Whether you are an incoming freshman or an upperclassman, registering for college classes can be daunting. But if you just put some time into planning your semester ahead of registration, you’ll feel prepared and create a schedule that will help you get the most out of your courses and your educational experience.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing Your Classes

  1. 1
    Determine how many credit hours you should take. Full time students often take between twelve and sixteen credit hours per semester, and many (though not all) classes are three credits each.[1]
    • So you would need to take four classes (four classes x three hours each) to reach a full time status of twelve credit hours.
  2. 2
    Decide which curriculum requirements to focus on this semester. There are a few course categories that you will need to fulfill to graduate, and you should keep in mind timing when planning your semesters. You don’t have to have your entire college career set in stone, but getting an idea of what you need to accomplish in the next four years will help you decide what to take each semester.[2]
    • Most schools have planning worksheets available. This will allow you to see the big picture when thinking about what classes to take right now.
    • Having some idea of what you need to graduate will help you avoid wasting time on classes that don’t count toward your degree.
  3. 3
    Think about fulfilling your general education requirements. General education (or "gen ed" or "core") classes are required of all students. They will be across a variety of disciplines, such as math, language, history, and science, and will be introductory. Gen ed courses will give you a broad intellectual foundation by exposing you to a variety of disciplines (whether you like them all or not!) and will make you a well-rounded student. If you are unsure of your major, this sampling of departments might help you decide which subject to pursue.[3]
    • Focus on taking these classes in your freshman and sophomore years.
    • These typically have lower course numbers, such as English 101.
    • Try to avoid putting off these classes, even if you are uninterested or find the subject difficult. Passing these classes, called prerequisites, will often be required to move on to other specific courses later.
  4. 4
    Focus on your major. Once you have determined your major, you will take a series of specialized courses in that discipline or department.[4] These courses will usually relate to whatever you want to do after graduation, whether that means beginning a job in your chosen field or going on to graduate school. So if you want to become a marine biologist, you will concentrate on courses in the sciences to prime you for that career.
    • Generally, you will move on to these upper-division classes once you’ve completed most or all of your gen ed requirements, roughly around the end of your sophomore year or beginning of your junior year. So you’ll need to declare a major at that point, if you haven’t done so already.
    • In most departments, there will be requirements for the major, so you will have to take particular classes. For instance, a History major might be required to take at least one class in American history, European history, and African history.
    • Many majors require a capstone course, taken in your senior year and required for graduation, which will give you a chance to show off all you learned as a major.
    • These courses might have higher numbers like History 440.
  5. 5
    Round out your schedule with electives that interest you. Most programs offer the opportunity for you to choose a number of classes simply because you are interested in them. They may be in any discipline and give you a chance to explore and have fun with your schedule.
    • You will have time for electives once you complete your gen ed classes.
    • Electives can compliment your major, or if you concentrate on a secondary discipline, they can form your minor. But if an Art class in comic book illustration doesn’t relate to your program requirements, it’s ok because you can take it as an elective!
  6. 6
    Talk to your advisor. Your advisor is your best friend! Most schools will have counselors available to help students plan their programs each semester. Even if you are confident in your choice of courses, running your plan by a knowledgeable advisor can ensure that you haven’t missed something.https://www.wikihow.com/Register-for-College-Classes
    • In some schools, it's mandatory to meet with your advisor before you register for classes.[5]
    • If you have chosen a major, your advisor may be in your department. If not, you can talk to an advisor in student services. Contact your department secretary to find out if you have an assigned advisor.
    • Meet with your advisor regularly so that you stay on track to graduation. You don’t want to get to the end of your senior year only to find out you forgot to take a required class.
    • Some advisors have drop in hours. But to be on the safe side, call or email to make an appointment. Arrive on time, with a list of questions and some idea of what you would like to take.
  7. 7
    Find out if you qualify for any course exemptions. You may not have to take all of your required courses, particularly at the gen ed level. The registrar is the campus office that handles all things related to registration. Contact them to see if you qualify for an exemption and to be sure these credits are on your record.[6]
    • If you took AP or IB exams, you may be exempt from some requirements.
    • You may be able to test out of certain courses, such as foreign language, if you get a high enough score on a placement test.
    • If you took classes at another college, you may be able to transfer some credits.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Making Your Schedule

