Melbourne's train system, operated by Metro Trains Melbourne, may not be the greatest and the best in the whole world, but it is unique, especially some of the stations such as the historic Flinders Street Station, and the huge Southern Cross station.


  1. 1
    Have a ticket ready or have money to buy a ticket. Melbourne's railway network uses myki. Read on to learn more about this
  2. 2
    Get to the station. Most railway stations in Melbourne have at least 1 bus route going to the station - some major ones will have bus interchanges. If you're taking the bus, your myki can be used on both and counted as a "2 hour trip" or "daily" (depending on your usage times). If you're taking the car, most stations in Melbourne have some sort of free commuter car park, But remember, most stations car park's will be full after around 8 am on a weekday.
  3. 3
    Once you are at the station, if you do not have a myki,you will need to buy one. You can buy myki passes at the station from the myki machine (all stations have a small machine which takes coins only, and all stations will have at least 1 large machine which takes notes, coins and EFTPOS), or if you are at a premium station, you can buy from the station attendant at the window.
  4. 4
    Once you have your ticket, You must "Touch on" as soon as you enter a bus, tram, train station, etc. All stations will have a validator. By law, you are required to have a valid ticket (myki) on board all public transport, and inside valid ticket areas (generally train platforms).If you do not, you could be checked by transport officers who check tickets at random and issue fines for non-compliance - these are $75 on the spot. Myki's can be validated using the green myki reader. Just follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. 5
    Once you have validated your ticket, wait at the platform in a calm, orderly manner. Some stations will have vending machines, and some popular stations will have a small kiosk which sells hot drinks and newspapers during peak hour.
  6. 6
    Most stations will have a PRIDE system. There will be a box with a green and a red button. Pressing the green button will provide the next train information. Press the red button only in an emergency - it will connect you with an operator.
  7. 7
    1 minute before the trains arrival, the stations PA system will announce the trains arrival.
  8. 8
    Wait for the train to arrive. For your own safety, stand behind the yellow line. When the train arrives and has fully stopped, open the door. Older trains have to be opened manually by hand. However, newer trains will have a button which when pushed, will open the doors automatically.
  9. 9
    Board the train in a calm, orderly manner. First it is polite to wait for any passengers to exit the train before entering. Watch the gap. If you have a pram or a wheelchair, you can stand in the front of the platform, which is marked with a yellow or white triangle. When the train arrives, the driver will place a ramp for you. If you ask the driver can assist you in getting off the train too.
  10. 10
    When the train announces the station you are getting off, collect all your belongings and go to the nearest door to disembark. If your are on the old trains, pull the doors open when you hear the tone. If you are on a new train, push the button flashing green when you hear the tone. Watch your step as you get off the train as they may be a gap between the platform and train. If you are on a wheelchair, the driver will come out of the drivers cab and pull out the ramp to help you off the train at the station.
  11. 11
    If you have a Myki touch off at the Myki reader before leaving the train station. Just hold your Myki card over the hand symbol on the green myki reader until you hear a beep. On the screen it will display the fare deducted and the closing balance and a green light. If you hear multiple beeps and see a red light, please try to touch off again. If it still doesn't work, call Myki on 13 6954 (13 Myki).
  12. Advertisement


  • Whilst on the train, if you are in an emergency, you can speak to the driver using the intercom, usually located near the door, or at the front of the carriage.
  • Whilst at the station, if you are in an emergency, you can speak to staff and activate emergency procedures by pressing the red button on the PRIDE box. These boxes are mounted on a blue panel sign. If you drop something onto the tracks, these boxes can also be used to alert the train staff.
  • One thing to remember is that people can get rowdy as you head further away from the city, especially on the Frankston, Pakenham, and Sunbury/Werribee lines. Travelling these lines alone late at night isn't really recommended, although with the introduction of Victoria Police's PSO railway station program started almost a decade ago, there are always officers around at stations which makes it safer. Still, with an abundance of parking available at night, and lack of traffic, driving is definitely recommended.
  • Sometimes your train line might be using the old Sliver (Hitachi) Trains. They may have no air conditioning, only heaters. So if it is a hot day, bring a bottle of water!
  • On hot days, particularly when the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, trains may be cancelled. You should allow time for delays in these conditions, and drink plenty of water. Service delays and cancellations also lead to more uncomfortable conditions due to crowding.
  • Traveling without a valid ticket is an offense, and you can be fined more than $150.
  • Authorized Officers, who may not necessarily be in uniform, have the right to see your ticket on request, ask you for your details if you do not have a ticket or you have committed an offense, and arrest you until the Police arrive should you fail to comply. They can also see your ticket after you have left the validated area. They must however, show you their badge, and on request, their ID card.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 22,207 times.
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Co-authors: 18
Updated: January 23, 2023
Views: 22,207
Categories: Travel