Illegal construction can range from a company building without a permit to a construction site that is causing excessive debris in the area. You can also report illegal construction if the site appears unsafe for construction workers or it does not have a safety net or fence around it to protect those who live nearby. To notify the proper authorities, contact your local Building Inspection Department by phone. You can also file an official complaint online if the situation appears serious or is endangering others.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Calling Your Local Building Inspection Department

  1. 1
    Look up the phone number for your local Building Inspection Department online. Most Building Inspection Departments will have contact numbers that you can use to notify them of an illegal construction site. The number may be toll-free or carry local charges.[1]
    • For example, in New York City, you can dial “311” to connect to the Building Inspection Department in your area. Smaller cities or areas may have a local number you can connect to.
  2. 2
    Provide the street address and the contractor’s name. To make a detailed compliant, make sure you tell the representative where the site is located. You should also include the name of the contracting company by looking for any signage or postings with their logo around or on the construction site.[2]
    • For example, you may note the construction site is on “10th and Main Street” and the contractor is “Field Construction Company.”
  3. 3
    Describe the work being performed. Perhaps the work is scaffolding on a condominium or an office space. Or may be the work is a tear down of a home in a neighborhood. Explaining the type of work being done can add detail to your complaint.[3]
    • For example, you may note that the work is “scaffolding for a condominium that occupies 1 city block.”
  4. 4
    Discuss the illegal issue with the construction. Construction sites are considered illegal if they are built without a permit or without clear safety measures for workers and passerby. They can also be deemed illegal if they are constructed after hours or result in excess debris and materials on the streets or surrounding area. If you notice any of these issues with the construction you are reporting, note this as part of your complaint.[4]
    • For example, you may say, “The construction is being done after 10 pm at night and the workers are leaving debris on the sidewalks that could put people walking by in danger.”
  5. 5
    Include time and date you observed the issue. If possible, provide the exact date and time of day you noticed the issue. If the issue is ongoing, you may note when you started to become aware of the issue and how long it has been going on.[5]
    • For example, you may say, “I noticed the illegal construction on Friday, August 4th and it has continued until today, Monday, August 10th.”
  6. 6
    Leave the complaint anonymously to protect your privacy, if allowed. Most Building Inspection Departments will allow you to leave a complaint, or tip, by phone anonymously, as it is not considered an official complaint. In most cases, the department will keep any information you provide confidential and not give out your personal information if or when they follow through on the complaint.[6]
    • If you are worried about your identity being in the public record as part of the complaint, you can ask about leaving the complaint anonymously when you call the department.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Filing an Official Complaint Online

  1. 1
    Search for the official complaint form on your city council’s website. Most city council websites will have a complaint form that you can fill out and submit to notify them of illegal construction in the area. The form may be listed under a section marked “City-related complaints” or “Construction complaints.”[7]
    • Some city council websites will have separate forms for each type of issue, such as falling debris, construction without a permit, or construction after business hours. Choose the form that applies to your situation.
    • Once you find the form, fill it out online and submit it online through the website so it can be reviewed promptly.
  2. 2
    Provide basic personal information, if required. Some forms require you to list your full name and address, including your zip code or postal code. If you would prefer your complaint to be anonymous, you may need to call your local Building Inspection Department to leave an anonymous complaint.
  3. 3
    Include the violator’s address and a description of the issue. The description should include any details that appear illegal to you and any concerns you may have about the construction site or area. Try to leave a detailed description, as this can help local authorities get a sense of the issue with the construction.
    • For example, you may write, “The workers on the construction site are not wearing any safety gear and there is falling debris occurring on a daily basis due to the construction site. I am worried about the safety of the workers and those who live in the area.”
  4. 4
    Submit your complaint and follow up if you have not heard back within 1 week. Most local Building Inspection Departments will respond within 1 week to complaints filed online with the appropriate form, especially if it appears serious or could put others in danger. If you do not hear back within a week, call the department to follow up on your complaint.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Identifying Illegal Construction

  1. 1
    Look for a legitimate permit to build displayed on the premises. All constructions sites should have a panel that displays the details of the construction. If you cannot see one, you can also try asking workers at the site if they have a permit to build, especially if the site looks suspicious or possibly illegal. They should be able to provide a copy of the permit or have one on hand.[8]
    • Large commercial construction sites, such as office buildings or condominiums, should have a panel displayed with details about the build as well as a copy of a building permit from the Building Inspection Department.
    • A residential construction site should have a copy of the permit displayed and signage noting who the contractor for the site is. If these details are not clearly shown on the site, it may be operating without a permit.
  2. 2
    Confirm the legal building hours on your local government's website. In most areas, construction cannot occur after 8 pm in the evening or before 7-9 am in the mornings. The times may shift to earlier or later on weekends and public holidays. You can look up the hours allowed for construction in your area online to see if the construction site is illegal on this count.[9]
  3. 3
    Look for sites that lack safety guidelines for workers or passers-by. A construction site can also be deemed illegal if its workers are not wearing the proper protective equipment like hard hats, safety vests, steel toe boots, and safety harnesses, especially if they are doing scaffolding. The site should also have safety fencing around it to protect the area and people passing by.[10]
    • You should also check that the construction site has bright orange safety signs and markers, especially if it is next to a road or sidewalk.
  4. 4
    Notice if there is falling debris or other hazards due to the construction. The construction site may be operating illegally if debris and other objects are falling or being left on the sidewalk or road. It may also have equipment or materials that are falling off of the site, creating a hazard for workers and people surrounding the site.[11]
    • If you notice falling debris or materials, call and report the site right away to ensure no one gets hurt or is put in danger.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How long after the construction is over I can file the complaint about construction without permit?
    Upnorth Here
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Complaints about completed illegal activity may be filed at any time. The local rules will determine when there is no longer any official action to be taken. Owners of adjacent properties may have a much longer period in which to take their own civil actions, depending upon the violation.
  • Question
    Can I file a complaint after construction is done?
    Upnorth Here
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    You can file a complaint at any time. As a general rule, the longer you wait, the less that can be done officially.
  • Question
    I am residing in a municipal corporation residential area. Recently very close to my residence an automobile workshop is running without any permit or licence. Require to stop. How?
    Upnorth Here
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Your local attorney may research the law and permits for you and send a "cease and desist" order to the company, if the unlawful use is damaging your rights on your own property. You may also file an official complaint with the local regulatory agency that handles zoning or land use, if not also complaints of noise or other nuisances.

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Co-authors: 8
Updated: April 2, 2021
Views: 48,325
Categories: Legal Matters