Want to get the best of the best weapons? Ready to decimate the hordes of living dead? Then pretty much any weapon will do... as long as it's Pack-A-Punched.


  1. 1
    Build the Turbine in the bus station. Collect all the pieces and assemble them at the workbench. You will need at least one (maybe two. Have another player grab one just in case).
    • The battery will be near the pay phone.
    • The mannequin will be standing next to the station map.
    • The fan will be on one of the waiting seats.
  2. 2
    Grab it and leave. Either ride the bus to the power station, or teleport there.
  3. 3
    Open the door to the power station (costs 750 points). Turn on the power (you can skip this).
  4. 4
    If you turned on the power, place the Turbine in the front of the hallway you first jump down. Leave and go straight to the town.
  5. 5
    If you didn't turn the power on, don't go down. Place the Turbine at the front of the door leading down, as close as you can get it. Go to town immediately afterwards.
  6. 6
    Open the bank in the town. After it is open, open the safe. If the Turbine is still on, the vault will be open.
  7. 7
    Find the parts. The board, the slot, and the battery. They are scattered inside the vault.
  8. 8
    Assemble the parts at the workbench in the back of the vault. Your end result will be Pack-A-Punch.
  9. 9
    Pack-A-Punch your weapon(s) (costs 5000 points). The power will be amplified, the name will change, and it will be heavily modified.
  10. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I get to the pack a punch?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Place one turbine in the area where you fall down into the power station. Then get another turbine and place it behind the vault door (you can get there with grenades). This is easier with more than one person.
  • Question
    One of my friends said that killing Electric Man will unlock it. Is that true?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, killing him will not open pack-a-punch, although it will be one of the steps to the main Easter egg.
  • Question
    How do I open the vault in Tranzit?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Buy a semtex and stick it to the vault door. Once the vault door looks damaged, place the turbine in front of it and it should open.



Things You'll Need

  • Xbox 360/PS3
  • TV
  • Controller
  • Internet
  • Mic
  • Black Ops 2

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 190,941 times.
46 votes - 62%
Co-authors: 1
Updated: March 21, 2023
Views: 190,941