Strangers are people you don't know. While most strangers are nice, some are dangerous. If you're ever approached by a stranger, it's important that you know how to stay safe and when to get help. This article will teach you what to do if you're approached by a stranger or if you find yourself in a dangerous situation with one.


  1. 1
    Learn the difference between a good and bad stranger. Good strangers are people you don't know but they are there to help you, such as a police officer or a doctor. However, bad strangers are people whom you don't know, who want to hurt you, do something that will make you feel uncomfortable or might take you away from your mom and dad. Bad strangers are the ones you need to stay away from.[1]
  2. 2
    Quickly walk away if a stranger approaches you. If they start following you, then something isn't right and you must tell a trusted adult about this. Walk as fast as you can to your parents, a trusted neighbor, or try to find a police officer. But never go to your home if you are followed! Because the stranger would know where do you live.[2]
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Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

If Grabbed by a Stranger

  1. 1
    Start kicking and screaming. Fight like your life depends on it. Scream at the top of your lungs, kick the stranger very hard, and even roughly bite their hand if you need to. Do whatever you possibly can to escape. Squirming helps too! The stranger should drop you and scurry since kidnappers hate attention.[3]
    • The stranger may try covering your mouth. If that does happen, keep screaming, and kick just as hard. Below are some suggestions on what you can scream:
    • "Let me go!"
    • "You're not my mom!"
    • "You're not my dad!"
    • "Stop!"
    • "Somebody, help me!"
    • "Call the police!"
    • Stranger Danger!
  2. 2
    Run and tell an adult, for example, your parents, teacher, etc. Tell the adult that you were grabbed by a stranger. The adult should contact emergency services immediately.[4]
    • Learn the phone number of your parents, siblings, best friends, and the police. If you can't remember things well, make a note and keep it in your pockets.
    • If you suspect a stranger is following you, walk in a loop around a block to be sure.
    • Never choose the lesser crowded lane to run if you see a more crowded place.
    • If you see a group appearing like they are a family, ask them to call your parents.
    • A mall or a shop can be safe to find more people. Run inside one if around and use their phone to make a call to the police by dialing 911 (if you live in USA).
    • Carry some coins with you, just in case.
  3. 3
    Bite them as hard as you can. Move your head from side to side to make it more painful.[5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

If Offered Goodies by a Stranger

  1. 1
    Strangers will use treats or toys to trick children into going somewhere with them. Just say no and never, ever get into a car with a stranger, no matter what they say. Ignore them and run as fast as you can to your parents or someone you know.[6]
    • Beware of candy or anything edible offered by a stranger. Food offered by strangers may not be wrapped, which possibly gives a red flag that toxic ingredients were added.
  2. 2
    Never smile at strangers. Never smile or smile back when someone smiles at you. Look alert. If you see someone smiling at others, don't keep looking at them. You don't know what they may be up to.
  3. 3
    Wear comfortable clothes. If you walk out of home, be sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that allow you to run.
  4. 4
    Carry a self-defense toy. Having something that could be used to hit hard, make a sound, create light can all be used in time of emergencies. (e.g. pepper spray, but be careful with it!)
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What do you do if they get you in the car?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Scream, shout, and turn the radio volume as high as it goes. Open the windows if you can.


  • Never, ever get into a car with a stranger, even if the stranger claims they know your parents or your relatives. Run away from the stranger's vehicle as far as you can, and tell an adult right away!
  • If a suspicious adult approaches you or your friends while you are playing outside, go immediately inside and tell your parents.
  • Never answer the door to anybody unless it is someone you know and who is permitted in the home. If a delivery man comes to your door when you are home alone, tell him to leave the package at your front step. But never allow anyone you don't know into your home!

About This Article

Adrian Tandez
Co-authored by:
Self Defense Trainer
This article was co-authored by Adrian Tandez. Adrian Tandez is the founder and head instructor of the Tandez Academy, a world-renowned self-defense training center in Mountain View, California. Trained under the renowned martial artist Dan Inosanto, Adrian is a certified instructor in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, and Silat, among other things. Adrian has over 27 years of self defense training experience. This article has been viewed 126,231 times.
7 votes - 57%
Co-authors: 50
Updated: March 14, 2023
Views: 126,231
Categories: Personal Safety