Patients suffering from paralysis will usually be bedridden or spend a significant amount of time in bed, so they must received regular skin care and have routine changes in position. This routine will help to reduce pressure in the bony points of the body such as the elbows, lower back, shoulders and heels. It is essential to learn the proper way of turning and lifting paralyzed patients to avoid further injury or damage that may cause greater or more serious complications.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Part 1: Preparing to Move a Paralyzed Patient

  1. 1
    Check the patient’s skin for signs of redness or tenderness on a consistent basis. You want to constantly check and assess their skin for any redness or tenderness that may be warm or cool to the touch. If prolonged pressure is applied in areas that are irritated or inflamed, they may break and become open wounds.[1]
    • Turning the patient at least every two hours will ensure any bed sores do not get worse or turn into open wounds.[2]
  2. 2
    Change their diapers and clothing, if necessary. A paralyzed patient can urinate and move their bowels in bed involuntarily or voluntarily and may accidentally soak their diapers and clothing. Urine causes the skin to become moist with prolonged contact, which will increase the risk of skin breakdown. Bacteria in the feces can enter the cracks and wounds, thus, increasing the risk of infection.[3] So if their diaper or clothing are wet, change them before you move the patient.
  3. 3
    Ask for assistance before moving them. If done properly, moving a paralyzed patient will require minimal strength. But in cases where the patient is larger than you or heavier, always get assistance from a family member or a friend.[4]
    • It is very risky to lift larger, heavier patients on your own as this can lead to falls and injuries to yourself and/or the patient.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Part 2: Turning a Paralyzed Patient in Bed

  1. 1
    Make sure you have access to a long bed sheet or draw sheet. Place the bed sheet on the patient’s shoulders up to the middle portion of their thigh.
  2. 2
    Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and clean water. This will prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms.[5]
  3. 3
    Explain what you are going to do to the patient. Explaining the procedure before you turn them helps to establish trust and cooperation.[6]
  4. 4
    Turn the patient on their side. Follow this procedure to properly turn the patient.
    • Put the arm closest to you at a 90 degree (right) angle, with the palm facing up. Then, lift the knee furthest away from you so the leg is bent and the foot lays flat on the bed.
    • Place the freehand of the person under their head, so their cheek is on the back of their hand and their palm is on the bed.
    • Pull the farthest knee towards you, while supporting the person’s head with your other hand until the patient is lying on their side.
    • Bend the knee closest to you at a 90 degree (right) angle.[7]
  5. 5
    Move to the opposite side of the bed. Now that the patient is lying on their side, insert the draw sheet or bed sheet at the person’s shoulder up to the middle portion of their thigh.
  6. 6
    Adjust the patient so they are lying on their back. You can do this by slowly pulling their upper shoulder and thigh down and away from you.[8]
  7. 7
    Repeat the same steps to turn the person onto their other side. So, if you first turned the person to their right side and inserted the draw sheet, turn the person to their left side to easily move the draw sheet.
  8. 8
    Pull the exposed draw sheet to the middle portion of their thigh. To turn them to the other side, pull the exposed sheet at their shoulder to the middle portion of their thigh. Then, return the patient to lay on their back by slowly pulling their upper shoulder and thigh down and away from you.[9]
  9. 9
    Hold the sheet at their shoulder and lower back area. Ask someone close by to assist you with this.
  10. 10
    Drag the patient towards the side of the bed using the sheet. Then, position the patient’s arms over their chest and bend their knee over their other leg. If their leg cannot bend, put one ankle over the other ankle to allow their hip to move more freely.[10]
  11. 11
    Lift the sheet and turn it so the patient is on their side. They can be laying on their left or right side. Position their head comfortably on a pillow and ask the patient to slightly bend their knees to help maintain this position for at least two hours.[11]
    • You can place a pillow behind the patient’s back so they do not roll backwards.[12] You can also place a pillow between their knees to avoid any friction that may cause skin irritation.[13]
    • While the patient is in this position, check their hips and lower back for any red spots. If you see any bed sores, let the patient’s physician know so they can be treated.
  12. 12
    Turn the patient once they have been lying on their back for two hours. You can start by turning them to the right and then back to the supine position (lying on their back) after 2 hours. After another 2 hour interval on their back, turn them to the left and then back to the supine position again after 2 hours.
    • You can also complete this procedure starting from the left, then back to supine, and then right and back to supine with at least 2 hour intervals in each position.
  13. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Part 3: Lifting a Paralyzed Person Up