  1. 1
    Find your college’s class bulletin. Before registration begins, locate the list of courses that are available for the upcoming semester. It’s very important to note which classes are offered this particular semester. Freshman often decide what classes they would like to take without realizing that many are only offered at certain times of year, or even every few years.
    • Note if one of your preferred course has a prerequisite, which is a lower-level class that you are required to pass before you can move on to another.
  2. 2
    Research the classes you are interested in. Don’t just go by the course title. Check out the course catalog, which will have descriptions of each class that is offered at that university.
    • Much of your classroom experience will be based on your professor. Ask upperclassmen for recommendations on which professors they had good experiences with. You can also check out ratemyprofessor.com for reviews.
  3. 3
    Think about what days and times you would like to take classes. Now that you have an idea of what courses you would like to take, consider your work schedule, extracurricular activities, and social time when planning your semester.
    • If you work on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, it might be hard to get up for an 8am class on Wednesdays and Fridays.
    • You should also note where on campus your chosen classes are located. You may not want to race to the other side of campus in between classes.
  4. 4
    Look up your professor prior to registering. There are many websites such as ratemyprofessor that help students look at the professor's reviews from their former students. While looking to select a professor, you might want to avoid the ones who have many bad reviews, as the class may be unbearable for you, even if you are a straight-A student.
    • While looking at the professor's reviews, look out for anything suggesting they are very tough when it comes to grading, their teaching style is confusing, their attitude is unacceptable, or if they frequently cancel class or always arrive late.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Registering for Class

  1. 1
    Register as soon as you can. It’s important not to delay signing up for classes, because some may fill up fast. Often students will be assigned a registration start date. Be sure to know when you are allowed to register.
  2. 2
    Don’t stress if you can’t get into a class. This is bound to happen at some point, so be sure to have a few back-ups in mind when you register.
    • If you don’t get in to a class you really want or need to take, find out if it will be offered again sometime soon. If not, keep an eye on registration in the first week or so of the semester, when students are allowed to add or drop classes without penalty.
    • In some cases, professors are willing to over cap, or open up seats, to a small number of students after the class has filled. Contact the professor directly to inquire about this possibility, but don’t count on it and don’t beg.
  3. 3
    Consider online courses. Online classes might be an option for fulfilling your requirements conveniently. These days, many schools offer courses that are partly or entirely online. These are a viable choice when students have work or family commitments that are hard to schedule around, or when they are in the military.
    • Online learning requires a lot of self-discipline, since you’d be responsible for getting the coursework done on your own time, without as much supervision as a traditional class.
    • You will have less personal interaction with your professor and classmates, and might not be able to build as many relationships as you would in a classroom. So you might want to avoid online classes if you are a particularly social person.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    In college, how do I know the requirements for a class, i.e. books?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There should be a website that you are authorized to use that allows you to view your class schedule. Clicking on your individual classes should lead you to find out which books are required for the class. Also, many college bookstores will have lists, or have the books divided into the classes they are needed for. However, some classes are obligated to list books as requirements. A lot of students wait until the first day to find out which books will actually be used and purchase them after the first day.
  • Question
    Do I have to re-register for college classes every semester?
    Top Answerer
    While every college is usually a little different in terms of their class registration process, you will generally need to register for classes every semester.

About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
Co-authored by:
Educational Consultant
This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.. Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. This article has been viewed 144,424 times.
6 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: March 21, 2023
Views: 144,424
Article SummaryX

To make registering for college classes stress-free, start by deciding how many credit hours you want to take and what curriculum requirements you want to focus on for the semester. Complete your general education courses in your freshmen and sophomore years, then move on to your specialized courses for your major and minor. Remember: just because you have interests that fall outside of your major doesn't mean you can't take those classes -- try taking these courses as electives or credits towards a minor! To learn about talking to your advisor for additional guidance, keep reading!

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