Taking the bus is a great way to travel around the city without worrying about parking or traffic. If you’ve never ridden a public city bus before, it can be a little intimidating to go for the first time. Fortunately, riding the bus isn’t hard, and you can plan ahead to make your trip even easier.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Checking the Schedule and Buying a Ticket

  1. 1
    Check the bus routes online. Check online for your city’s bus routes to see where the nearest stops are on your route. Some city bus sites even have a route planner where you can enter your destination in. Take note of which bus you need to catch and if you’ll need to transfer buses at all along your route.[1]
    • The bus may not take you exactly where you need to go, so you might have to walk or bike some of the way.
    • Most buses are labeled by route and by number. For example, your bus might say, “the number 9 going downtown every 10 minutes.”
    • Standard buses will often make a few stops along the way, while express buses may go directly to your destination.
  2. 2
    Plan your route from point A to point B. Once you find a bus stop near your starting point, you can plan out how you’re going to get to your destination. Find the nearest bus stop to your destination, then see which routes connect to each stop. Usually, one bus route will run east to west while another bus route will run north to south, so if you have to move diagonally, you’ll have to transfer buses.[2]
    • A typical bus fare will cover your bus transfers within 1 hour of your initial ride.
    • If you need to, write down each bus you’ll have to take so you don’t forget.
  3. 3
    Check the bus schedule. Once you know your route, you can check the timing of each bus as it comes along. Most buses come every 10 to 30 minutes, but some may have longer wait times on weekends or during holidays. Take note of how often each bus comes as well as the first and last buses of the day in case you’re out late.[3]
    • Some bus websites have apps or text message alerts that notify you when your bus is coming.
    • If you miss the last bus, you probably won’t be able to catch a ride on one until morning.
  4. 4
    Purchase a ticket online, through an app, or on the bus. If you don’t want to worry about buying your ticket on the bus, you can see if your city’s bus website has an option to purchase tickets ahead of time. If you do, make sure you keep an electronic copy of the ticket on your phone to show to the driver. If you’re purchasing your ticket on the bus, bring exact change with you on the day you plan to ride.[4]
    • Some buses also have ticketing cards that you can load money onto.
    • If you have cash, make sure you have exact change, as most buses don’t have cash on hand to give any back to you.
    • A normal bus fare is usually between $1.25 and $3.00.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Boarding the Bus

  1. 1
    Get to your bus stop about 10 minutes early. Although buses generally stick to a schedule, there is a chance yours could come early. Try to get there a little before the bus is scheduled to come just in case.[5]
    • Your bus may also come a little bit late, so you should leave a little wiggle room in your schedule to account for that.
  2. 2
    Wave for the bus to stop as it approaches. If the bus is already slowing down, you don’t need to wave. However, some buses won’t stop if they don’t have anyone to let off, so you need to make it clear that you’re waiting. As you see your bus, give the driver a wave so they know you want to get on.[6]
    • If the bus drives by without stopping, it may be full, in which case you’ll have to wait for the next one.
  3. 3
    Check the sign on the bus to make sure it’s yours. As the bus gets closer, check the sign on the front of the bus to make sure it’s the right one. It may say the route number or the destination so you can double check.[7]
    • If you realize it isn’t your bus but you’ve already waved down the driver, just apologize and explain that you thought it was a different bus.
  4. 4
    Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop. As the bus pulls over to your stop, it will slow down, then come to a complete standstill. Then, the doors will open, which is your sign that you can get on. If any passengers are getting off, let them out first before you climb aboard.[8]
    • If you have a bike with you, load your bike on the front of the bus before boarding.
  5. 5
    Insert your ticket or your money as you enter the bus. As you climb onto the bus, make sure you have your ticket or your money ready to hand to the driver. If you have your ticket already, you just need to show it to the driver. If you’re paying in cash, insert your bills or your coins into the small box next to the driver to get a ticket.[9]
    • If you loaded up a card with money or your ticket, insert it into the designated scanner at the front of the bus.
  6. 6
    Head to a seat or standing position. Now you can head to the area of the bus with seats. If all the seats are full, stand in the middle of the aisle and grab onto a handrail so you don’t fall over when the bus starts moving.[10]
    • Some seats may be reserved for disabled, elderly, or pregnant people. You can still sit in them, but you should give them up if anyone who needs them gets on the bus.
    • Most buses don’t allow you to eat on board, so save your snack for after you get off the bus.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting off the Bus

  1. 1
    Watch for your stop as you ride. You probably have some idea how long you’ll need to be on the bus, but it’s always good to double check. Most buses have a screen at the front that displays the upcoming stop. Keep an eye out for yours so that you don’t miss your chance to get off.[11]
    • If you do miss your stop, that’s okay. You can just get off at the next one and walk back a few blocks.
    • Feel free to listen to headphones or read a book as you ride. Just make sure to look up every now and then to see where you are.
  2. 2
    Press the STOP button or pull the yellow cord 1 block before your stop. When your stop is the next one, reach up towards the ceiling and either press the red “STOP” button or pull on the yellow cord. This will signal to the driver that they need to pull over at the next bus stop so you can get off.[12]
    • If you can’t reach the button or the cord, you can ask another rider to pull it for you.
  3. 3
    Get off the bus using the rear door. Head towards the back of the bus and make your way down the stairs. Leave the front door open for the people getting on the bus so you don’t cause a traffic jam.[13]
    • If you attached a bike to the front of the bus, make sure you tell the driver that you need to grab your bike so they don’t drive away.
    • If you’d like to, you can call out a quick “Thank you!” to the driver as you exit.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Where do I put the bus fare once in the bus?
    Rejoice Akpan
    Rejoice Akpan
    Community Answer
    In most cases, there is a machine on the driver's door and if you have a valid bus pass you place it on the machine and there is also usually a receptacle for paying with cash or coin.
  • Question
    How do I support the elderly on and off the bus using the stairs?
    Rejoice Akpan
    Rejoice Akpan
    Community Answer
    If it's a double-decker bus, there is usually a spot for the elderly on the bus, so helping them on and off the bus is made easier. That way, they don't need to go all the way up the stairs.
  • Question
    When on the bus, do you have to talk to others?
    Community Answer
    No you do not, you can if you want to. However, if you do, it must be done quietly, as a courtesy to fellow passengers.


  • Try not to talk to the bus driver unless they’ve pulled the bus over. Otherwise, it can be a distraction.
  • Most buses don’t allow smoking or vaping on board, so save those for outside.

About This Article

Hannah Madden
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Hannah Madden is a writer, editor, and artist currently living in Portland, Oregon. In 2018, she graduated from Portland State University with a B.S. in Environmental Studies. Hannah enjoys writing articles about conservation, sustainability, and eco-friendly products. When she isn’t writing, you can find Hannah working on hand embroidery projects and listening to music. This article has been viewed 65,215 times.
10 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: July 1, 2021
Views: 65,215
Categories: Bus Travel