  1. 1
    Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and clean water. This will prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms to the patient.[14]
  2. 2
    Explain what you are going to do to the patient to establish trust and cooperation. Paralyzed patients tend to slip down towards the edge of the bed when they have resting in the same position for a long time. So it’s important to lift them up to ensure they are comfortable.[15]
  3. 3
    Check if the patient’s bed’s wheels are locked or stable. This will prevent the moving or shifting of the bed and create stability so there are no accidental trips or falls.
  4. 4
    Remove the pillow from the patient’s head and hold the sheet at their shoulder and hip level. You will need the help of an assistant to hold the sheet on the opposite side of the patient.[16]
  5. 5
    Sync your movements with your assistant and then lift the patient. You and your assistant can count to three to ensure you are lifting the patient out of their original position on the bed at the same time.[17]
    • If the patient cannot lift their head, place the draw sheet as high as possible so their head will be lifted as the sheet is raised.
  6. 6
    Position the patient comfortable back on the bed. You can fix the sheets and place a pillow under their head.
  7. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Part 4: Understanding Paralysis

  1. 1
    Recognize the symptoms of paralysis. Paralysis refers to the loss of muscle function in any part of a person’s body, and will occur if there is a defect in the channel that carries messages between the muscles and the brain.[18] This condition may affect only one side of the body (partial) or both sides (complete). It may also develop in a particular area or it may be general.
  2. 2
    Notice if your patient has paraplegia or quadriplegia. Paralysis can be classified in two ways: paraplegia and quadriplegia. Paraplegia is a form of paralysis that affects the lower portion of the body, together with both legs, while quadriplegia affects both extremities, including the arms and legs.[19]
  3. 3
    Recognize how bed sores develop on a paralyzed patient. If a person develops partial or complete paralysis, the circulation of blood in the affected area tends to become limited as the area is under pressure. If this pressure is not managed right away, it may cut off blood supply into the affected area. This condition may then lead to the death of affected body tissues, which then sloughs off and develops into a decubitus ulcer or bedsore.<ref</ref?
    • Bed sores usually develop on a patient's hips, sacrum, heels and buttocks.[20]
    • Decubitus ulcers that are not treated properly may harbour infectious microorganisms that can pose serious threats.
  4. Advertisement


  2. Cecy, C., n.d.
  3. Bader, D., Bouten, C., et al, 2005, December 14
  5. Potter and Perry, 2005
  7. Hegner, B., Acello, B., Caldwell, E., 2009, June 11
  8. Burton, M., Ludwig, M., 2014, October 10
  9. Hegner, B., Acello, B., Caldwell, E., 2009, June 11
  1. Potter and Perry, 2005
  3. Potter and Perry, 2005)
  4. Rodgers, S., 2008
  5. Potter and Perry, 2005
  9. Phipps, Cassmeyer, Sands and Lehman, 1995
  10. Fenichel, G., 2009
  11. Dziedzic, M., 2013, December 13
  12. Medical-Surgical Nursing Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th Edition by Phipps, Cassmeyer, Sands and Lehman (1995) Paralysis, page 2024.
  13. Fenichel, G. (2009). Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signs and Symptoms Approach, page 267.
  14. Dziedzic, M. (2013, December 13). Fast Facts About Pressure Ulcer Care for Nurses: How to Prevent, Detect, and Resolve Them in a Nutshell, page 4.
  15. Cecy, C. (n.d.). Comprehensive Nursing Manual, page 11.
  16. Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition Volume 2 by Potter and Perry (2005). Handwashing, page 789.
  17. Potter and Perry (2005). Postoperative Turning, page 1616.
  18. Rodgers, S. (2008). Thomson Delmar Learning's Medical-surgical Nursing Care Plans, page 338.
  19. Hegner, B., Acello, B., Caldwell, E. (2009, June 11). Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach - Basics, page 210-14.
  20. Burton, M., Ludwig, M. (2014, October 10). Fundamentals of Nursing Care: Concepts, Connections & Skills, page 322.
  21. Bader, D., Bouten, C., et al (2005, December 14). Pressure Ulcer Research: Current and Future Perspectives, page 176.

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Updated: November 28, 2021
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