Your time in grad school might be about the search for knowledge, but how about the search for a partner? Figuring out how to date in grad school is a crucial part of learning to manage your school-life balance. We’re here to give you the best places to meet potential dates and all the advice you need on finding your perfect romantic relationship with this complete guide on how to meet guys in grad school.


Meet guys through your academic work.

  1. Seminars, lab groups, and conferences build your social network. If you’ve been really impressed by a single guy riffing on Heidegger at a conference or coming up with a great new experimental method in your lab group meeting, ask him out to coffee. If you’re in a grad program that has coursework, these classes are also a great opportunity to meet guys who can relate to your interests.[1]
    • If he doesn’t end up becoming a new boyfriend, he could be a valuable friend and colleague for your time in grad school and after.
    • Some people may advise you not to date within your program, since a breakup could make things awkward. Use your best judgment: if you think you and the guy you’re interested are both drama-free, going for it isn’t a bad move.[2]
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Get involved with grad student groups.

  1. There are organizations at your school meant for networking. The grad student council at your school likely hosts several events a semester where you’ll find other grad students looking to make new friends (and possibly more). Be sure to attend these, and consider joining any clubs or reading groups for grad students that catch your interest as well.[3]
    • If you’re looking to find a club to join, your grad student council likely has information about this as well.
    • In recent years, many grad students have begun forming unions at their universities. Joining the union or fighting to build one is a great way to make a difference and meet new people.

Spend time in grad student haunts.

  1. Dive bars and coffee shops are filled with like-minded people. If you’re new to campus, ask around your department to find out what places grad students spend their time in—they’re likely different from where undergrads hang out. Many universities also have bars and coffee shops on campus that are specifically meant for grad students and faculty, so try sitting with an interesting stranger and finding out what you have in common besides school.[4]
    • Meeting potential dates comes naturally after you build up your social circle. If you don’t see anyone you’d like to date at a grad student locale, strike up a conversation with a potential friend.
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Join a hobby group.

  1. Your hobbies create connections beyond the university. When you’re looking for guys, don’t dismiss the possibility of meeting someone who isn’t in grad school. Join a sports league, take an art class, or try out any new hobbies that you can see yourself being interested in.[5] Building a social network outside of grad school opens up your dating options considerably.[6]
    • Having a fulfilling relationship with someone outside of academia can really put your own life into perspective and make your grad school experience all the more enjoyable.
    • Plus, joining a class or group is a great way to meet a guy who has the same interests as you.[7]

Volunteer in the community.


Take advantage of dating apps.

  1. Dating apps are popular for everyone, including grad students. Through online dating, you can figure out whether someone is a good match before taking time out of your busy schedule to plan a date. Dating apps also make it easier to escape the university bubble when looking for eligible guys.[9]
    • As a grad student, you might end up preferring a platform like OkCupid over Tinder, since this site gives you more room to explain your interests and find an intellectual match.
    • Setting your age parameters too young can lead to matches with traditionally-aged college undergrads, which can be potentially unethical if you end up teaching them.

Ask around in your social network.

  1. Friends of friends are one of the best sources for potential matches. In fact, meeting a romantic partner through friends is still the second most popular way of finding a boyfriend, only behind online dating.[10] Casually let people in your department or other friends know that you’re single and see if they’d be willing to set you up with somebody.[11]
    • Try saying something like “I’m finding it hard to meet guys—know any that would be a good match?” and see what happens.
    • People usually love to play matchmaker, so don't feel scared to just put your desire out there! You never know who might have a connection to a great potential boyfriend for you.[12]
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Carve out time for your romantic life.

  1. Regular time spent dating helps you find a partner fast. With research, teaching, and other commitments, grad school can often make you feel like you have to give up your social life. But a balance between work and your social life isn’t just possible—it’s necessary for your mental health. If you can make a schedule that gives you space to meet someone new, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue finding the right person in time.[13]
    • Remember that maintaining a work-life balance is important in every job, including grad school. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities, talk to your supervisor or a mentor.

Be honest with potential partners about your schedule.

  1. Let dates know that you’re busy before you get too involved. It isn’t fair to a potential partner if their whole life revolves around your schedule, and it’s important that you let them know about the time commitment of your graduate program early on. Remember that every relationship requires compromise, and you may have to forgo a late night at the lab or in the library once in a while to be there for your partner.[14]
    • Bring up the time commitment of your grad program by saying something like, “I really love spending time with you and want to keep doing it. You should know that my grad program has me really busy, but I hope we can work through this together.”
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Use your weekends wisely.


Do interesting activities on your dates.

  1. Keep dating from feeling like a chore by trying out new experiences. If there’s always been a coffee shop you’ve wanted to explore or an art class you wanted to try out, invite your date to come with you. Dating should feel fun and exciting, so take advantage of the time you spend on your dates to do something exciting. This will keep you motivated as you search for the right guy.[16]
    • Universities are normally located in areas that are filled with great activities, including cultural events or well-maintained outdoor spaces. Be curious about what the area has to offer.
    • Since you’re likely on a budget in grad school, take advantage of affordable events at the university. There are always interesting guest speakers, free or cheap concerts, and other events going on.
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About This Article

Nicole Moore
Co-authored by:
Love & Relationship Coach
This article was co-authored by Nicole Moore and by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty. Nicole Moore is a Love and Relationship Coach and the Founder and CEO of Love Works Method, a private coaching and digital course service for women looking to find the right partner. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in body language and helping others take control of their dating life, attract a partner, and build a strong relationship. Nicole has been featured in numerous publications such as Cosmopolitan, Forbes, and USA Today. She also hosts Love Works with Nicole Moore, a podcast for modern women wanting love, dating, and relationship advice. Nicole holds a BA in Public Relations and Spanish from Syracuse University and a Certificate in Personal Coaching from New York University. This article has been viewed 4,299 times.
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Updated: May 23, 2022
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