Explaining common parenting acronyms and abbreviations

You’ve seen “SAHM” used on parenting websites or in TikTok videos, but you’re not totally sure what it means. It’s definitely got something to do with motherhood, right? Bingo. We’ll fill you in on the exact meaning of “SAHM,” some misconceptions surrounding the topic, and other useful parenting acronyms to know when browsing the web.

Things You Should Know

  • SAHM is short for “stay-at-home mom,” or a mother who stays home to raise her children and manage the household.
  • SAHD means “stay-at-home dad,” and STAHP means “stay-at-home parent.”
  • The role of a stay-at-home parent is important and labor-intensive. That doesn’t mean SAHMs don’t also have their own hobbies and ambitions, though!
Section 1 of 4:

What does SAHM mean?

  1. “SAHM” means stay-at-home mom. A stay-at-home mom is a mother who raises her children and manages a household full-time.[1] It’s often pronounced like “saw-m” or “sam.” This acronym is often used on TikTok and other sites to talk about different parts of motherhood, including the work involved and common misconceptions of being a mom.
    • “People don’t realize that being a SAHM is a full-time job.”
    • “If I was not a SAHM, I'd have to hire someone to do what I do—take care of the kids—like a nanny or daycare center.”
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What It’s Like to Be a SAHM

  1. 1
    A SAHM is the primary caretaker of their kids. It’s a full-time job, just one you don’t get paid for. SAHMs are busy 24/7 caring for their children and taking care of the house, from getting groceries and prepping meals to doing laundry and dishes. For many families, it’s necessary work that enables the other parent to work a full-time, paying job that covers the bills, while Mom covers everything else.[2]
  2. 2
    Being a SAHM is incredibly rewarding. It’s true that being a full-time parent is exhausting. But it also means you get to watch your child grow up right before your eyes, and you won’t miss a moment of it. You’ll be there for their first steps and their first word, and for many, that’s better than any paycheck.[3]
  3. 3
    Being a SAHM can also be lonely. When the only people you interact with for most of the day are your kids, your world can get pretty small.[4] Yes, children are a joy, but it’s hard to talk to them about grown-up things, especially when you’re in the middle of changing a diaper.
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Common Misconceptions about SAHMs

  1. 1
    Some say being a SAHM isn’t “real work,” but that's not true. Many people assume stay-at-home moms have more free time, or that being a full-time mom isn’t as hard as having a full-time career. The truth is that being a mom is hard work! SAHMs take care of their kids at all hours, with very few breaks. They do everything from preparing meals, feeding their children, and changing diapers to giving baths, managing tantrums, preparing crafts and entertainment, teaching skills and lessons, and countless other tasks.[5]
  2. 2
    People might think SAHMs lack ambitions or interests, but they don't. Some think that because a mom spends most of her time raising her kids, she doesn’t also have other goals or dreams. While childcare takes up quite a bit of energy, there’s no reason a mom can’t also foster a career, hobbies, or a social life, too.[6]
  3. 3
    Some may say that being a SAHM is anti-feminist, even though it's not. Another puzzling notion is that staying home to care for your kids is somehow counter to what a “modern woman” should be. The truth is that having the choice to be a SAHM is just another aspect of empowerment. Not to mention that many SAHMs simultaneously pursue their education and careers on top of motherhood.[7]
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Section 4 of 4:

Related Acronyms

  1. 1
    SAHWM: “Stay-at-home working mom.” This refers to a mom who raises her kids full-time while also working a job.[8] It’s often pronounced “saw-m.”
    • “I work double-time as a SAHWM, taking care of my kids and putting food on the table.”
  2. 2
    SAHD: “Stay-at-home dad.” This is a father who raises kids and manages a household full-time. Often, his partner has a full-time career away from home.[9] Pronounced “saw-d” or “sad.”
    • Similarly, SAHP means “stay-at-home parent,” and is the gender-neutral form of these acronyms.
    • “I’m a SAHD so my wife can pursue her career while I watch our daughters.”
  3. 3
    FTM or FTD: “First-time mom/dad.” This acronym describes someone who’s just had their first child.[10] It’s often used to discuss life as a new parent. It may also appear as FTP, or “first-time parent.”
    • “It’s only natural to be anxious as a FTM.”
    • Note that “FTM” may also mean “female to male,” or a transgender man.[11] This sometimes causes confusion in online discussions.
  4. 4
    WOHM or WOHD: “Work-outside-of-home mom/dad.” This term describes a parent that works a job in an office or other away-from-home setting.[12] It’s often pronounced “woom” or “woe-m.”
    • “I stay home and take care of the kids so she can focus on being a WOHM.”
  5. 5
    WAHM or WAHD: “Work-at-home mom/dad.”[13] Like “SAHWM,” a WAHM or WAHD is someone who stays at home watching the kids while also working a from-home job. It’s often pronounced “wawm” or “wad.”
    • This may also be shortened to “WAH,” or simply “work-at-home.”
    • “The key to being a WAHD is finding a quiet place for Zoom meetings.”
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About This Article

Luke Smith, MFA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Luke Smith is a wikiHow Staff Writer. He's worked for literary agents, publishing houses, and with many authors, and his writing has been featured in a number of literary magazines. Now, Luke writes for the content team at wikiHow and hopes to help readers expand both their skillsets and the bounds of their curiosity. Luke earned his MFA from the University of Montana. This article has been viewed 6,041 times.
5 votes - 20%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 6,041
Categories: Raising Children
Article SummaryX

If you’ve spent any time hanging around on social media, you’ve probably seen or heard the acronym SAHM, sometimes pronounced “sam” or “sawm.” It stands for Stay At Home Mom, which is a term for mothers who care for their kids full-time. You might have also come across related terms like SAHD (Stay At Home Dad), STAHP (Stay At Home Parent), or SAHWM (Stay At Home Working Mom).

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