Roof shingles serve the very important purpose of waterproofing your roof. Without them, there would be water dripping all over you and your belongings any time it rains! A good roof lasts a long time, but they do wear out eventually and need to be reshingled. This is a job you can hire a professional to do for you, or you may decide to tackle it yourself. We’ve put together answers to some of the questions you may have about reshingling a roof.

Question 1 of 7:

Can I reshingle my own roof?

  1. Yes, as long as you have some familiarity with roofing procedures. You should be familiar with roofing underlayments, different types of asphalt shingles, and flashing. If you don’t know what any of these things are, it’s probably best to hire a roofing contractor to reshingle your roof.[1]
    • Other types of shingles like wood shingles, shakes, and clay tile require special skills to install, so hire a roofer if you want to install any of these types of shingles.
    • Really steep roofs or roofs with architectural features like gables, dormers, chimneys, and pitch changes are much more complicated to reshingle, so they’re best left to a professional.
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Question 2 of 7:

When should I reshingle my roof?

  1. When it has visible damage and wear that can’t be easily repaired. Inspect your roof periodically or if it has a leak and look for things like cracked, curled, or cupped shingles. Check for worn-down mineral coatings, exposed nails, exposed underlayment, and holes. If you see extensive signs of wear and damage, it’s time for a new roof![2]
    • A well-shingled roof can last 20 years or more before you need to reshingle it.
    • If your roof has a leak but it looks like it’s in good shape, there might be a problem with the flashing, or the strips of metal that seal cracks where the shingles meet a flat surface like a chimney or a wall. Flashing can be replaced without reshingling the whole roof.
Question 3 of 7:

Should you remove old shingles before installing new shingles?

  1. 1
    It’s usually better to tear up the old shingles before installing new ones. Removing the old shingles lets you inspect the underlay and the roof deck for defects or water damage. You can then deal with any problems before you reshingle the roof.[3]
    • Tearing off the old shingles first also allows you to upgrade the flashing and underlayment if you want to.
  2. 2
    Sometimes you can lay new asphalt shingles on top of the existing layer. This is only allowed if there is only 1 existing layer of asphalt shingles. You may choose to do this to cut costs, as it is a faster and less labor-intensive method.[4]
    • Keep in mind that adding a new layer of shingles on top of your roof adds a lot of weight, which can put unnecessary strain on the roof during the winter if it also has to bear the weight of snow.
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Question 4 of 7:

How do you rip off shingles?

  1. Pry them up with a roofing shovel. A roofing shovel is a shovel-like tool that has a bunch of little grooves in it for prying up the nails that hold shingles in place. Slide the edge of the shovel under a layer of shingles and work the handle like a lever to rip them up. As you work, gather up the loose shingles and toss them off the roof into a construction dumpster.[5]
    • Never leave loose shingles lying around on the roof or you might slip on them and fall. If you can’t get them into a dumpster right away, stack them in neat piles to one side of the roof until you can dispose of them.
    • If you don’t have a roofing shovel, you can also use a pry bar to tear the old shingles off.
    • Tearing a whole roof full of shingles off is labor intensive and time consuming. If you choose to do it yourself, it goes much faster with 2-3 helpers!
Question 5 of 7:

What goes on a roof before the shingles?

  1. Typically, there are 2 layers of waterproof underlayments. The first layer is something called an ice and water shield, which is a membrane that protects vulnerable areas from ice and water damage. The second layer is usually a synthetic roofing underlayment that covers the entire roof deck and protects against leaks if water gets past the shingles.[6]
    • There are also felt roofing underlayments, but the synthetic variety are more common these days because they’re lighter, more durable, and even more water resistant.
    • Depending on what shape your roof’s underlayments are in, you may choose not to replace them when you install new shingles. However, if they are damaged or if you want to upgrade to more modern underlayment materials, you may choose to tear them off and replace them.
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Question 6 of 7:

How do you nail shingles on a roof?

  1. 1
    Begin by nailing a strip of starter shingles around the perimeter of the roof. First, lay starter shingles along the roof’s gables, securing them in place with 4 evenly spaced roofing nails per strip. Then, lay starter shingles along the eves of the roof, overlapping them with the gable starter shingles where they meet in the corners of the roof.[7]
    • Starter shingles are special narrow strips of shingle material designed to go under the first row of shingles. They have an adhesive strip along the back to provide added security at the edges of the roof during strong winds.
  2. 2
    Lay your first course of shingles flush against the eve starter strip. Place the first shingle in the corner and nail it in place with 4 evenly spaced roofing nails. Lay and nail shingles along the whole eve until the first row of shingles is complete.[8]
    • If you live in a high-wind zone, use 6 roofing nails per shingle instead of 4 for added security.
  3. 3
    Keep nailing shingles up the roof, overlapping each course with that below. Look for the white or pink center line on the bottom shingles and overlap the next row right up to that line. Continue nailing each shingle in place with 4 evenly spaced roofing nails. Work your way up the roof until you cover it completely in new shingles.[9]
    • Cut shingles and stagger them so each new course of shingles covers the seams between the course of shingles below it.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I need directions on how to start the first row of shingles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just flip your shingles around so the straight edge faces away from the peak (straight edge to the edge of your roof). Nail them like normal and then do your next row the same, with the three edges of the shingles lining up with the edge of your roof.
  • Question
    Do I remove old nails or pound old nails onto the roof?
    Top Answerer
    Either way works.
  • Question
    Some roof is against the building. Are no ridge caps needed?
    Top Answerer
    Ridge caps are for the peak of the roof. Flashing may be required in your case.

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Co-authors: 9
Updated: October 21, 2021
Views: 110,790
Categories: Roofs