If you want to get some fresh air, exercise, and explore your city, running is a great way to do it. But what’s the best way to run safely in an urban environment? City living is never dull, so it’s essential to stay safe and alert. Read on for our complete list of tips that’ll help you get the most out of your city running routine!

This article is based on an interview with our personal trainer, Babis Kanellopoulos, owner of Pod Fitness. Check out the full interview here.


Plan out your route.

  1. Mapping beforehand allows you to chart a safe path through the city. Research the best places to run around your city, and note everything significant: busier areas, well-lit streets, parks with paths for runners, and other helpful information. Put together a route based on your research and preferences, whether you want to avoid high-traffic areas, find a scenic area, or cover a certain number of miles.[1]
    • You can get help with your route from local running clubs, running apps like Strava, Map My Run, and Runkeeper, or other runner friends in the same city.
    • Plan a route with safety in mind, too. Pick a familiar area so you can easily adjust your course if you need to.[2]
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Run in between busy hours.

  1. Going for runs during rush hour can be frustrating and risky. When there are more drivers on the road, you’ll spend more time waiting on (and dodging) traffic. Schedule your runs around rush hours; these can vary by city, but typically that means running in the early morning or after 9 AM.[3] Then, in the afternoon, try running before 4 PM or after 7 PM.
    • It’s also safer to run in broad daylight if possible. If your schedule will only let you run in the early morning or after dark, stick to well-lit streets and busier areas where there’s always foot traffic.[4]

Use cushioned sneakers.

  1. Protect your feet from all the hard pavement you’ll be running on. Wear running shoes that have padded soles and good ankle support so that you’ll have no problem covering different types of terrain. Your route through the city might have uneven pavement, curbs, sewer grates, and potholes along the way; make sure your shoes can withstand any sudden changes or obstacles.[5]
    • Buy shoes that fit your feet. If they’re too loose, you may be tempted to tie your laces tighter around your ankles, which can cause soreness.
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Bring an ID and other essentials.


Wear high-visibility clothing.

  1. Bright, reflective gear ensures that drivers can see you clearly. Put on shirts and bottoms with vivid colors easily noticeable for drivers, even in low light. You may prefer dark colors, but they’re hard to spot at night. If you plan to run in the dark regularly, consider investing in running reflectors; when a car’s headlights shine on them, drivers can clearly see the glare.
    • Wearing a shirt is also a good idea if you need to use the bathroom or buy a snack at a convenience store; they may have a dress code.
    • If you’re a night runner, consider wearing a headlamp, which can guide you safely in the dark and stand out to oncoming drivers.
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Run against the traffic.


Stay alert.

  1. Keep your eyes up, swivel your head, and double-check street crossings. No matter how well you know the route, don’t look down; keep your eyes wide open and looking ahead of you. Swivel your head to look around periodically to be aware of your surroundings. And, of course, look in all directions before you cross the street to avoid potential collisions.[8]
    • Most people on the sidewalk won’t move for you. Be ready to work around pedestrians, rather than counting on them to change course.
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Use your time wisely at stoplights.

  1. Jog in place to keep your heart racing, or pause and take a drink. There’s no hard-and-fast rule for stoplights, but generally, it’s good to either use them to refresh yourself or keep moving to avoid losing momentum. If you tend to forget to drink water when you’re in the zone running, use stoplights as an opportunity to take a gulp. Otherwise, try jogging in place or run back up the street a short way.[9]
    • Alternatively, if your route allows it, you could simply cross the street the other way where the light is green. Regardless, aim for constant movement even when faced with stoplights.

Expect runs to take a little longer.

  1. Cities aren’t the best place to set new personal records. With all the traffic, crossings, pedestrians, and shops along the way, understand that running in cities generally takes a little longer than on country roads. Plan accordingly and leave early if you have somewhere to be afterward. Find a quieter spot if you want to set a new personal best.
    • Make sure you tell someone where you’re going to be and how long you’ll be gone—especially if you’re going for a longer run. A friend or family member should know where you are always!

About This Article

Babis Kanellopoulos
Written by:
Personal Trainer
This article was written by Babis Kanellopoulos and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Babis Kanellopoulos is a Personal Trainer and the Owner of Pod Fitness in London, UK. Babis specializes in helping clients use fitness to overcome difficulties and gain self-confidence. He has experience in kickboxing, long distance running, and martial arts. Pod Fitness sessions combine the focus of personal training with the benefits of small group, personalized, and structured training. This article has been viewed 2,001 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: May 28, 2022
Views: 2,001
Categories: Running
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