Being short and slender, even if not extremely so, can be quite a problem for trans men, as their size might make them look more like women. However, it's possible to counteract this.


  1. 1
    Bind your chest. A good binder can make quite the difference!
    • If you don't have a binder yet, you could try some temporary solutions. Each has its own advantages and flaws:
      • Ace bandages should never be used, because the health effects are too risky.
      • Lycra tights (with the legs cut off and a cut in the middle, to be worn alike to a sports bra) are cheap and available, however they rarely last for more than a couple of days.
      • A sports bra with high Lycra content (Title 9 has a good one branded as "Frog bra") can do if you have a small chest, but it could never completely bind them as a binder does, and will have less effect on larger chests.
  2. 2
    Avoid a men's Small size in clothing if it's too big for you. It will only emphasize your current body type rather than making you look bigger. In that case, go to the children's section and pick clothes for guys your size. Try to pick carefully and avoid anything that is clearly aimed for children: nothing that has childish prints or has words like "Youth" or "Kids" on it. Button-ups, dark T-shirts that aren't tight, and hoodies can be good for you.
  3. 3
    Dress in layers. Try a button-down shirt over a T-shirt, a loose T-shirt over a tighter one, etc. This can make you appear flatter and bigger.
  4. 4
    Wear dark or monochromatic clothes to make you look taller and more masculine.
  5. 5
    Consider adapting an Emo/Scene look. Many Emo/Scene guys are short and slender, and appear somewhat feminine or androgynous, so it will seem reasonable. Also, since Emo is identified with teenagers, it could explain why you don't have facial hair yet/have a slender body/have a gentle face. This could work especially well if you live in a place where Emo/Scene is rather common.
  6. 6
    Stick to unisex brands of shoes or try the children's section. Try Vans, Converse All Stars, Doc Martens (Docs could also add about an inch to your height), etc. Wear solid or masculine models and avoid strange colours. Unisex shoes are healthier to your feet rather than children shoes, so keep that in mind.
  7. 7
    Train your voice to be more masculine. This is a little difficult because it demands a constant awareness, at least until it becomes a habit. You might not be able to reach low enough to sound like the average cis man, but the closer, the better.
  8. 8
    Have some body language. Men tend to catch more space than woman. Sit with your legs parted. Don't cross your legs but prefer square-cross.
  9. 9
  10. 10
    Avoid long eye contact with people. This, of course, doesn't matter when it comes to your partner. Also, try small talk. Men do not tend to share intimate information with people they aren't close to, while women tend to open up more quickly.
  11. 11
    Avoid a marines cut or anything too short. It could emphasize the feminine structure of your face. Alternatively, keep your hair long and in a loose ponytail- This could mostly work if your face is rather androgynous/masculine.
    • Avoid bangs altogether or go for side-swept ones.
    • Square off your sideburns.
  12. 12
    Consider shaving off peach fuzz. Women and young teens have soft, light hair on their cheeks, while older men don't. Consider shaving it off, but first check out how shaving effects your skin. For some people it can make the hair appear darker, which might be good or bad for you, depending on your own feeling. Try to shave a small portion of body hair somewhere else where its similarly light and soft, and check out if it suits you or not.
  13. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    I never liked having breasts or a menstrual cycle, but I'm not trans, and I'm straight. Is there a way to get rid of both without being trans?
    Top Answerer
    It's okay to not like parts of your body, whatever gender you identify as, or even if you don't feel like you fit in any gender box. Being very fit may help reduce breast tissue; think of gymnasts and body builders - they are not generally curvy. You can also dress so your breasts are less prominent. Talk to your doctor about contraceptive pills or implants, which can considerably decrease your period. Don't be afraid to tell your doctor about why you are feeling uncomfortable - a good doctor will want help with your mental well-being and not just focus on physical problems.


  • While this can possibly help you pass, it isn't a magic formula. If you aren't on hormones, it is going to be quite a challenge to pass. Be aware that you might still be mistaken for a girl at times- In that case, just coolly correct the mistaken person.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 21 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 28,726 times.
141 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: November 16, 2022
Views: 28,726
Categories: Gender Expression