Recycling, along with reducing and reusing, is a simple and easy action that can cut down on waste and benefit the environment. You can recycle cardboard by giving it to a local recycling facility, or save it for other uses at home. Whichever recycling method you choose, recycling cuts down on cardboard in landfills, and reduces the need for new cardboard.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Giving Cardboard to a Recycling Center

  1. 1
    Separate cardboard from other recyclables like paper, cans, and bottles. Recycling programs in some locations require you to separate different types of recyclables for pickup or dropoff. Other programs have “single-stream recycling,” where all recycles are sorted at a facility for you.[1]
    • You can recycle cardboard boxes or sheets, cereal boxes, empty paper towel or toilet paper rolls, paperboard, and shoe boxes.
    • You can leave packing tape or shipping labels on cardboard boxes, which get filtered out during recycling.[2]
  2. 2
    Remove wet or contaminated cardboard that can’t be recycled. The fibers in wet cardboard become stiff, which can affect the recycling process. Cardboard boxes like pizza boxes contain grease and oil, which can ruin other recyclables in facilities. Throw wet or contaminated cardboard in the trash.[3]
    • Most cardboard containers that have traces of food, like takeout containers and coffee cups, should be thrown out or composted if they can’t be recycled.[4]
  3. 3
    Flatten cardboard boxes for easy pickup or transport. Break down cardboard boxes used for mail or packaged goods so they can be stored or transported flat. Carefully cut any tape holding flaps together with a boxcutter or scissors. Pull apart the flaps and press the box down to flatten it.
    • Curbside recycling or drop-off facilities usually require cardboard boxes to be broken down flat.[5]
  4. 4
    Check if your recycling service picks up cardboard from your home. Most services will pick up cardboard boxes for free. If you don’t have a pickup service, search the web for “recycling pickup” or “residential recycling” for local companies that serve your area.[6]
    • Some states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the District of Columbia have mandatory laws requiring residents to recycle. Those who throw away recycle materials like cardboard can be charged a fine.[7]
  5. 5
    Drop off cardboard at a local recycling facility. If you have a large amount of cardboard that won’t fit in your recycling bins at home, you can take the cardboard to a local facility. Search “drop off recycling cardboard” on the web to find a nearby location that will take your cardboard.
    • If you have a recycling service that picks up cardboard from your home, they usually provide recycling bins for you.[8]
    • Some facilities may have a cardboard baler onsite, which compresses cardboard into small compact bales. Your local recycling facility may have one onsite available for use, or it may be for employees only.[9]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Recycling Cardboard at Home

  1. 1
    Use cardboard for fun craft projects. Cardboard material and cardboard boxes can be used for a variety of craft projects. Making buildings or toys out of cardboard can entertain kids on a rainy day. Building a cardboard house, making a cardboard car, or even crafting your own cardboard armour can be great fun.[10]
  2. 2
    Reuse cardboard boxes when mailing items. If you need to mail gifts for birthdays and holidays, or send care packages to loved ones, reuse cardboard boxes for mailing. Reusing cardboard boxes instead of buying new ones from a shipping or postal service will save money and cut down on cardboard use.
    • Pick a sturdy box in good condition that can handle movement and possible damage during shipping.[11]
  3. 3
    Store donation items like clothes and kitchenware in cardboard boxes. Donating used clothing, shoes, or kitchenware is a great way to give to those in need and reuse cardboard boxes. Find a local donation center that will take your items. Pack your donation items in sturdy, clean boxes to give them away.[12]
    • In the U.S., organizations like Goodwill and Salvation Army take all kinds of household and personal items.[13]
  4. 4
    Use cardboard boxes as packing materials for moving. If you or someone you know is moving to a new home or office, reuse the cardboard boxes you have saved. You can reuse boxes rather than purchasing new cardboard boxes from a moving company.
    • Moving can be costly, and reusing cardboard boxes cuts down on one expense.[14]
    • If you have access to a cardboard shredder, you can use it to turn old cardboard into cushioning packing material.
  5. Advertisement

Things You’ll Need

  • Cardboard
  • Boxcutter or Scissors

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25 votes - 65%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 12, 2021
Views: 17,947
Categories: Recycling