Chokos, also called chayote, vegetable pear, or mango squash, are plants that are in the gourd family, much like melons, squash, and cucumber. It’s very similar to the summer squash, and is grown in Central America. Chokos have a variety of colors, flavors, and cooking styles. With a quick guideline, however, you can pick the right choko, and use it in your next meal.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Selecting Chokos

  1. 1
    Choose a firm choko. Find one that’s not too soft, about the texture of a pepper. Try to avoid those overly wrinkled as well. You should also avoid substantial bruising or blemishes.[2]
  2. 2
    Select chokos of singular color. Light green is preferred. While chokos can range from a darker green to white, you want to be sure to select one that is not multi-colored.[3] The multi-coloring is a sign of aging, and a white typically means it’s overly ripe.[4]
    • In some countries, the large, white chokos are simply used to replant or to feed animals.
  3. 3
    Select smaller fruit. The fruit should be small, roughly 6cm long, and without any bruising or indentation. This size indicates a younger fruit. [5] The larger chokos are less flavorful, and somewhat unappetizing.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Chokos

  1. 1
    Refrigerate unused chokos. Use plastic bags to keep them stored in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator. Chokos will last anywhere from 10 days to a few weeks.[6]
  2. 2
    Peel large chokos. Larger chokos are typically older, and they should be peeled before cooking. The peel is often sticky, so gloves are a good idea. Or running water can be used while peeling to minimize the feel of it.[7]
    • Small chokos, about the size of an egg, can be eaten raw. They can also be tossed straight into salads, stews, and soups.
  3. 3
    Cut and deseed the choko. The fruit itself is rarely served whole. Some dishes call for halving, quartering, or dicing. Once it’s been peeled, cut it as required for the recipe. The seeds should be removed unless you want a slightly nutty flavor.
  4. 4
    Add it to stews. Peel and dice the chokos to a size they can be added to stews. Once the stew is mature, add in the choko chunks. By putting in the chokos late, you’ll keep some of the firmness and the flavor of the stew will be absorbed.[8]
  5. 5
    Create a stand-alone side dish. Chokos are delightful when minimally prepared. Peel, halve, and steam your chokos until tender. Once they are the right firmness, add some lemon or lime juice, and finish with some butter or olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. [9]
  6. 6
    Fill in your pies. Chokos often take on surrounding flavors. Peel and deseed the choko, then slice it as you would an apple. Try using a few chokos in your next apple pie for a cheaper option than apples and a hint of nutty flavor.[10]
  7. 7
    Deep fry choko. You can fry thin slices of choko dipped in batter or beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Dip them into hot oil and fry until golden brown, like a fries or onion rings.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Choko Recipes

  1. 1
    Cook Mock Pears. Chokos are so ubiquitous in Australia they are substituted for pears in some cases. Try this tasty recipe to replace the pear with something that grows a little faster and lasts a little longer.[11]
    • Peel, deseed, and quarter a choko.
    • Place the chokos in a pan filled with enough water to cover the tops of the chunks.
    • Sprinkle in three tablespoons of sugar for sweetness.
    • Squeeze half a lemon to bring in some acidity. If you like lemon flavor, squeeze the entire lemon or add some zest.
    • Add in a few drops of pink or red food coloring for show.
    • Slow-boil the chokos until they are tender, like the consistency of a pear. Serve it with custard.
  2. 2
    Make a chutney. Add some fruit and vegetables to a bit of seasoning and you can make a great accompaniment to your favorite dishes. It can be used as a dip or a spread for breads as well. Use the following breakdown to create this delicious side.
    • Peel and dice 2 chokos, 1 apple, and 1 onion.
    • Dice 2 tomatoes and 1 chili pepper.
    • Add 1 cup of sugar, 1 tsp. of salt, and 1¼ cups of vinegar.
    • Mix everything in a saucepan and cook it on low.
    • When the sugar dissolves, bring it to boil, then simmer for 1-2 hours, until it has thickened.
  3. 3
    Stir-fry your choko. Choko stir fry is very popular in Vietnam. The choko soaks in the various flavors, keeps a nice, firm texture, and if the seeds are kept, adds that great nutty flavor. Try the following recipe for a savory meal.[12]
    • Mix ½ Tbsp. sugar, ½ tsp pepper, and 1 Tbsp. fish sauce to marinate your favorite cut of beef (finely sliced) for ten minutes.
    • Heat 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil and fry 1 Tbsp. of finely minced garlic. Then add the beef, sauté for 1 minute, and set aside.
    • Add 1 Tbsp. fish sauce, 2 chokos (peeled & sliced into batons), 1 Tbsp. of water, and ½ Tbsp. sugar.
    • Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
    • Add spring onions and the beef, then stir and serve.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What are the benefits of chokos?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Chokos reduce hunger.
  • Question
    How can I keep cooked chokos?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can keep cooked chokos in the fridge for a few days in a sealed container covered with the lightly-salted water they were cooked in.
  • Question
    How can I grow or propagate them?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Find one that is starting to sprout out the bottom end, and half bury it on its side in the garden if you are frost-free. If you have frosts, then start it in a pot somewhere warm and plant it out in spring. Be warned, the vine will smother nearby trees and buildings if you let it.

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Updated: February 20, 2022
Views: 71,978