the classic orange darts with the blue suction cups on the end.
    • You could also use whistling Mega Darts for your grenade.
  2. 2
    Hold the darts together to form a hexagon shape. A hexagon is a 6-sided shape that will allow you to tightly pack the darts together. Align the darts so they’re even and facing the same direction and there aren’t any tips sticking out. Form a hexagon and keep the tips even with each other.[2]
    • A hexagon shape lets you make a tight bundle with the round darts.
  3. 3
    Double-wrap a rubber band around the necks of the darts. Take a standard rubber band and wrap it around the necks of the bundle of darts, just below the rubber tip. Then, wrap the rubber band around the darts a second time so they’re held together tightly.[3]
    • The bundle needs to be tight so there’s enough pressure to send the darts flying when the grenade goes off.
    • Try to put the rubber band just below the tips of the darts so it’ll pop off when you throw the grenade.
  4. 4
    Attach another rubber band to the bottom to keep the darts secure. Take another rubber and wrap it around the bottom of your grenade, just to make sure it doesn’t go off until you’re ready to toss it. Don’t double-wrap the rubber band. Keep it loose so it doesn’t bend or damage your darts.[4]
    • Securing the grenade makes it easier for you to carry it around until you’re ready to throw it.
  5. 5
    Hook a paper clip around the bottom rubber band to make a pin. To add some dramatic flair to your grenade, take a standard paper clip and thread the end between the bottom rubber band and the darts. Allow the paper clip to hang loosely until you’re ready to pull the pin and throw your grenade.[5]
    • You don’t have to add a pin if you don’t want to.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Using the Grenade

  1. 1
    Pull the pin and remove the rubber band from the bottom. When the time is right and you’re ready to toss your Nerf grenade, pull the paperclip pin to remove the rubber band from the bottom. Get a good grip on your grenade, take aim, and get ready to toss it.[6]
    • Try pulling off the pin with your teeth to make it more dramatic!
    • Make sure you don’t have any teammates in the area so they don’t get hit by the darts when the grenade goes off.
  2. 2
    Shout something to let people know you’re about to throw a grenade. In the heat of a Nerf fight, let your teammates know you’re about to toss a grenade. Shout something like, “Fire in the hole!” or “Tossing grenade, take cover!” That way, you’re teammates won’t get caught in the blast.[7]
  3. 3
    Throw the grenade so the end with the rubber band strikes a surface. Aim your throw and toss your grenade so the end with the rubber band hits a hard surface like the floor or a wall. When the grenade makes contact, the rubber band will pop off and the darts will go flying, so take cover![8]
    • Try aiming at a wall above the enemy so the darts rain down on them.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Do I have to use 15 darts?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on the size of your rubber band. Some are larger than others, and therefore will require more darts. But if you’re using an average rubber band, then you will need around 15 darts.
  • Question
    How do I know if it is working?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Test it first. If it works, duplicate it. Use them only to clear places and such. Don't just use them to get people out in the fight.
  • Question
    Where could I buy a flat ball?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Target or any other store like that sell it (Toys r Us, Walmart, etc.) You can also look online and some thrift stores might have them to.


  • Making a Nerf grenade can bend and damage the darts, which could make them unusable for a Nerf gun.

Things You’ll Need

  • Nerf darts
  • 2 rubber bands
  • Paperclip

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80 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 33
Updated: December 20, 2022
Views: 115,248
Categories: Nerf